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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. Mick I once went for a job with "Everest" and the biggest part of my wage would have been on commission. As desperate as I was for work I told them where to get off.
  2. If we don't drink(or smoke) where is the government going to get it's taxes from?
  3. You'll never have any money while you have a hole in your arse. My dad when I was always skint.
  4. There was another "Flaming Sword" public house. It was on 33 Pierrepont Street.
  5. Landlady's name in1916 Mrs Mary Alcock address 16 Colwick Street and was a "beer house"
  6. Another point is that I find the "strong" lagers & ciders foul anyway & I think their quality is suspect.
  7. Government to put a minimum price of 45p a unit on alcohol what do folk think? It will make little or no difference to me as even the stuff I buy from the supermarket is more than that in the first place.
  8. Went down the plot this morning it was a little bit soggy.
  9. I have a notice on my letter box and two on my front room window(front door opens onto street) if people are still stupid enough to try it on then they get all they "ask for"
  10. I planted my apple tree in the allotment six years ago and I have had not one apple.
  11. Tried the 1931 census? I don't think there was a census for 1941 due to the war You could try here! http://kellysdirectories.com/
  12. What do you call a Mormon with only one "m"?
  13. Did the apple tree last week and I told it. "no apples next year & it will be bonfire time".
  14. Two J.Ws tried to................................... ? me on the street on Saturday I just carried on as though they wasn't there.
  15. All I do is open the door point to the notice on my lounge window and close the door without saying any thing "IF" they are stupid enough to knock again I shout rude words at them I nearly came to blows with one idiot(that being a nice name for him)but his "friends" dragged him away. P.S. I'm no usually that polite to J.Ws.
  16. Giving this a BLAST at moment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIXCuGEWZgE
  17. Here's a song all about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91OIaPRrDts
  18. I think the links bellow best answers your question. http://search.ancest...71&o_sch=Search http://kellysdirectories.com/
  19. Tomorrow marks Jimi Hendrix's 70th birthday. It is hard to realise he has been dead for 42 years. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimi_Hendrix Happy Birthday Jimi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2bYJQFQMs8
  20. In 1928 the landlord of The Three Crowns, Bulwell (192 Main Street)was a William Mellors
  21. You're all Radio Rental :) :)