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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. A couple of strong beers to night pleasure YES ...............................guilty not b****y likely.
  2. My wife has just offered to take me there(& leave me ) it now sounds like a worth while trip.
  3. Way over the top a bucket of very cold water would have done the trick.
  4. We have enough idiots in this country without watching American idiots. ;)
  5. They only show the above programmes because people watch them.
  6. I have a similar map in my collection dated 1914 & can find no sign of a windmill, I don't think my earlier maps go that far out of town I'll have to check
  7. You're lucky some years ago you would have got in for free & would not have come out again for a long time if ever. Please take it for what it was in reality a prison for the poor.
  8. There is something similar eaten with honey & cinnamon in Crete also eaten at breakfast time.
  9. My calendar for this year has similar pictures.
  10. My guilty pleasure is I get one pack of bacon & a piece of black pudding each month. Yes and it's bacon & black pudding sandwiches next week.
  11. When I ever go to Lincoln(2 or 3 times a year ) I always head towards the cathedral area. There are plenty of s/h bookshops & antique shops for me to look round. + guess what a nice pub or two.
  12. I had a bout of "Tropical Frostbite" earlier this year;)
  13. Went to find out when exactly The Organ grinder was opening (Friday 12 noon)for the first time. And was invited in by the new landlord. He showed me round the revamped pub.(very nice too) I even got a small "sample"
  14. The Organ Grinder Loughborough will be opening on Friday at 12 noon. Was given a guided tour this morning by the landlord. Inside of pub very tastefully done & well worth a visit.
  15. I have the following book "The workhouse" By Norman Longmate.Which covers the development of the workhouse from the earliest days. If you go to Amazon books and type in workhouse there are more books on the subject.
  16. If I want to find a forum on anything I just type in ********* forum. I found this forum this way & found 3 other forums I am a member of. It all boils down to how you word your search
  17. Just type in Nottingham Forums. Our forum is at the top of the page that is how I found it. Just realised this is my 500th post
  18. If you Google Nottingham Railways or Aspley you get a better result.
  19. I was out of interest looking who was on line/logged in (6.30 - 6.45) & noticed the following were listed Google,Facebook,Yahoo & Bing. Are these sites spying on us
  20. The Organ Grinder in Loughborough is now due to open it's doors for the first time on Friday 31st August. I think at lunch time people will have to check on the blue monkey web site. http://www.bluemonkeybrewery.com/