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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. When the Great Central Railway was being built in the late 1890s the tunnel to Weekday Cross passed near to The Cross Keys and rumour has it that the navvies dug into the cellar and "helped" themselves.
  2. Have the house martins got electric light in their nest?
  3. There was a "Sawyers Arms" on Lister Gate from at least 1860 when the landlords name was John Bickley. I think the "sawyers Arms in the photographs was built in the 1930s. I have a map dated 1880when it was a much smaller place.
  4. If you go to this site & type in Radford or Ilkeston Road you will find what you want(some great pics, late 1940-1960s) http://www.pictureth...uk/frontend.php
  5. Nobody has took any overheads of Nottingham's tram system yet.
  6. I saw Deep Purple in 1970 & yes they were loud the only band I saw in those days that were louder was Black Sabbath.
  7. Not much chance of that the more likely solution would be to covert the present train sets to electric traction or build new. As most of the older HST sets will be pushing 40 years old by the time the work is finished I think they will be scrapped.
  8. Nowt to do with gym shoes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterline
  9. Sorry to be boring but yes I have a map(s) covering this area dated 1954 Scale 50" to the mile. O.S. SK 5541 NW Sorry as I have said before I don't have or can afford a scanner.
  10. Whats brown & comes steaming out of cows? a) The Isle of Wight ferry.
  11. Never grow carrots or parsnips on manure it makes the ground too rich and the crop will grow deformed. The carrots will be at best forked & the parsnips will look like a tennis ball with roots I try to grow my carrots/parsnips on ground that has not been manured for at least two years. Also try and get your soil stone free "if" you can. But if you are growing swede or turnips then manure the ground.
  12. Ah! Shipstones? Liquid Pickfords!........................... Shift anything
  13. Jon Lord ex Deep Purple keyboard player has died. R.I.P. Jon. http://www.bbc.co.uk...t-arts-18864409
  14. It's only 500 million for the Midland Mainline But services to Derby,Sheffield,Leeds and beyond will also be quicker.
  15. So the "Midland Main Line" is to be electrified and about time too It should have been done 30 years ago........................or longer?
  16. As I have mentioned before my map collection of Nottingham is quite extencive. I have maps of that area from 3 differant periods(1880, 1915, 1952,) in 3 differant scales of the Meadow Lane area. The 1880 map was surveyed just after the Lady Bay bridge was opened. I have another 1880 map of the Meadow Lane/ Trent Lane area.(before the Nottingham Suburban & L.N.W.R. goods) The 1915 & 1952 maps have all the railways/bridges in situ. I'm sorry but I don't have can't afford a scanner at the moment...........................But I'm willing to get photo copies .(1880 maps would be £3.50i
  17. I was born at Highbury Vale hospital! There was also Peel Street
  18. What about peoples first colour television? dad got ours in 1974 it cost over £350. First thing I watched was Ireland v Wales rugby match. I got my own first colour set in 1978. I bought my second colour set in 1995 witch I stiil have.
  19. Heard a good discription of our soil on the allotments "porridge" Tried to dig up some potatoes yeaterday even a foot down the soil is saturated, if our ground wasn't well drained we would be under water. Potatoes very poor even for this time of the year.
  20. I have about 20 doubles of the 50" series & about half a dozen 25" series as doubles. My collection of 50" maps is now approaching 300.
  21. No that was a bit further down the avenue & the college was behind the school playing fields (Bubblewrap went to those two schools 1954-1960)
  22. When I was living in Gedling in the 60s there was a section of Mapperley Hospital on Digby Avenue, it was right behind Wesrdale Lane infans & junior schools.