Craig Strongman

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Everything posted by Craig Strongman

  1. Certainly do! G and S 's restaurant was called The Four Seasons. Dunno why, but most of the parties I went to were either in Sherwood or Arnold. Funny isnt it, if anyone was meeting someone in town, it was always either outside Lyons, or near the lions in the Market Square!
  2. I had a ruby at the old Curry n Grill ( The Balti House) last week, superb! Despite the fact I had to get Sam to bring me 6 fresh green chillis to warm it up a bit!
  3. Stu, you missed a cracker last Saturday night, it was at The Polish Club on Sherwood Rise, a total sell out, and a full floor all night, best gig ive done in ages. The next one there is in March next year, ill post the organisers number a bit later on. A bit earlier, theres the new soul night starting, with a "taster" on Sat 27th of December at the Westgate Suites, Long Eaton....any good to you?
  4. Absolutely right Rob, but I was referring to the top part of the message, about seeing famous people on stage.
  5. Erm...correct me if im wrong, but surely this topic is about more or less "accidental" meetings of famous folk, not seeing them on stage!
  6. Catchems Corner in Basford was actually The Station Hotel, but because of its close proximity to (now im not sure if its the railway station that was, or the tram stop, again that was, years ago) There was also The White House, cos of its external paint colour,actually The Lord Nelson in Sneinton, and The Kids, The Royal Children.
  7. Went by it a day ago, the for sale sign is no longer there, and didnt look quite so forlorn....hope the latter bit wasnt just my imagination......
  8. For me The Old Volunteer in Caythorpe is missed, a while back the brewery decided to turn it into a restaurant, whilst the then landlady/landlord went round the corner to run another pub, but as of yet there seems to be no one responding to the "run this pub" sign (or whatever it says) So it just sits there, refurbished bit closed. Along the road towards Hoveringham, you will also find the Marquis Of Granby has closed, and is now a "private dining" and b & b place. Thank goodness for the traditional Black Horse in Caythorpe, 4 real ales, and 2 of them locale, and actually brewed on the p
  9. It has come as a bit of a surprise that the powers that be at the co op will be closing The Royal Regency Suites on January 24. I have heard that they are just going to use the space for storage, but that is only 2nd hand info. So, New Years Eve will be the final Soul night there, but we change location, and head for The Westgate Suites, Westgate Long Eaton, as ever the last Friday in the month, 8.30 to 1.30. Expect the usual choice of musical genres, Motown, Northern, Disco, Funk etc
  10. Ashley, it was Casey Court where the other Hollands lived. I was at Northgate with Keith Holland, and remember feeling sick having had to hold his hand in some PE thing, cos it stunk of 2nd hand chocolate! I dont recall the other Butlers though.....? I recall Pete saying about how he had to slip the clutch up till about 25mph, but what a fab sounding engine, and the smell of Castrol R!!!! PS, was in Matlock the other day and there was a Triton parked up.
  11. Nope, went and thoroughly enjoyed it, the first room they put us in was a bit crap, so I called reception, and they moved us down to a poolside room, except when we were sitiing there one afternoon, french doors wide open, the security guy came round to advise how it wasnt a good idea. It was back when there were lots of robberies in Orlando at the time. As for the airline, I believe it was a charter flight, Monarch or similar.
  12. Well if it has been bought by a micro brewery or similar, brilliant!
  13. I reckon the best looking bike of the 60's has to be the BSA Goldstar, after its been treated to clip on bars, fibre glass racing tank and matching seat. Fabulous machine! I preferred the 350 to the 500 mainly because it seemed to have a far more distinct sound, obviously down to it being a single pot engine. I wasnt old enough to have one when they were popular in the 60's but 2 mates had one of each engine size, Pete Butler who lived at the decorating and hardware shop on the corner of Northgate and Mount st, and Paul Holland, who lived up a terrace off Egypt rd, (im sure Asley remembers o
  14. Wouldnt call it a con exactly, nontheless, its very annoying! I once got roped into having a demonstration of some kind of vacuum cleaner, to find that it only cost over a grand!!! Mind you, when I got one of those " you have won a major prize" calls, I asked them if it meant I had to go to what was basically a "time share" demonstartion. No was the answer....... so let me see.......all I have to do is pick up my free tickets for a holiday in Orlando? yes was the reply.........I repeated my query whether it was time share a number of times.......NO was the answer. OK, so off I go to a pr
  15. Certainly do, yellow with the word Direction in black, in a sort of arrow shape (direction pointer)
  16. Interesting point about Motown not being soul music, whenever a night is advertised, it usually says "soul and Motown" Maybe those that say it isnt soul are strictly correct, having said that, just listen to the words on songs like "Tracks of my tears" , or "What becomes of the broken hearted" and say that they arent soul tracks. Yes, they are different to what was around on Stax and Atlantic etc, but, the latter were usually synonimous with Memphis, Chess with Chicago, and Motown with Detroit, I suppose a little like the difference between Londons Dave Clark 5, Manchesters Hollies, and Live
  17. If you delve a little deeper than the "pop" on Motown, Baby Love, Onion Song, My Guy etc, you will indeed find some real soul.
  18. Here are the pieces of a broken heart..............Gladys Knight & The Pips.
  19. No, just trying to get up to date with my tax affairs, so dont spend as much time here as before, although I have benn posting elsewhere on here.....
  20. Hmmm, looking at the rest of the properties he owns, I honestly dont think a lack of finance is his problem.
  21. Talking of PPL, when I occasionally did the overnight show on Trent, ( a little night music) we had to play a fair number of "Non PPL" tracks, so as to keep needle time down, (the amount of time we were allocated to play "normal" music, as opposed to "NNT" non needle time tracks, which were usually really crap bits of music, not even covers, but usually instrumentals that we had never heard of, which, if my memory serves me well, any instrumental even by a known band, could be played, as it counted as an NNT track......Hmmm....that last bit might be wrong, the days of worrying about needle tim
  22. Certainly do remember JB;s, I drooled over the Hofner fiddle bass ( ala McCartney) they had in the window at £52 guineas! But I dont recall them selling records.........?
  23. Havent read this thread until now, but to set the record straight, it was Zaks son Michael Isaac, who had the club named after him, plus of course Zak is actually a shortened form of Isaac, dads real name. The club opposite the Midland Station was Zaks, in both name and ownership, Kurt at this time had a pizza take away in Long Eaton. I was at Tesco in Toton a couple of months back, and who did I bump into....? Zak himself, who is now living in California. I remember a bar girl when I dj'd at The Babel,, she was serving a guy with a whisky, he asked for a little water to be added, and
  24. Erm.......and the connection to record shops in Nottingham is................?