Jill Sparrow

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Everything posted by Jill Sparrow

  1. The same conclusion reached by Socrates...I know nothing except I know not. This statement is regarded as the beginning of wisdom. Perhaps if he had worn a liberty bodice, he wouldn't have had cold feet!
  2. Are you wearing it for the Berridge visit?
  3. Don't mention it, Phil. I'm not a weirdo either. I'm neither simple...I'm a former member of MENSA...nor am I gullible. However, I've seen, heard and experienced things all through my life which other people find unacceptable...purely because they haven't experienced them. I agree that there is almost certainly a rational, logical explanation for such occurrences and when they happen to me, I'm the first to seek it out. However, we aren't as knowledgeable as we'd like to think, are we?
  4. If Philmayfield has seen one, they must exist. I have never understood why UFOs are lumped together with ghosts...which is a term I don't like, by the way...but people always seem to think there's a connection.
  5. What you are describing, SG, is not uncommon. I've heard my parents' voices speaking to me and also felt their presences very strongly at times when I wasn't even thinking about them.. Personally, I do not believe in death but that is only my view, based on my own experiences. However, death does not frighten me either. As someone once told me, the living are far more dangerous than the dead!
  6. Yes, but you'd say it was complete waffle wouldn't you?
  7. Some years ago, I used to take a friend for physio sessions at the hospital. He had disc damage and used to suffer what he termed electric backache! I'd sit in reception and was stupefied at the way patients walked in to their physio appointments but crawled out again, including my friend! He could hardly walk, let alone drive. The physio was a very meaty female and goodness only knows what she did to her patients. An hour or so after treatment, my friend's back was much better but, unfortunately, the improvement was short lived.
  8. A few years ago, I had the builders in here. They were doing a new fireplace for a multi fuel stove in the sitting room. I'd stuffed all the furniture in the dining room and shut the door to keep the cats out. There was a lot of noise while the builder removed brick courses to accommodate the stone lintel. At one point, I needed to get something from the dining room. As I opened the door, I saw a tabby cat run past me. Knowing I'd have difficulty getting the cat out of the room, I chased it. The cat disappeared under a little Victorian table but when I lifted the table, there was n
  9. I think it's a sense we all have, compo. Both my grandmothers were very receptive, as was my mum. They knew things without being told and sometimes saw things. The first odd occurrence in the Brinsley house happened one evening after I'd had a bath. I walked downstairs and into the front sitting room. Snuggled in my warm bathrobe, I was in a soporific state of mind and not really thinking about anything. I felt a cat brush round my legs and instinctively bent down to stroke it. Although I didn't see it with my physical eyes, I knew it was a black cat and it was holding its tail alo
  10. I lived in a house at Brinsley for almost 14 years. It was built around 1914 and had been altered internally some years before I bought it. I was teaching in those days and, often, in the evenings when I was in the front sitting room marking books, I would hear footsteps crossing the room above...my bedroom. At first, I'd creep quietly up the stairs and put my head round the door but there was never anyone there. As soon as I returned to my work, the footsteps resumed! Other sounds would occur but I just came to ignore them. When I first moved in, pools of water would
  11. Well, there are several to be going on with...don't say I never give you anything!
  12. Of course there is, Carni. I'd be holping for a huge, squashy cream cake for tea!
  13. Why am I not surpri'sed! Alway's losing there key's, student's.
  14. Sorry, letsavagoo, I don't recall either of those prints being displayed at Berridge, nor any other pictures. The only picture I recall seeing was the one presented to Miss E A Smith, the infants' Headmistress on her retirement and I can't recall what it was.
  15. When last I was in Mansfield, I heard very little recognisable English. Mainly Eastern European languages.
  16. Alas, most people in this country have been seduced by Americanisms. I try to maintain my vigilance against it. I would rather resort to the middle English of Chaucer than follow their lead.
  17. Austen Avenue, CT. Spoke to a friend who was at Manning from 1954 to 58. She confirms that both quads were open to the elements during her time. My guess is that they were glassed in during the mid 60s. During the mid to late 70s, due to absorption of Brincliffe Girls and comprehensive status, the quads were filled in completely to provide additional classroom space.
  18. This is not an Americanism, nonna. It can be found in the writings of John Milton and his contemporaries and is an example of how the English language has changed over time.
  19. 1957. Taken on the terrace outside the games and gym changing rooms and looking towards the rear entrance to Manning. The single storey building whose gable end can be seen behind the girls had been replaced with a two storey sixth form science block by the time I arrived. Names of the girls were: Ann Atkinson, Christine Wood, Eileen Blezard, Judith Atkins, Ann Clay and Daphne Bowler. I'm acquainted with several people who were at Manning at this time but none is on this photo.
  20. So much for elitist grammar schools! Many who went there may not have enjoyed the experience but it made a world of difference to their future.
  21. This is taken in the upper quad, looking down towards the dining room and science labs which ran along the facing side. In my day, the quad housed two wooden huts...home to the sixth form. The photographer was standing outside room 11. On his right were a cloakroom, toilets, washroom, room 13, music room and music practise room.
  22. Oh, I know why she did it, nonna. She was my maternal grandmother's cousin and they were very close. Emily didn't want me...or my mum...to find out that grandma had 2 children out of wedlock as a result of her affair with my grandfather's elder brother. She possibly didn't realise that copy birth certificates can be obtained! She was only trying to protect my mother so I suppose her motives were commendable. There was still no need to destroy the photos.