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Everything posted by mary1947

  1. HI Katyjay I have not heard of this but if you look at the colour charts for hair colour you will see different spellings WELLA is a German make, L'O'REAL French, Clairol is American, I sure this is right but feel free to tell me if it's not.
  2. Just want to get this off my chest I had two very nice friends both of cause were married these two grew up together and went to the same school also when one of the had a business the other went to work for him. Master and I joined a club and we met our friends via playing snooker. I cut and styled one of my friends hair for a number of years, he started his own business up but it never took off, so owing some money to !!!!!! he sold up and brought a bar in Spain we went over a few times to visit him but as we got older we wanted to see more of the world. Looking on Facebook one day t
  3. Welcome ir50suew My fathers family were from the meadows they lived in Headon Ter bottom of Wilford Road also a ter just around from Headon ter although can't recall the name of it. Was there a Newcastle Street? this was also where my other uncle and aunt lived, It's such a long time ago now but keep posting love to hear stories of the Meadows. Oh ! by the way my dad went to Bosworth Street school.
  4. When colouring hair the colour chats state Blonde or Blond 1st one is the way we spell it 2nd is the way American's spell it.
  5. On the market place was a hairdresser's which has been there years can't recall the name, also Barry Austin's. Classic ladies/men's shop.
  6. Not sure where the photo of this bus was taken but it could be King street, looking at the top of the photo could that be the Gomount (not sure of spelling) or looking at the clock right is that where Wagon and Horses used to be?
  7. Is this Topic for what Nottingham is famous for or is it People ? Nottingham Boots who cares Boots care Hopewells Lymn's funeral directors Players Jager and many more
  8. Thanks for putting me straight never could believe what my dad used to tell me.
  9. Living up St Ann's my grandad and father each had a allotment within St Ann's, they both grew roses to be put on show at the Gladstone Lib on St Ann's Well Road. Was it a Nottingham man who invented the "Cats Eyes" the run down the middle of our roads.
  10. I also have had back problems and been for a scan the pain clinic GP ask if I wanted to try Acupuncture I had got to the state that I would try anything, must admit did not have much faith in having needles stuck into me my own GP did the Acupuncture and I was amazed hardly felt a thing and it worked but you do have to have quite a few sessions. Of cause the last resort if you can't get your back sorted out is "Super vet" he his amazing, he mends nearly all the dogs that attend his practice, he should have been a professor for us humans, I'm sure he could cure all our bad back
  11. Hi Katyjay yes its the same with "Perthers" they cure one hip only for it to go into the other Hip my son was lucky he only had it one side, Maggie we were told by the doctors that if left it could cause a TB hip thanks for putting it straight, we were also told that there is no cure for "Perthers" so all they do is rest the ball of the hip traction/opp and it repairs its self, my son is now in his 49th year and thanks to our new doctor at the time who sent us to the hospital, the "Perthers" was caught in time, all though my son was still in hospital for 2/3 years.
  12. No credit at J D Wetherspoons
  13. What would we do for a cup of tea?
  14. I WISH. Not being able to sleep is just one of the symptoms of "Parkinson's" so I sleep when I'm tired and when I can't sleep I go on Nottstalgia that's why sometimes my post are "gobble d" and don't make sense. I apologize to all member's if they can't understand my post's, but I'm still here.
  15. Just got out of bed in my normal sleepy way. Morning member's first thing's first what notes have been put on N/N site Oh! dear am I sad or not,
  16. Hi Brew just redone my quote as missed out some word's if you go back along the thread member's are saying Welcome to a new member.
  17. Welcome Nottinghamlass 19 IAN 123 at the bottom of lass page it says Arnold I think this is where Nottinghamlass 19 teachers, Nottinghamless 19 I think IAN123 and caftan are winding you up. this is normal a very big welcome
  18. Hi Katyjay no he did not have irritable hip, he had a disease called "Perthes" disease it is were the hip ball keeps breaking up, mostly boys from the age of 5 to the age of 8 get it not many girls get it, if left untreated it can cause TB hip, my son was in traction for 12 weeks at children's , they told us that he was ok, but if he limped again to bring him back. (when we played leap fog one day he fell and we did not think any more about it) this was the start. After being home from children's after a week he stated limping again, back we went only to get a telling off, we should not have
  19. On the second photo I think the chap standing with the nurse's is Dr Cochran, Taking about the Children's Hospital my youngest son had been diagnosed with a hip disease and been admitted to Children's myself and my other son were going to visit him, not long driving after passing my test the traffic lights changed and another car hit me, they took my son to the hospital (children's) and decide to keep him in for the night, so both son's were in the children's at the same time, the nurse's thought it would be nice for them to be together so they were both on the same ward and bed's next to
  20. Was no 1 pit just before the bypass going into Hucknall? there is now a house built on the site it looks like it could have come from deep American South, I remember it been built, at the time I thought that it was in the wrong place, it seems to fit in very well now. As a lot of member's use to be miners (just a suggestion) but they should start a Topic as I expect they have some good stories to tell. Many years ago my granddad was a miner but he worked at Clifton Pit.
  21. Thanks for the info hopefully will get down there sometime, it makes you wonder how many people know about it, thanks to you and Deepdean boy people now know where to go.
  22. Hi Commo A lot of the pubs in St Ann's Well Rd did not have that address. As with the door of the pub being on one of the streets/ roads that came off St Ann's Well rd. I think there are only a few with the front entrance on St Ann's Well Rd its self. I see this as a test for us, which pubs front door,s were actually on the St Ann's Well Rd its self? Which member is willing to take up the challenge?
  23. Hi Deepdene Boy when you stated about Hucknall Bus Museum where is it please? one more question with you signing in as Deepdene did you use to live in Broxtowe.?
  24. Sharpen your scissors at Gillert's Hockley.