The Pianoman

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Everything posted by The Pianoman

  1. Yes. They are all still there but the highlight and the actual notification have gone. Does it matter that they are still there?
  2. #106. Just click on the bell at the top right of the page, click the highlight, read the notification and it will be gone. If you have got a lot of notifications it will take a while but if you do it everytime you get a notification it will just take you to the post you have had the notification in regard of and will delete itself.
  3. I am still having no problem with that. But the heart does look black to me! If it is green it is an extreeemley dark green.
  4. If you click the black heart at the bottom right of your post a popup will appear and tell you who gave you the reputation, or a list of people if more than one. Or at least it works for me and still does. What it doesn't tell you is whether or not the reputation they are giving yopu is good or bad
  5. Just someone I knew many years ago that drove both trams and trolleybuses for Notts & Derby Traction on that A1 route. He referred to them as Ripley Roarers and he drove 'em! He was in his 70's and 80's when I knew him. Probably been dead 25 years now.
  6. It was the same as the old Midland General B1 (Ripley to Nottingham) UNTIL it got to Stockhill Lane and then did Stockhill Lane, Percy Street, Alpine Street, and then whatever to Nottingham Road, Sherwood Rise, Mansfield Road, Milton Street and finished at Queen Street. In Trent days the route became 230 but was an infrequent service and eventually disappeared. All we get now is Rainbow One which still follows the old B1 route. I feel I am getting a bit like Stephen Ford!
  7. #156 The driver of that trolleybus might even be someone I knew. Unfortunately I can't ask him as he is dead now!
  8. Stockhill Lane It has just rounded the corner off of Nuthall Road having departed from Cinderhill. Broxtowe Lane running off into the distance under the steel bridge. The trolley is Notts & Derby Traction of course.
  9. This is like spot the differences. at least 'Alfreton Road' is still there! Beijing Chef has had a quick repaint since the fire.
  10. Shouldn't have been in such of a rush to put the fire out!
  11. That is the corner I meant but obviously it isn't Wigman Road
  12. My money is on Beechdale Road/Wigman Road but I can't remember a petrol station there.
  13. My Mother was born at No 3 Babbington Cottages. They moved up(?) to Minver Crescent when she was only weeks old. I believe the move was because those cottages that were nearer the Cinderhill Road end were due for demolition. I *think* they stood empty after 1930. I certainly remember them standing derelict in the 1960's. Every time we drove past my Mother would remark 'I was born in that one'.
  14. Hello and welcome. My Mother was also born in Babbington Cottages as her Dad worked at the pit!- but that was in 1930!
  15. I once queried that with drivers older than me, in my Trent days doing 141's, 'why were B8's sometimes green' Apparently it was purely because they had run out of blue uns'!
  16. It seems to have affected the three shops to the left of the gated entrance in that picture. I don't think it got at the two to the right of the entrance (unfortunately).
  17. Yes thats what I thought. Bound to be an improvement just there. Apparently its also made a few homeless people homeless
  18. The 'piano' was feeble electric tat. If it had been a piano I might have had a go.
  19. You are not missing much. I walked past it once and missed it. Found it later on the walk back the other way.
  20. I shall be in there myself tomorrow morning as it happens. Not for that but it will be an excuse to have a look.
  21. I doubt that the ones at Sandtoft now, still have batteries on them. They pull them in and out of the sheds with a tow vehicle so that is suggesting to me - no batteries.
  22. Wasn't that called a BMC Full View? 'Orrid things as you say!