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About Shaz58

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    Northern Soul music, my cat, my familyBoth me and my husband are still working (even though I retired from the NHS!) but on our terms now.

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  1. My first date with Chris (my husband of 40 years) was at the bierkeller in May 1975! Romantic or what - his brothers were there (as it was one of the brothers birthday) - it was my first time there and as a 17 year old - the drink took hold very quickly - I had to be carried out !!!
  2. Shaz58

    New Here

    Hello! I'm a relative newcomer too, welcome I'm sure you will enjoy the site
  3. I noticed that the other day too! Shocking - that was the furthest my Dad used to venture back when I was a little 'un in the 60s. - Bag of crisps and a bottle of pop with a straw whilst standing in the entrance! Waiting on old Arthur whilst he regaled the poor unsuspecting folk inside with his takes of the war: fleet air arm, Royal Navy days and years at Babbington pit! He was a character
  4. Despite all the HSE regs. My brother, who has cleaned Windows for 40+ years, mainly on Alfreton Road and around Hyson Green/ Radford area (and used to clean the ice rink Windows before it was remodelled!) used ladders, chamois and squegies plus fairy liquid (only the best in his bucket) he has only properly retired this year !
  5. My first job after school was at Boots on Station Street in the Sales Records department - started in August 1974 and left in April 1981
  6. Yes indeed, Mrs Glass ! I do remember her sarcasm very well: I once got the rough end of her tongue because I had 'dared' to leave some loose papers in my exercise book and they fell out onto her living room floor when she marked my work! Pathetic or what?!
  7. Hi Shaz I'm into Northern Soul too and go somewhere most weekends  usually local  ( Notts) I see you are in Chesterfield and I have been to The Winding Wheel a couple of times.


    1. Shaz58


      Hi thanks for the message - we have been into northern since the early 70s and my husband has promoted and DJ'd at a number of venues over the years. We don't tend to go out as much as we used to- there are a few that we try and regulalrly attend, we don't go to the Winding Wheel as we prefer more underplayed stuff these days. 

  8. Thank you - once I've started I can't stop ! You do seem like a great bunch and I'm glad to have found the site.
  9. My word Jill your memory is impeccable! I do remember most of the teachers you mentioned and actually couldn't say that I liked any of them ! I do remember the music teacher just wanting to get the speech day songs spot on and spending ridiculous amounts of time in the hall practicing the Hallelujah Chorus ! My favourite subjects (and ones I got O levels in) were history, geography and RE and also the 2 Englishes - I think because the teachers I had for those lessons were, at least, OK and didn't make you feel like an imbecile for asking questions. I was good at maths and enjoyed the subject
  10. Now then Jill you've got the old memory cells working ! It must have been Mrs Lowe and definitely was Mrs Christie - 'Bon' ? ! As for the others : Langley, Bianchina (English), Edgeley (science), the two games teachers (!), Davy - I will mull over the rest today as I can't bring any others to mind - I can visualise them but can't put names to them yet!
  11. Thanks to all for the lovely welcomes ! Yer a good bunch X
  12. We probably know each other! I have 3 older brothers - Tony who is 68, David is 67 and Colin is 65. Our name is Wilson. I went To Percy St school
  13. Thank you - I'm thoroughly enjoying reliving memories already !