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Everything posted by Riddo

  1. Re post #3. Cliff Ton, me and the wife went over to Clifton Village just after the new year for a look at St Mary's Church and Clifton Hall etc. Hadn't been that way for a few years, so good to see that not a lot had changed in that time - except the area to the side of Clifton Hall. It was gated off to Joe Public and new (to us) housing round the back of St Mary's. We took a walk into the Grove from the car park opposite the church. It must be over 30 years since we last did this. What a shame about all the elm trees! The main path that ran between them seemed much narrower than we remembere
  2. My first single was Stay, by The Hollies, but only because the Clifton Co-op had sold out of whatever Beatles single had just come out. Mum & Dad had bought me & my sister a red Dansette for Christmas and we had to have something to play on it! My first LP was the first Rolling Stones one, again bought for me by my mum. The first LP I bought with my own wages (late '66) was John Mayall's Bluesbreakers with Eric Clapton (the Beano album), again from Clifton Co-op. After that they came thick & fast, often bought second-hand from the shop at the bottom of Arkwright St (Selectadisc's
  3. I was born 1950 and can't remember anything until I was maybe 4 or 5 yrs old. But my mum worked at the Co-op bakery on Meadow Lane that received three direct hits from bombs during the night of May 8th/9th 1941 - the "Nottingham Blitz". Fortunately she wasn't on shift at the time, but lost some of her workmates. There's a great book, "Battle of the flames" by David Needham, that tells the story of Nottingham's Fire Brigade during the war years and also how the Auxiliary Fire Service was set up and the in-fighting that went on between the Fire Service, who were officially meant to take control
  4. Bump (apparently). Anyone remember the wild area at the side of Swansdown Road/Southchurch Drive, where the leisure centre is now? Our little gang used to take jam sandwiches and "pop" down there in the summer holidays. There was a little stream that ran through it on its way to Fairham Brook. I think it surfaced near the bottom of Green Lane and ran through Glapton behind the blacksmiths and along the front of Glapton School. Some of the "ditch" that it ran in is still there in front of the school I think? And how about the old Youth Club on Southchurch Drive near the "top shops"? It was us
  5. Sorry, you're right. So you missed out on Georgina, but did you know Rob Underwood who lived near the junction of Woodbridge and Rivergreen, or the Warburtons & Johnsons at the Brinkhill Crescent end? How about the Ginns just round the corner on Brinkhill? Rob got me started on collecting those car stickers that advertised a "Tiger in your tank" for one of the petrol companies (Shell?) and the Groudhogs that promoted a certain car tyre (can't remember which). We used to go onto Silverdale at night, find a suitable car and rip the stickers off! Don't see the point now, but at the time it wa
  6. If you're ex Woodbridge, you were round the corner from me on Letcombe. But more importantly, you were closer to the lovely Georgina Taylor!!
  7. Thanks Cliff Ton. Are you directing us there to see that it's all been covered before, or to find even more to write about? There's loads to get involved with if it's the latter!
  8. Some memories jolted by these posts. My family moved to Clifton in the very early days. I have photos (1952) of our house there on Rivergreen (No.8) and there are no privet hedges to be seen! We moved from my grandma's house in Ridding Terrace (Wellington Street - house still standing!). One of the biggest complaints from new residents was the lack of facilities, and my mum used to talk about buying groceries from a mobile shop. Others here have mentioned the long roundabout bus trip to get into the city before Clifton Bridge opened. Also, the rent was higher than in St Anns. All this led to u
  9. Another old thread I found interesting, mainly because there seemed to be some strongly held views being kept in check by the need to remain polite and not cause (too much) offence. For what it's worth here are my thoughts. I've lived in Nottingham all my life, my mum and dad were Nottingham people and, except for one uncle and a cousin, my whole immediate family remain(ed) within the Nottingham area. But for two periods of about six months each, I've always worked in Nottingham too. That said, I've also spent some time in Newcastle, Manchester, Sheffield, Edinburgh, and York. I think it all
  10. Welcome Smiffy49, from a fellow newbie signed up just this week. You're in good company here from what I've seen in the few days I've been a member. During your time at Clifton were you a Fairham Comp lad? I was there 1961-66 and then my dad found me a job!. Whereabouts did you live on the estate?
  11. Not long back there was a letter in the Post suggesting that if the Vic Centre didn't want the clock, then a space for it should be found in the entrance hall of the newly revamped Midland Station. A bit late now for that I suppose, but it would have been a great welcome/goodbye sight to travellers, or a bit of entertainment for those sitting around having a cuppa.
  12. As a newbie I've been having a good look around the different forums. There's lots I could respond to, but many of them have last posts dated months ago, so maybe we leave them alone? Anyway, rather than starting another thread, I couldn't let this one go unanswered! Carni, we lived on Vicarage street in the early 1950s too ('53-'57/8). Our house was No.12, at the Huntingdon St end, and it was one of a block of a few three-storey houses whereas I think most were two-storey? The top floor was one big empty room, the size of the whole house, with a long narrow window on the south side overlooki
  13. Well thanks again to Mudgie, I think that clears up the record shop! I'll follow up on the Dobbs name for the art shop. I've now found out that Allsopps were a stationery supplier, especially to schools (as Rob L indicated) and also that Sisson & Parker worked out of the same building as Allsopps at one time. I'll post again on this subject once I've found out about Dobbs. In the meantime, thanks for all your comments and welcome messages.
  14. Thanks Mudgie, looks like you posted at same time as me. Any idea if PeeJays were a Caribbean music specialist?
  15. Hi all, and thanks for the comments so far. DOBBS seems the one to follow up for the art shop. A quick google revealed there's a Dobbs picture framing shop in Sneinton, so I can follow that up, thanks. WRIGHTS I know about 'cos I've bought stuff from them in the past, so unless they moved from Union Rd to where they are now I'm discounting them, but thanks for the suggestion. The photo showing Allsopps is similar to one I took a couple of weeks ago & I'll check that too. I have a feeling that the exact place I'm looking for was in the big gap that now exists between the old bookbinder (All
  16. Hello everybody on Nottstalgia. I've just signed up today having had a bit of a look around the site. Unlike some others, this seems to have a more friendly, community feel to it (fingers crossed!). I've been doing some digging around, trying to find information to add to some photos I've been taking around the streets of St Anns where I was born and lived as a kid. Even after moving away to Clifton, I was back every week visiting my grandma in Ridding Terrace (Wellington Street) during my lunch break from Trent Poly. OK, enough for now - what I'm really looking for right now is whether anyon