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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. I can only imagine that kicking this around the damage it also did to my say nowt about the damage heading this ball did to your brain..........
  3. MY First football boots from about 1950 looked like this no wonder my feet are as they are
  4. My feet are not the prettiest in the mostly because of my 'Winkle Picker'' days and the old fashioned football boots.....but i do look after them plus i see a ''Podiatrist'' on a regular basis....... I never show my feet...dont go barefoot even at home........certainly never wear 'Flip-Flops'' or sandals......Dad also never showed his feet,which were fairly ok...
  5. Your right Col.......i do have a problem with men's feet...most men neglect them then have the nerve to show them off by wearing ''Flip-Flops and ''Sandals''............i love baby's feet and most Ladies are ok.........
  6. Lol......I really do dress like that when i'm in Spain except with the Tie..........not all the time...never in the evenings especially in Restaurants.......or when at dance venue' of the many things i enjoy about the Spanish they never dress scruffy.......hardly ever wear shorts .....and most wear a suit even in hot weather especially the older ones....where i go anyway.......
  7. I Find this Excellent OZ...........No feet and very smart......
  8. Sad thing is Cliff ton....its men in their 60s and 70s that are the worst for dressing in shorts and T shirts even sandals and flip flops..........
  9. Very interesting ..............must have a good 'Lurch' now......
  10. Can't believe how low Mens dress sense has become......ok no Tie..but 'T' shirt instead of shirt when wearing a suit.......even dirty 'T' shirt with shorts plus wearing '' flip flops'' or sandals'' showing their hideous feet.all this being normal when just out and about.....and much more.....what do yo think?
  11. Its absolutely will see how many really nice places there are in Bulwell.....many people have completely the wrong impression of the place...
  12. I Like Retford too..used to have relatives there....also did a few stints at the a good friend who used to be Warder at nearby Ranby Prison.......oh yes also used to deal with a Butcher there named 'Bacon'.....Rog is the Cannon still there? Do they still have a football team ? played on their old ground a couple of times.........also played Cricket on a nice ground just before you enter Retford...... So you could say i knew Retford pretty well....... Also Rog love the 4 cylinder engine.......
  13. Never conscripted, ....he had a job on the railway and it was a ''Reserved occupation''
  14. Funny that Jill.........Dad always said i was a ''Spiv'' cos i never did manual work........
  15. thanks Margie........sorry didnt mean to put photo on again.....i am more than happy about it................because we never had a photo of his days in the home guard...........when i was little i used to ask him about his time in it ........and all he ever did was tell me funny stories about Dad a lovely Gentleman...
  16. Bulwell home guard WW2 years... Just found this on Turtons Bulwell photo's....And i am certain thats my Dad far right second from bottom with the Moustache ..........I'M so happy at finding it..i could cry.........
  17. My favourite Marsdens photo.......Bulwell 1920s?........worked there a short time about 1961.......................thanks to Paul Turton's Bulwell photo's
  18. Really enjoyed getting out this morning..(1st time in two weeks)...heard this on smooth radio nice to drive along to........obviously went into Bulwell....lots of ''WHERE YO BINS DUCK?''.....also saw 3 chaps and one lady i was at school with..all those years ago...nice to know they were still about...all had kept their Bestwood sense of humour....'''are you playing saturday?'' Fancy Palais tonight?.''..ya goo down last night?''. and more lol.........all finished off with a lovely ''Eggs Benedict'' in Jerome's'''
  19. He certainly did Ian...........1976.......brilliant
  20. The lovely sound of James Last...........recall playing this on the 'Juke' 'Box every where i went........Have it on CD don't recall where i bought it...but its still got the price on it £5.......
  21. Made the charts in 1960........remember it well.....must be old.........
  22. And bringing it up to date........Edit great on full screen............