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Everything posted by MelissaJKelly

  1. Looks like it would have even extremely noisy Poohbear. Mum worked at the buliding which is still standing. I believed it's a listed building. It's the building which Viyella Works once used if I'm not wrong but she worked there, then called Riche Fashions for most of her life. Babs, my father is also a regular at Jerrys. You never know I might see you around the area one day
  2. Yes Poohbear where Radford Mill was. Mum worked in the building next to it. I had no idea the pub was initially called that. I've always known it as the Globe. I remember going in with my parents when it was open quite a few years ago a very wide array of people for sure. Mick, the tall building to the left of the pic I believe is now a hairdresser supplies warehouse. Would be curious to know what that was previously in it's day too!
  3. No problem Mick! That picture was actually taken on Norton Street, looking towards and onto Garden Street
  4. Hi guys, hope everyone is fine and well. Was on my way home today and thought I'd take a few quick snaps on my phone of how the area is looking currently, especially now the huge building on Norton Street has now been demolished. Also, any history on this old pub or what it used to be/what used to be in it's place... Oh and here is a picture of the clothes shop that I think Babs mentioned and asked me about in a previous thread, I think it's fair to say it's been shut down for a while! Apologises that the photos aren't too great, as I said they were taken quickly
  5. Welcome to the site Les
  6. Would definitely be interested in attending the Wollaton Hall event
  7. Haha sure will Mick. Shall check if Mother is free!
  8. Thanks for the link David. Shall be giving it a try at some point!
  9. I would be honoured to hear more of your stories! Sounds like you've had a lot of experiences not many people can say they have had. Hats off to you!
  10. Wow that sounds absolutely fascinating! Would love to see them! But if you don't feel comfortable, completely understand that too
  11. I'll have a look in my dream book when I get a chance for you Radfordred
  12. Wow. What an amazing tale. Love to hear stories from the past..especially from the war! I'm surr you have some wonderful stories
  13. Thanks for the interpretation Darkazana. I think you're spot on! And no Smiffy. He never spoke. Just stared directly at me through the gaps in the door and followed me whichever room I went into. I would always wake up at the same point. The man was very poignant. Can still see him now. Your dream sounds very nostalgic! So I can imagine the feeling you must get when waking. However, it is said that we can't dream about people we have never seen. I.e. we cannot create new faces whilst dreaming so maybe you do know the people or at least seen them in some shape or form at one time or anothe
  14. How bizarre! I have a dream book so I'm forever trying to interpret my dreams! I had a recurring dream whilst I was waiting to sit my exams, had it almost every night for a good few weeks, I was in an old Victorian manor house, all the doors were slightly ajar and in the gap of the opening I could see part of a man's face, dressed in old Victorian attire, it was very eerie! Glad I don't have that dream anymore. Your recurring dream sounds rather pleasant Smiffy!
  15. I really want to go to the archives, do you have to book an appointment or anything or can you just go and have a gander whenever?
  16. Tomlinson, I for one cannot stand Ricky Gervais and don't find him funny in the slightest, I generally cringe at everything he does.
  17. Interesting... would like to see what the interpretation is if the lipstick isn't red though!
  18. Well Bilboro-lad, I have 2 piercings in each ear and a stomach piercing. So nothing too outlandish... at least I don't think so! As for tattoos I have my eldest nephews name... And my other is...