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Everything posted by MelissaJKelly

  1. Hope Paul is better soon also Helen x
  2. Funny you should say that Loppylugs. I'm only just crawling out of bed at 12pm. Oops!
  3. Helloooo Loppylugs. I'm a bit of a night owl. You're right its 2:15am here! Always good to have a browse around on here when I can't sleep though hope you're well
  4. Hope you get a good night's rest. Sounds like it's much needed. Good night to you too!x
  5. I'm able to insert emoticons when posting from my phone app Tapatalk on Android. But they don't look the same as the ones on the laptop.
  6. Sorry to hear you've been unwell Carni. Wishing you a speedy recovering and hoping you get well very soon. Shall keep you in my prayers x
  7. Very true Carni. I would actually love to be! Scary... but I can imagine the adrenaline rush to be brill!
  8. I absolutely love Matlock Bath! Probably one of my favourite places. Love to see all the bikes. Always tempted to ask to have a quick spin on one haha.
  9. I wonder how many times I'll move in my lifetime. I hope not as many as some of the posters here! We've lived in this house for around 18 years. I don't want to leave... Father says differently though lol.
  10. Sure does! And your first attempt look fine to me Malcolm
  11. Watched the show Protecting Our Parents on BBC2. Broke my heart. Will never let my parents end up dumped into a care home, some of them just can't be trusted. Would rather care for them myself and give something back to them. It'd be the least I could do.
  12. My friend uses Weebly for her business website and it looks pretty good. Only problem with it is if you are trying to sell things on them, the prices are in $'s unless you're willing to pay for it. Here's her site for you to check out.
  13. Ooo you're not far off Carni! Can actually see the images now!
  14. That's strange Carni! Hopefully Mick can offer some help and fix the problem for you
  15. Great post Smiffy. Had me chuckling at some parts!
  16. Very strange indeed Babs. They do say kids are more susceptible to those kinds of things though. My nephew said he saw an old black man standing in the kitchen and that he was a doctor. All very strange and random as he was in the middle of playing so it must have shocked him for him to pipe up about it. Was only 3 at the v time so didn't even differentiate between white and black people!
  17. Sounds heavenly Malcolm! Especially the Guiness!! Let's get a date sorted folks!
  18. Sounds brilliant Babs. Definitely something I'd be interested in getting involved with!
  19. Sounds like a good idea Babs! And we deffo need to sort a meet up date so I can definitely attend this one!
  20. Only just seen your message Babs so sorry for the little delay in responding. Is that anywhere near Ayr Street? Sounds like a fab idea. I used to love crochet! I'll be free anytime after the 9th so just PM when is good for you