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Everything posted by MelissaJKelly

  1. Loved him in Danny the Dog/Unleashed with Jet Li. Played a brilliant part. RIP Bob
  2. Haha I probably would have done the same! Hey I may even have given you a French plait if you were lucky!!
  3. Couldn't have said it better Compo. One of the many reasons I love the site is getting to hear people's personal first hand accounts of the city! Shall definitely continue to post
  4. My Mum has been a machinist for the majority of her life since she was around 18 I believe. She worked in Radford Cotton Mill on Ilkeston Rd for 20+ years and she is a brilliant machinist. She got made redundant but she'd love to go back to machining! She owns a modern overlock and lockstitch machine and works wonders on them
  5. Haha good luck with it Carni. Always hard getting to grips with a new device!
  6. Sounds like someone was watching you over that day Bilbraborn and you was very lucky!
  7. Very true Malcolm! It's a shame, but the one's who do are brilliant!
  8. Seems like you've lived a very full life! Good on you, hope I can say the same in a few years time
  9. Can imagine it took a lot of maintaining. I do love long hair though, male or female! Shorter is just much easier to look after!
  10. Yay!! And many more members to come hopefully!
  11. Welcome back Bilbraborn. And wow, lucky you Ayupmeducks, you're lucky to be so well travelled
  12. I've forgotten how to crochet! Would love to learn again, used to find it very relaxing! Cross stitch looks lovely too!
  13. Glad you had a safe journey back Lizzie!
  14. A huge jumper that my Grandad would wear often. It has a fag burn in the back of it on the shoulder but can't bear to part with it. Sometimes wear it to remember him better.
  15. This was still a favourite in the 90s might I add! No shame in admitting I still love this song haha!
  16. Sorry guys I had no idea either! Happy belated birthday to you both!
  17. My birth year of 1992 must feel about 10 seconds ago then! I don't see any old fogeys just lovely people Thanks for the link Cliff Ton. You're a whiz on this site!
  18. I drove past the Marquis of Lorne the other week and was surprised to find out that it was where my Mum and Dad first met back in 1984! I believe it's closed now but was wondering if any of you have any memories or photos of the place?!
  19. G'day to you to Notts2Oz. Hope you enjoy the forum
  20. Sounds delish. You'd be lucky to get that for so cheap in this day and age!
  21. Showing my young age by asking this but... what is a tanner mix?!
  22. Gosh Smiffy, that sounds tragic!