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Everything posted by DaveN

  1. Tottle is from tote-hill (the look out hill) which is an alternative name for the hill (Bramcote Ridge)which the brook flows down.
  2. Carni you and your family must be over the moon with the good news - as are your fellow Nottsalgians. Well done!
  3. Compo it's repeated on Sunday 10.30am BBC 2
  4. I'm sure we'll all have our fingers crossed for you carni.
  5. Here's some of today's April Fools http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3021095/April-Fool-s-Day-jokes-Clarkson-goes-green-Cowell-fiver-Leicester-University-named-Richard-III.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490
  6. A reminder that it's the 70's tonight on BBC 2 at 8pm. It includes boil in bag cod and cheat freezer.
  7. Nottsalgia is the best place to be If you love Notts – and it’s free! With new friends, memories you can share Learning things of which you were unaware If there’s something you want to know Just ask – someone will have the info Members have loads of local knowledge It’s far better than going to any college Being on the site is like a time machine And better than buying a magazine There’s jokes, games and memories too So there’s bound to be something for you.
  8. I think looking at the total number of members is somewhat confusing as a quick look at the first couple of pages of the member lists shows many of them have either not posted at all or made very few posts. I agree with what some of the above posters have mentioned as far as it's the quality of posts rather than the amount. Maybe it would be an idea if a regular poster suddenly stops posting to contact them to find out the reason. I think this is a good site and we should be pleased to make new friendships with roots in our own city.
  9. Thanks again to those who have posted their experiences.
  10. Thanks everyone for your input. I'm with Virgin (non cable) at the moment for internet only and they're transferring non-cable accounts to Talk Talk. I'm being transferred next month and not sure what to do!
  11. Due to circumstances beyond my control I'm looking for a new Internet provider. What are your experiences with your provider and would you recommend them? Thanks for your views.
  12. I don't know whether school children do these days but I've not seen one with either a school cap or beret on for years.
  13. I can appreciate that both your wife and yourself are under great pressure and apprehensive about the results. Over the years there's been a great advance both in diagnosing and treatment. Good luck and as you know all the members of Nottsalgia are thinking of you both and wishing you all the best.
  14. Just a reminder that part 2 of this series is on tonight at 8 pm BBC2 and features the 1960's.
  15. Can any of you football experts explain why the manager gets the sack. Surely if the team aren't playing well, those players who aren't doing so should be sacked!
  16. Children with a home-made Go-Kart. It's ages since I saw any young person on a tricycle either.
  17. Some more photos on the Post site. http://www.nottinghampost.com/pictures/lost-pubs-Nottingham-pictures/pictures-26209919-detail/pictures.html#1
  18. If anyone missed the programme it's repeated on Sunday at 12.20pm on BBC 1
  19. Yes that was Bairnswear - part of the area is Sainsbury's now.
  20. At the corner of Haydn Road/Nottingham Road was a church. Just down from there was the part of Courtaulds where I worked. It was mainly a clothes wholesaler of (Walker Reid( ladies underwear and some outerwear. There was also a men's wholesaler (Luvisca) and then a children's wholesaler (Chaffinch). I vaguely recall a small area of machinists but I don't think they were there all the time that I worked for the company. It's the building that now has a gym. Hope that helps!
  21. #31 & #33 Yes Richard Stump were dress makers. I think they were just down Haydn Road on the right hand side from the Nottingham Road end.
  22. #30 Yes Merthyr Imp you're right Meridian was on Haydn Road. I worked for part of the Courtaulds on Nottingham Road, New Basford for a number of years
  23. Bairnswear was corner of Perry Road and Nottingham Road
  24. Here's some rationing era meals:- Stewed Tripe & Onions Spam Fritters Semolina Pudding Sugarless Cake Carrot Fudge Reconstituted Egg On Toast (using dried eggs)