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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. When you gotta go you gotta go. Probably what the dog thought of the meeting. Dogs are sometimes unpredictable and this is a time.
  2. Col was going to ask if you'd been "done" but on reading I saw you were. I seem to be surrounded by patients at the moment. My sister in law is coming home today after shes had a complicated op and my dil is recovering from carpal tunnel op. I had my blood test the other day ready for my RM( mri)My son too has to have a review next week, my husband has a hip xray tomorrow my daughter had an xray last week. Seems as though we are really badly placed but everything has been on the cards a while as all appointment have been delayed for different reasons. For example my appointment for MRI was bo
  3. Thank you CT yes The Paddocks were on Trowell road on the opposite side to where the Davisons lived at 14 but it was a bit of a walk from there. Yes I knew Bob had been there a long long time so believed it was his fathers place, maybe. 1966 sounds about right as that was about the time they moved to Cotgrave. No it must have been before that. In ' 66 I went to visit an American penfriend in Kentucky. Mrs Davison gave me 3 months time off to go and at that time I think they were already at Cotgrave and had been for a couple of years. I remember that she always arrived fairly later in the
  4. Runner beans and french beans are nice when fresh , frozen they do seem to lose a bit but who cares in the winter when you cant find them . They aer available . In the summer when theres plenty of fresh veg I preserve them. I start with tomatoes and add every 15 minutes celery, carrots,onions, beans, green/ red peppers. and any other veg thats at hand. Cook everything until tender and lastly add a bit of sugar ,a glass of vinegar and a glass of olive oil. Before I preserve it I add a pkt of salicylic acid( im cooking 5 kg tomatoes at a time) These last me during the winter and last year I made
  5. Whereabouts Mary in Canning Circus. I worked there too on top of Derby Rd just round the corner fron CCircus. This was in 69/70. Didnt last long as i got the sack after sticking up for the rights of the juniors and apprentice. There were so many promises made for the younger ones and none were kept so I kept on to the bosses that it wasnt fair to them, they listened came back an hour're fired. I was so glad. I hated the job there as manageress.
  6. Reminds me of my sil on a visit to her village of birth. They had built a new fish pond and when she mentioned she’d seen the fish in it, my husband asked her were they wearing underpants ! She answered that she hadn’t noticed but then she went to look , came back to report they weren’t and realised it was a joke.
  7. CT I replied on how’s my day because I couldn’t get back in to answer you. Barrie I used to go around 1963 , used to go Sundays and Thursday evenings on a 2 hr ride so we’d have missed each other.
  8. CT I can’t get back onto the topic you put Google maps on but I looked Trowell rd up and it must be right as from 14 to where the “ Paddocks” stable was is about the right distance. It was opposite Glaisdale now that I’ve seen it. No doubt the road was named after the stables( Wollaton Paddocks) They had been there for years. Thanks you solved a mystery.
  9. Thankyou Ian it was a ceremony for all 80 yr olds whose birthday is/ was this year. I have to wait til November.
  10. Thanks all the same for the information Dave even though it didnt go anywhere but it was appreciated.
  11. DJ pleased to hear your saga is coming to an end and that you will get your op . It’s so frustrating when you’ve done everything right and in the right order then you have to hang around waiting for that vital phone call. Recently my routine appointment which was booked 6 months ago had to be changed it coincides with a visit from my nephew who I’ve not seen in over 20 years. He’s only here 3 days so I thought I’d change the appointment! It took a couple of hours to finally get through to the correct dept. I asked for oncology and was answered by geriatric dept! Then oncologist hadn’t lef
  12. These photos were taken this morning when all those with 80 th birthday this year we’re presented with flowers , wine and a certificate.
  13. Phil, east ,west home is always best. I can imagine airports in this heat and especially as I see Ryan Air is on strike for a couple days. We had a terrific rain storm yesterday. It rained very heavily for 1/2 hr stopped and the sun came out and in 5-6 minutes the ground was dry. Temperatures going up to 39-40c. Im staying in all day with the windows and shutters closed until sunset then I'll emerge. Hope its not too hot tomorrow morning as its the celebration of 80 year olds this year and Im one of them.
  14. Dave , i dont know about a road called Wollaton Paddocks but the name of the riding school / stables that i went to was called The Paddocks it used to be on trowell road. The Davisons ( the owners ) lived at 14 Trowell road and The Paddocks was a little further along the road. Cant exactly remember why or what but think they were widening the road and thats why the stables had to close. It left the horses to be ridden to Cotgrave where they bought a fairly large property with land enough for the horses and a jumping track ( which I remember well as the horse I was on after finishing the jumps
  15. Sorry for hogging this topic but its just occurred to me when posting photos does it matter how you choose to post? I usually post with direct link because for me it’s quicker from my phone. But posting the original photos I posted with whatever came so maybe that invited ads. Promise no more posts
  16. Nothing on those adverts was what I was researching so goodness knows , maybe they think I might be interested in what they have to advertise. Not nice though if undesirable appears. But if CT didn’t remove the ads are they still there because I can’t see them anymore
  17. Hope there’s no publicity now on these Our nespole ( medlar)
  18. Thought they had gone thanks to CT but apparently not. The photos are of me and husband and my son preparing cocktails. That’s all I posted but ads come up about cars and allsorts. A pain nel culo.
  19. CT that was quick you’re a genius Thankyou
  20. BK thanks that’s what I’d hoped not all the publicity that I saw.
  21. Thanks CT I can’t quote and type an answer so sorry if there’s a bit of confusion. No leave the photos as I posted but when I opened them to see if they were ok a load of adverts were attached. I’ve not seen them before when I’ve posted pics. Thanks anyway.
  22. Seen on reopening them that they are powered by Postimages! We don’t pay for the privilege but we have to advertise for them. Like supermarket shopping bags. The adverts weren’t even researches we look for. So much for tracking !
  23. Just noticed the photos I’ve just posted that it had added a bit of publicity without my permission I don’t know how this has happened or whether it’s only me that can see it. I don’t think I did anything different to what I usually do. Any ideas?
  24. Summer is here with a vengeance, too hot, windy and heavy rain all in one day. Festivities are practically in full swing. There’s another wine festival in a small nearby town actually the home of some Spumante’s. Last night in our village and for the next 6 Friday nights the road to the centre is closed because there are bands that play from 9 to midnight. Last night was the first so we went up to have a cocktail ( Pimms no:1) which I don’t think I’ve drunk one since I was 18 Actually the evening wasn’t a success as it usually is as there were few people around. Too many other attractions