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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. May work for the cats but dogs are nosey and love to sniff everywhere.
  2. Brew no , not if I'm using ipad but yes if I'm using laptop. I have to double click twice only on ipad. Maybe my fingers need a new microswitch.
  3. Ian' s insistant posts were getting a niusance and dominating the site. I agree that some of his posts were interesting but please a little and often not heavy on posts like they were. But there was more to this than overposting.
  4. Don't forget he was responsible for Fly leaving us all.
  5. I have problems pressing like , i have to double press quite a few times before it appears then sometimes it just wont budge. I feel sometimes members think I'm ignoring the posts but the ones I really want to like or the ones I want to reply to I can't. I have an old ipad and one not so old so it depends which one i can get hold of first. If I get the wrong one I don't always remember I have to answer on the one thats not so old. If you follow me
  6. Problem is from the drive coming out towards the road we cant see the cats hanging round the gates, consequently as soon as they are opened the dogs see them. One of the dogs a while ago slipped out of her collar so Im worried it will happen again when shes so excited. We dont have a busy road but theres always tractors running up and down but sometimes the "late for work" buddy comes whizzing down and we have to literally jump out of the way. Not easy with dogs that are small and dont like cars.
  7. Jill it seems that I came over a bit cruel by not wanting to feed these strays. We have to consider the health of our dogs ( mentally and physically). My husband won't stop feeding these cats all I ask him is to feed them elsewhere instead of right outside our gate. The wall has a ledge where he sometimes puts the food or he spreads it out at the front of my daughters house in front of two cars. We live way out in the country with plenty of wild life around, foxes, wild boars, deer and all the usual birds, hedgehogs etc. This food if left alone only encourages rats and mice. We have field
  8. Started to take the 2 youngest dogs out this morning and was confronted by 4 cats. The dogs wanted to chase them but the cats held their ground and sent the dogs into hysteria. My husband feeds the cats and leaves the crochette just outside the gate. A habit that is stronger than him. Stray cats worry him . Next door used to feed them when there were 9 of them and producing offspring. We paid for half of them to be sterilised and they paid the other half but now they come to us to be fed and they are always outside our gate. When we let all 4 dogs out to run round they bark constantly at the g
  9. I not only love asparagus but alsp fish fingers, baked beans, egg and chips and sausage and mash. After all I'm English
  10. Tonight had just a plate of asparagus with butter. Locally and freshly gathered. A real treat.
  11. CT which "old" photo? Last years 50 th anniversary one? No it won't be that one because we forgot to take any photos....busy catching up with in laws. I did take a few before they arrived though, but none with us. The only one was a video pic with my brother in law in France. He kept saying " bacio, bacio, (kiss) so we did and he took the photo and sent it.
  12. http:// Done it again, wanted to post a pic of the beautiful flowers I got yesterday. Ipad won't let me and pc when i call up post image all the photographs have disappeared. Even trying to transfer a pic from google to apple doesnt work. I really should stop trying to outdo the pc by messing things up. Will keep trying .
  13. Thankyou Lizzie. We managed this year to have a fairly " normal ?" Celebration. We invited some of my inlaws ( just 3 sisters and 1 Partner). We only had a cake and a few nibbles and couple of bottles of bubbly but it was nice to be together in company. We had decided to sit outside so I put cushions on all the chairs then it got windy so we stayed in the kitchen.
  14. We were slow at starting vaccinations but it seems we are going well at the moment. Still not in line with UK and USA. But we're getting there if the vaccines keep up.
  15. Welcome to the new dog puppy club S G . Yes your house will be upside down and you'll lose a few plants and maybe he'll nibble at the furniture corners. But he'll be loved and he will settle down and be the best companion. He'll probably eat your giant spider too. Enjoy him because he'll make you tired.
  16. When Alex decided to let one grow ( in lockdown) it wasnt successful and he tried again. Strangely enough he's received loads of compliments and I've kind of got used to it. He does shave it off now and again but he looks strange without it. I didn't ever think I would like it or get used to it but it goes to show. I think he secretly like all the compliments he's getting from the ladies.
  17. They are my husband and son.Theyve been very busy this lunchtime , The village Sindaco passed by, admired the scene and gave them permission for every Saturday to use the arches and they are going to close the road by making some attractive screens. Its given them a real sense of things are looking up.
  18. Dead right Phil what do you think of his beard? The other one is James.
  19. This is the photo I wanted to post but couldn't. Covid has caused diners to eat outside. This photo represents the wine festival which should be now so they've improvised. These arches are a group of shops opposite my sons restaurant. Local council agreed to place extra tables under the arches in case of rain (forecast for tonight).
  20. Please someone delete the two posts above. I cant post them using ipad. Sometimes i use the direct link and it works other times i use post for forums but that wont work lately. Now try laptop but its out of space so will have to go through a few unnecessary photos and delete a load of rubbish. Thanks
  21. Nothing works neither direct of forums
  22. %5Burl=
  23. http://<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt='IMG-0477'/></a>
  24. Welcome Amfall hope you find us all friendly and helpful. I no longer live in Nottingham so cant contribute much but its lovely to see old photos of Nottingham as it was and I remember it like that. Enjoy.