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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. My cousin in OZ plays the bagpipes as do both his daughters . We are of Scottish Origen. He often comes to the Military Tattoo in Edinburgh with his team. Love the sound of them.
  2. Jill and Oz I’ve said before that Shiraz gave me a headache but it obviously didn’t agree with me. As you are true to Shiraz which producer do you like or don’t you have a preference. My son has an Enoteca along side his restaurant. He has over 500 different labels from different parts of the world. He only has 1 lable from Australia.. 280 Piemontese wines. He has tourists from all over the world who come to this area for food and wine so he always has a little wine for those traveling. The wine he has is from the Margaret River area. I believe the producers are from a cooperative , can
  3. Babies have that effect Ben. Wish my grandchildren were still small. I still get cuddles and kisses from them but to kiss a babies head is wonderful and you can’t give a kiss on the head of 20 yr olds. They give them to me but the other way round “..Nonna basta lo so che mi vuoi bene” ( nonna enough I know you love me)
  4. Sorry Shiraz gives me a headache , but after all it’s a matter of taste and how much you drink. I think you’ve got the wrong idea about fruit with red wine. It’s adaptable with anything besides drinking. My belated brother in law drank nothing else and he even ate it dipped in bread. That’s a famous habit going back centuries. It’s also a famous ingredient for a roasted meat. Although we have many wine producers in the village and produce more than one type the famous one is Barbera and the only one we drink. It even has a festival in its honour La festa della Barbera. Enjoy your wine
  5. Haha wine flavored fruit is more satisfying then you drink the juice. A new experience. You’ve got no sense of adventure Jill.
  6. For dessert Jill. We have so many ways to use red wine. It’s not only for drinking. But if you enjoy it why not
  7. Living in the middle of vineyards gives us no choice than to drink red wine. That’s why we have our wine festival every year.
  8. Red wine will do too but we have a better idea we get strawberries or peaches in red wine
  9. Temperatures are up again or should I say are resisting. Until Friday 38c then they are going to drop my daughter has enjoyed the heat for the last 2 weeks but she starts back to work Tuesday starting to prepare for the summer festivities, concerts displays etc so she’s not very happy starting back to cooking again in those temperatures. It it’s almost the end of August and the weather does change then it goes mad a bit and settles down but now .. who knows.
  10. I agree Amazon sometimes is a godsend. Lately I’ve used it a lot mainly because like Phil there’s no shop nearby that sells what I need in a hurry. The other morning I needed to access my phone but it was discharged. I couldn’t understand why until checking that everything was connected properly I found the wiring inside the cable was fraying . NOw to buy a new one And spend more I have to get to shops such as Media World and it’s a 20 minute journey in this heat trying to park etc it’s just not worth it. I found a 1 meter cable for 5 €. It would have cost me that in petrol.Pool chemicals a
  11. Phil , An easy but no fail delicious method is to wash and dry your damsons place them in a jar and pour whatever your tipple is, over to cover the fruit and leave for about a month in a cool dry place. The end result is worth it. Use Brandy, gin, grappa or any spirit you like. If you have any problems eating them I’ll come over and help you.
  12. We can always do a swap, I love damsons. Preserving them in jars is an alternative but it’s a long process. I have passed many years here bottling various types of fruit but now I’ve had enough.
  13. Fig and ginger jam will post pic but the one I posted showed a lot of houses for sale . No good
  14. Just come in from fig picking. My son took 2 kg to his restaurant this morning . I’ve just given his wife almost 1.5 kg and it’s left me with 4 kg plus what figs we had left from yesterday. We have waited a long time for the second flush of fruit but this is an exaggeration there are so many. It’s a bit late to sort jars out tonight so tomorrow is jam making time before the next lot are ripe. At this rate I can’t keep up with them.
  15. Tomorrow night there’s a concert in the top (attractive) part of the village starring a singer that has won the San Remo concert twice. They’ve put the stage in the square in front of the junior school so my daughter and I are going to my sons restaurant to eat. It’s not far from the concert so we should be able to hear it. Next week the main concerts start. The main square is boarded up and a marquee erected. The stage is huge and around the inside there are 14 eateries for people to munch away while they wait for 9.30 pm and the start of the concert. This goes on for about a week to 10 days.
  16. I had covid when it was rife but practically no symptoms. I had a headache and groggy feeling but tested positive for it but it only lasted a day. I’m lucky at least in the fact that I rarely mix with crowds in the winter. Practically everyone and his brother has flu in the winter and Italians are so sociable that it’s a certainty that you’ll get something. I never get a cold and don’t remember the last time I had one. Suppose I’m lucky, I’m not antisocial I just take care who I mix with. Hope it stays that way.
  17. I started reading 3 sisters 3 queens a book that my cousin left after returning to Oz. I wasn’t interested in history and it took me a while to start reading it, but thought I had to in case she asked me about it. I couldn’t put it down. After that I thought of looking for more books along the same line and came up with a pack of 5 books starting with The Lady of the The rivers up to The White Princess. I finished reading all of them in a little more than a week. I thought that’s enough history for now but still thinking I have to get to Henry 8th because I’d already read 3 sisters etc. I ha
  18. Sorry to hear your news Trogg but you are in good hands and I don’t think for one minute that they’d leave you for too long before doing something.It must be difficult to eat and drink but it’s important that you do drink before you get too dehydrated. ( advice I should give to myself as I’m a bit negligent where drinking water is concerned. Hope you get some good news from QMC.
  19. I’m reading The constant Princess by Philippa Gregory. I have read all books up to this one and next I’m going to read The Kings Curse and 2 books about Anne Boleyn and her sister. Henry 8th reign. Never thought I would be interested in the royal history but Gregory put facts into real time .
  20. I’ve had my 4th booster but don’t know if they are going any further with them. It seems that a lot of people are now under the impression that the vaccines have produced a lot of pains in the body
  21. Jill you think 2 pubs with the same name is confusing. We have 2 street names named the same in a village of 3.000 One is street and the other Road, invariably parcels get mixed up. I have to put on addresses “ Strada valle NOT Via valle. I think sometimes corriere are too lazy to drive out of the village centre to us in the “ sticks”
  22. Just lately I seem to be having problems with my vision. It’s just 2 years since I had my glasses changed and like everyone else the lenses are so expensive. A while ago I had a check and update and since then I have to adjust my glasses because they don’t seem to be right. Bumped into my optician the other day and told her and she just said pop in with everything and we’ lol have another look. If my eyesight is ok there’ll be no charge. I have a pair of prescription sun glasses but when I fell they scratched and I’ve not worn them since. I also had new frames a few years ago and after a week