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Everything posted by Brew

  1. The original name was nCoV-2019, which stood for novel coronavirus, discovered in 2019. MERS stands for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. It was named so because the deadly virus was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Likewise with the swine flu pandemic of 2009, now renamed H1N1. The naming of these diseases had unforeseen economic consequences so Covid - 19 was used to avoid any stigma. WHO.
  2. Clumsy bugger! Glad you're OK though and pleased to heard the tests were negative...
  3. If he was trying for a Darwin Award - he won
  4. Playing devils advocate I can't agree that it wasn't necessary. The centre refuges opposite the old Capitol cinema served two purposes. Stopped the danger of cars trying to cut across two lanes of traffic to turn into Churchfield and impeding traffic flow on Alfreton Rd, one of the busiest roads in the city. This along with the speed humps stopped lazy drivers using Churchfield as a rat run. The increase in journey time through the traffic lights and down a 20mph side street is no more than a few minutes.
  5. I've only just noticed your avatar.... well done that man..
  6. I've not been in a shop for over three months. If they're all like your experience Ben it may well be three more.
  7. Apologies, you are correct and personal allowances start to reduce over 100k. Only a rich man could say "it's only 45%"
  8. Hmm, you're right it is an awkward sentence but yes, we are basically saying the same thing. 'Disproportionate' - adjective, something too large or too small compared to something else. A disparity in size. Conceptual or not paying 50% tax when most pay 20% is disproportionate by any standard. True good accountants help but not to the extent you think - the net result is the same. Cultural diversity - what does that mean exactly?, is it dressing differently, speaking a different language, 'doing' things differently, rejecting change...? Nationalism separatism e
  9. It does seem a bit of an anomaly giving them the fuel bonus but when you think they pay 50% income tax, don't you reckon it's a bit churlish to exclude them from a few quid in return. They use no more and probably less of the public services yet pay a disproportionate amount in taxes... If you're bored long may you remain so, it's good to know how others see things, what they think etc...
  10. Petty nationalism is more the internal power politics between the various factions than tarring separatists with the same brush. Economically there would be a huge downturn, an increase in taxes to cover the losses plus the increase in expenditure necessary. The sale of Whisky will not see a dramatic increase and tourism from England may well reduce rather than increase. What will change to increase international tourism - what can they do they are not doing already? Many think they can re-join the EU, not going to happen, at least not for a very long time. There are at
  11. I didn't see that... Should have paid more attention..
  12. I thought the Christmas bonus was only given to those who received a 'benefit', I wonder how Cable qualified? And no one is going to shout at you Gem, regardless of whether you're right or wrong
  13. There is no reason why they can't make it alone however the past is no guarantee of success in the future. Scotland and Glasgow in particular played a major part the industrial revolution - but only after 1707 and the union with England. Prior to that 17th century Scotland was mainly small farms, muddy roads and bogs with a fair proportion of the population living at subsistence levels. Little changed until English influence, trade and farming methods migrated north of the border... History shows us where we came from, not where we're going. GDP is fine as far as it goes b
  14. When was it any different? Accepted but I'm merely suggesting rehashing Brexit, if it ever gets here, adds nothing the discussion of 'British values' - indeed it's more likely to emphasise the differences between the various factions. On the Irish question my take is that providing it's the peoples choice and not a decision foisted by a political expedient or forced on them through violence, I really don't mind what they do.
  15. Didn't say they did though they don't exactly help, just thought I's clear up a misconception... According to the graph on this site, windows are by far the biggest threat to American birds is a major source of mortality for,problem in wetlands where water is drying up.
  16. British values is a cognitive state of mind that is indefinable and unique to each and everyone of us. When we talk of British values we actually mean English values and Englishness. Speak with most of the other three nations and the reaction with vary between indifference and open hostility. The 5 values listed are simply generic guidance notes, principles if you will, aimed at those who wish to migrate here or seek citizenship. As Col points out there is nothing particularly British about them and many Banana republics are just as likely to pay them lip service as we
  17. RSPB figures: Cars - 6 million Cats - 55 Million Quote:- In the UK alone, it has been estimated that domestic cats catch around 55 million birds every year. Birds and cars do not mix and many birds lose their lives when they collide with moving vehicles. Rather worryingly, it is believed that the lives of around 6 million birds are claimed this way each year.
  18. Shhh! I'm still maintaining that going to town shopping is not safe.... so far she believes me...
  19. Nor am I after reading this.
  20. As far as I know Ted Heath was awarded the Charlemagne Prize. Such luminaries as Clinton and Blair have also won it at different times. It is awarded to those who are considered to have promoted Europe in general and the EEC, as it was then, in particular. The prize was given to Heath for a speech after De Gaulle vetoed our application, probably as a compensation for hurt feeling rather than an incentive or inducement to try again. There are differing versions of the amount he was given ranging from 45,000 to 750,000, it depends on who is telling the tale. It's a bit of a stret
  21. I knew of IPtv but not much about it... looks interesting.
  22. That's a fair turn of rhetoric Alpha, I hope you develop your arguments further and possibly give us a little more detail.