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Everything posted by Brew

  1. I may regret asking but how does anyone know a naked man is Irish? And does 'men' mean a group or multiple sightings?
  2. I wouldn't say that's arrogant, you're probably right. But I would argue how can we expect anyone to have any depth of knowledge or understanding if they are not given the information in the first place? It's illogical to claim they don't understand without first ensuring they have all the facts. True many will say they don't understand it all, some will actively refuse or reject the information. 'All the people all the time etc.' Personally, I'd like to make the decision for myself. Like some of the longer posts on here, not everyone will read it all, some will actively ignore it
  3. Without US approval and money NATO would not be able to build the largest airbase in Europe right on Russias doorstep in Romania. Was Farage right about provoking Putin? Are we sure about that? We can claim defence or humanitarian actions, but...Invaded it certainly has, occupied it certainly has. We can justify the actions with political double talk but the NATO in you description doesn't exist. Really? you seem to have little faith in Starmer so why not vote for a unicorn party
  4. Oz, your link took me to Labour Australia site. I‘ve not read it in detail but a couple of comments. Australia, though facing some financial difficulty, has a surplus for the first time in a long time, Without details I can’t be sure, but I would imagine any surplus gives a degree of wiggle room to pay for tax adjustments. And they mention investing in ‘affordable’ housing which is a glaring omission from any manifesto in the UK. Other than that Australia looks to be very similar to the UK in a lot of respects.
  5. As a youth cycling home to Clifton I found the smell from Player factory nauseating, but not as bad as the maggot farm at the and of Mile End Rd or the pong from Bitterlings on Meadow Ln.
  6. The missing word was 'be', as in be all, not fall for, but no matter. the list from Farage is, sadly, as relevant as the others i.e, meaningless. However the question I'm considering is lying. Farage you claim is a liar, but are the others squeaky clean? Can someone lie by omission, or not telling the whole truth? if our glorious leaders say one thing as a positive but deliberately omit or fail to mention a rather onerous negative - are they lying? Starmer has to raise money from somewhere and Sunak will have to cut services etc. Have they said so? " We promise n
  7. Which they are. They absolutely are expansionist. You are well aware that the original Treaty of Rome, an agreement between six countries of Europe became the European Union with 28, now 27, members with more waiting to join. It's voluntary as you point out, but you cannot be so naive to believe the EU is not actively promoting itself, let's not confuse expansionist with Imperialist. NATO, driven by the US is even more active in seeking members. Originally 12, now 31, how can it be described as anything but expansionist? Basically Col I interpret that as a declared tactical v
  8. That's your policy and practice, it's not mine. I doubt cherry picking reading material on the basis of an existing mindset would work for me.
  9. Col you're getting hung up on a topic that is largely irrelevant and an obfuscation. He may admire Putin just as he admires Trump, many do but it has nothing to do with his manifesto. And you are seriously asking that we believe that that little diatribe doesn't apply to the other parties? Claiming to have solutions but offering none: Starmer "we will stabilise the economy" how? Stabilise means hold it as it is with no mention of growth, sounds like pie in the sky spivery to me. Sunak: "NHS waiting lists will fall and people will get the care they ne
  10. From WiKi: The party promotes green politics, specifically environmentalism; nonviolence; social justice; participatory democracy; grassroots democracy; anti-war; anti-racism; eco-socialism. On the political spectrum, the party is generally seen as left-wing. Not sure i see your point here. Having members of a different cultures, race and religion would seem to preclude Reform from that accusation. That's just semantics rely. For £25 I could become a member. Whether that gives me rights, voting or not, is irrelevant. Every organization has its rules; if we d
  11. Yet Reform has many Asian members, and the biggest financial contributor is Asian. Perhaps you can't get through because he's not. or people simply see things differently, or not as prejudiced as you are against anything that doesn't have the word socialist attached. 20 seconds to give a manifesto serious consideration? - you're a better man than I if you can disseminate all that information and analyse it in 20 seconds - or do you mean you didn't even look at and disposed of it purely on your personal antipathy towards Farage? You have taken a Guardian editor
  12. Two things I don't like, the awful, totally out of sympathy with it's surrounding - slab square. Second, the Trent University Newton Building, it looks like a picture on a cold war soviet postage stamp. Whoever termed the style 'Brutalist' was spot on.
  13. I thought the Reform manifesto a bit far fetched and unrealistic, then read the Greens version. Reform unreal? The Greens are so naive it's virtual suicide by manifesto...
  14. I don't think so but I've not been to Skeg for years..... Todays headlines looks like somepne just tossed a hand grenade in the Labour camp, not too many details at the moment but involves raiding savings from the look of it and various ways of covert taxation...
  15. The Tory tall tales manifesto. It contains more figures, states more facts than the opposition, but I’m not going to fact check it It looks at first glance like they have a golden apple tree. 17 billion a year in tax cuts whilst hiking defence spending by a similar amount. They hope to pay for it by reducing the welfare bill, stopping tax evasion/avoidance, thinning down the civil service, presumably by dumping decision making on the new devolved local governments. More savings after tackling ‘quango efficiencies’, whatever they means, and reducing spending o
  16. Each to their own, but I'm not fussed about eating supermarket food, if there is any risk of it killing anyone, I rather think we'd know about it...
  17. Seems there are a range of urban legends and old wives tales in the horticultural world. The Royal horticultural Society report from the Guardian: "Environmentally friendly gardeners who attempt to deter slugs and snails from devouring their vegetables with eggshells or copper tape are wasting their time, according to a study by the Royal Horticultural Society. Gastropods inflicted the same damage to lettuces protected with five natural methods – eggshells, copper tape, horticultural grit, pine bark mulch and wool pellets – as they did to lettuces left untreated."
  18. As someone to whom gardening is a total anathema I did come up with a solution to slugs turning a large potted Hoster into a faux swiss cheese plant. After trying and failing with copper tape, under the lip of the pot I simply ran a strip of double-sided sticky tape and rubbed salt onto the outer surface... viola, no more ninja slugs. no more Hoster devastation.
  19. At the moment his 'far-right drivel' is appealing to quite a few people. With a lack of discernible policies from either of the two main parties, both of whom seem to be offering the same things in different colours, there is a distinct sense of lack of confidence in politics and politicians. It's not really a surprise Sutton is showing support for Reform, isn't it Lee Anerson's stamping ground?
  20. A bit long.............. In a lazy Sunday morning, a quick look at Labours manifesto and a few observations. It is becoming increasingly obvious that Starmer (look at me in shirt sleeves ready to go to work), and the Labour party are now pursuing polices Thatcher would approve of. His continuous use of ‘change’ is becoming a mantra without meaning. The ‘tough choices’ he is also fond of quoting means continued Osborneism. It makes much of ‘stabilising the economy’ by ‘tough spending rules’ - sounds like austerity to me. Building business partnerships
  21. Training for 'em? I can't even spell 'em
  22. Today it's the middle of June, it's persisting down and the heating is on, but it's a great day, in fact it's fantastic! For the first time in a long time I can walk upstairs in one go - yippee. Getting in and out of the car, no problem... Yesterday I had injections in both knees and the difference is unbelievable, why oh why did I wait so long?
  23. I'd forgotten about Babbington but yes. public transport was there but, as you say, took some time, most lived close by
  24. Whoaa, this topic is getting out of hand! No dunking, not liking tea! sheesh no wonder we lost the empire...
  25. Why do they not offer the next available? My doc may be slow but it at least I'm offered something. this telephone lottery not the way to do it... I'd be thinking of a formal complaint by now.