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Everything posted by Brew

  1. Doh! took me three goes to get it..
  2. It would quite a sight on a recumbent...
  3. Dangling....................... As in nothing dangling to catch in the wheel?
  4. Bringing all the power of my three brain cells to bear (one dead, one dying and one looking decidedly peaky), I came up with................. nada, zilch, zip... do tell..
  5. Really nonna you must make your family so cross! Resting may not be a waste of time, it may be a way to increase it. Just you jolly well do as you're told and start to relax.......... My dad was the same, "I don't need to take me tablets I don't feel poorly"...
  6. Don't mention X Trails to me. It's one those that has just wiped the front end my car in an M1 service station.
  7. For me it's steak and chips night! Enjoy yer beans...
  8. Looking at that photo it's amazing anyone survived a trip in it. No front brakes and solid rubber tyres on cobbles...
  9. How do you differ between a cottage pie and a shepherds pie. The shepherds pie should only have lamb as the meat content. The clues in the name innit...
  10. Not wishing to insult your grand kids but to my English ears those names sound more like items from a menu..
  11. Looks like an Aubrey Beardsley without the severed head...
  12. Combine it wi' a NS meet up! .... simples!
  13. You're right nonna the standard supply to an Italian home is a paltry 3kW (I just looked it up) and you must pay extra if you want to use up to 6kW. 'Electricity costs will vary depending on the time of use and will cost more Monday to Friday, from 08:00-19:00. The cost is less at weekends'. It all sounds very complicated. I'm guessing there are not too many electric showers over there and our double oven would be neither use nor ornament. How on earth do the restaurants manage? Here (and I suspect most of us), I have a supply that will allow me to run up to 23kW and ne
  14. Why the rotten low down bums..
  15. Really! that's quite interesting, I bet they play on a small pitch, having no legs an all ...
  16. Ah Puffin I've heard of Ben, Puffing no Any road up never mind all that nonsense how are you? you seem to have been a bit quiet of late..
  17. Nope, never ever thought of doing anything of the sort to a Pilchard and to be honest it sounds unhygienic to say the least and probably illegal.
  18. Puffings?? puffings? anybody seen BK's puffings, they can't have got far they have no legs... Probably look a bit like Compo's picture of a Puffin...
  19. There's a guy I met once who makes quite a good living buying and selling them on Fleabay
  20. Looking good so far but wow still a long way to go. Why the wood blocks on the spring U bolts?
  21. Wow that's really tiny. Do you have to boil a kettle in the dark? A villa we rent occasionally has a 25Amp trip which a I thought was small but at least we can make tea and watch TV at the same time.
  22. Heh, just ask Margie... "A garden party you say... no no no... who are these people"...
  23. .. Without out an atom of proof I have to say nonna that's my perception too - time will tell. I didn't think Archie was a 'real' name, just a shortened version of Archibald. Ah well we live and learn and I genuinely wish them all well.