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Everything posted by Beekay

  1. Beekay

    Doug Scott

    Who was Mrs C Catfan?
  2. Don't mean to change the subject but...Does anybody if MercuryDancer got his missus back from Eastern Europe? I've not heard owt for a while.
  3. I threw something into the skip the other day....but she found her way back. Now I'll be for it !
  4. Beekay

    Doug Scott

    If he was 79 and went to Douglas school, I was there at the same time as him. R.I.P.
  5. Wished I'd known Phil, I would have sent a bigger one. Seasons greetings anyway, ya miserable owd bugger.
  6. Don't know which thread so chose this one ! Can't post a card or meet anyone, some I'll never meet, but I'm sending you all Best wishes for Christmas and Healthy New Year, from us both in Sussex.
  7. P.P., by the time you've done you may as well turn it into a swimming pool. Or maybe even a decent elephant trap. Who knows what you could catch, the world's your lobster.
  8. Beekay


    It's always reassuring to have a back seat driver.
  9. Here's one just for you Ben...
  10. Did one for Jill, here's one for Stavertongirl...
  11. Thank you guv'nor, cor blimey, much obliged.
  12. How does one know if one has received the ten quid?
  13. Don't do that Brew, they'd only leave it on the bloody doorstep or next door !
  14. Depends on whether you've used Viagra or not.
  15. Well, it's no skin off my nose !
  16. Oh I see, so your wanting to send me up there ! They reckon if you see a cat up there with a's a tourist !
  17. And you're suggesting I come and live up there Gem? (I'm thick, so I'd fit in.).
  18. Cor! worra wiff outside WH Smith.
  19. Really Phil ? And they call us civilised!
  20. For JillSparrow, for no reason but......
  21. Maybe I can add Yorkshire as she is spoke, on to my exams, might even try for Mid Caribbean accents.
  22. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't there used to be four cannons at the top of the entrance steps? Two on either side. We, as kids used to sit astride them and pretend we were shelling Bilborough and Wollaton.
  23. Either that Gem, or give the chippie a ring and ask them to float your order down the beck, (in a Moses basket).
  24. Hey up ! Wot yo lot tryin to do? Get meto move somewhere else. Ah cant speak Yorkshire thou knows. Nor can ah tread grapes.