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  1. Do you visit the museum? Have you ever noticed a small fireplace in there, complete with all the copper measuring jugs and pans? It was made by my other halfs Grandfather, he was a tinsmith and used to make the measuring jugs for the local pubs and beer-offs in Radford. If you look closely at it you will see the name R Mart on the fire place, my husbands father. Interesting place the museum. A
  2. I can post it now we have permission from council and the police , or your welcome to our first ever St Georges day parade though the streets of Radford starting at The Pheasant Inn prospect street at 11am taking in a two hour route via St Peters Street , Ilkeston Road , Radford boulevard ect , finishing back at the pheasant where there will be a party , disco , bouncy castle , barbeque ect .
  3. Born Brixton Road front bedroom attended Sidney Pearson Hill on Foster Street started my adult life living above The Gregory Hotel pub ( after a few weeks with mates in Vic flats ) then moving to an old terraced house on Foster Street ( bit like an inside toilet with an outside house ) just down from Denbo's cafe ( well handy ) then my daughter come along went posh moved to the 1st new house on the new Cobden Street housing development took a council ex-change to Bilborough ( big mistake ) , copped for a half decent job and a son joined the property ladder now in Wollaton ( short walk to Sunny
  4. I have come across loads of piccies of Clifton Mick. When I've loaded them back into the puter I can send you some if you want... I also have some very old ones dating back to when it first opened, a few underground, and some of the "old pit" before the baths were built in the 50's. I managed to get a bloke at Wollaton Hall to send me piccies he took for me of the old diarama they used to display of Clifton years back. What memories of wastage at Clifton! Thousands spent to start the roadway drivage from the tupton sean to the lower seam below tupton! What promises they gave us, another 50 y
  5. What I'd like to know is, what happened to that massive plastic ice-cream cone that stood outside on the pavement on Radford road ? it had been around for years and now it's gone!.. somebody must have it and they need to own up! somehow, you just can't seem to get a good ice-cream down there nowadays.. pellet guns, and knacked wash machines - yes! .. ice creams - no! :o so whoever's got it! .. put it back! ilko..
  6. I used to 'play' in Radford and met my other half there. Do you remember the Colonel Burnaby on Hartley Road, The Alma on Alfreton Road and the Havelock on Ronald Street, to name but three! The Spread Eagle on Alfreton Road, OOps thats four, was run by Eddie Cartright at this time, he now lives in Ilkeston I think. He was famous for the things he used to keep in the cellar like bacon and sausage. Probably the only pub in the area that you could do your weekly shop while you had a drink. He enjoyed playing cribbage while drinking Gin and milk. Denman Street and Hamilton Terrace are two
  7. The guy in the hole in the wall at the Cathedral used to sell matches, and when he had finished for the day he used to swing himself on to the bus by holding on to the pole and then go thump on the platform. Jimmy used to sell papers on the corner of the Boulevard and Radford Road, he used to visit someone in Aspley and call in at my Grand Mothers for a cup of tea. Just a bit of useless information. A
  8. looking at the old Radford maps, Oldknow street was roughly opposite Osborne street.. the 'grande' public house stood on the corner of Alfreton rd/Gregory boulevard.. and just around the corner from Osborne street on Alfreton road was the Pakistani beeroff, whereby one could buy alcoholic liquor and wallpaper paste on a sunday afternoon.. very handy! ilko..
  9. The only other gas works I can remember were at Basford, which does not look right? As picture highlights Players premises the only remote one was Players Bond, Ilkeston Road/Triumph Road. Perhaps this is an old image when the bond was a smaller building?. I still can't get my head round the roads(unable to find my old Radford map). Which is Radford Blvd, and which is Hartley Road. What direction are we looking from?
  10. the three streets that run vertical to the factory left to right are Player, Wallan, and Osborne... by the lack of vehicles parked on these streets I would guess this pic would date from around the 1920/30 era. the first house in the lh side row on Osborne street is where I lived mid 70s, when I worked ar Raleigh.... if it was a better resolution I reckon it may have been possible to see the Radford Folly .. nevertheless a very nostalgic pic! ilko..
  11. Found this old Picture, Not sure of the year it would have been taken or What the streets are? Anyone any idea?
  12. Mid-late 60's, I lived near the corner of Norton Street with Hartley Road. One corner was the chemist, (I was in the next house on Norton street after the alleyway that ran up to the next road), opposite was a shop owned by an asian family that was an Anorak Factory ( :D Honest!, Remember that blue quilted nylon). But for that shop, there may have been no Trainspotters? On the other corner was Barratts Sweet Factory. and on the 4th corner was some waste land with a big house, which I was informed used to be a childrens home? Later that Land was built on. Clifford Court? and other blocks of l
  13. For Chat about the Radford Area. Previouse Radford Topics now moved here...
  14. Now theres a thing Radfordred. Is the old variety club still there? The last time I was in there was about 1970. I remember the Organist getting up and going to the bar to get a pint. The organ continued playing. I was amazed. :o This was the coming of modern technology!
  15. It's a good Photo Red, :D Shame the bl@@dy council put that street furniture there. Theres always summat to spoil a good shot aint there! I was brung up in Radford so would be interested in seeing any current Radford pics. Mick
  16. B) I maybe mistaken here but the name rings a bell, was the Veriety club in Radford one of his venues back in the eighties.. if it is him, he was a very BLUE comedian, am i right Radfordred. B) Is that place still their ? i use to be a member once. What a place that was, the bingo was a great laugh, and when the strippers came on it was every man for him self.. :o
  17. I moved to Nottingham in the cold snowy winter of 1962/63 at the age of 11 years. First lived at Holgate Road the Meadow, where I started school in the final year of Trent Bridge Juniors.Moved up to Trent Bridge Seniors in 63. Moved to Alfreton Road down towards Gregory blvd Junction, just below Players Clock. Then to Alfreton Road above what was then Dewhursts Butchers, Opposite the road where Radford Baths was on (Boden St?). Then on to 86a Norton Street, (Hartley Road Junction, next to the chemist). Left School whilst there to Work for the Nottingham Coop Building and Engineering Departm
  18. Very Interesting :D Where was the Nottingham Valve Company? I know the Valve Shop, top of Radford Road. In fact that is still there. We could do with some photographs, before it dissapears!
  19. Parts were filmed at the Castle, Old Radford and of course Raliegh Industries when my cousin worked there. Love to see the movie again, been years since I saw it. Didn't they have scenes at the Goose Fair on the Forest too?? John
  20. Any of the older members work "dahn pit".??? I worked for Lord Robens during the 60's at Clifton, then when it closed on to Cotgrave. Remember all those headstocks around Nottingham? Babbington, Gedling, Wollaton, Radford, Linby, Hucknall no1 and 2, Clifton, Cotgrave,Bestwood, then all those around the north of the city to the borders with Yorkshire, all gone now. There are kids now who won't know what a headstocks looks like, or the chugging of the steam engine as it raised coal, men and materials. Nottingham had a proud mining heritage going back hundreds of years, gone with the lace indus
  21. Posted on Oct 19 2004, 08:04 PM All they would let me have in 1964 soon after leaving school was a Raleigh Ultramatic, stating those motorbike things were too noisy.. I take it that you mean mum & dad B) Is this the one, 'Nice colour' :D for a girl :D My parents weren't that keen on me haveing a motor bike, mind you it was only a 80cc Yamaha, but still it could shift, 70 plus down hill. I remember going on the M1 before it was completed , the stretch between east midlands airport A453 J24 and Cinderhill J26 and giving it some wellie. In those days i was a bit of a tear a
  22. Hello Mick Barton Hart retired at the end of my first year at Mundella. Could there, by any chance, have been a connection ? Nah, he was ancient. Was there any snobbery towards Medders kids at Mundella ? No real snobbery that I was aware of, but my mates tended to be other Medders lads there plus some from Radford. Didn't really take much notice of kids outside my circle. I do remember this however. Just after I started at the school (1959) the deputy head came into my class and asked what our father's did for a living. I thought this was a bit weird and listened to the "solicitor"
  23. Anyone heard of Radford Folly?
  24. I was gonna put this under the Local Nutters thread, but this guy is more of a character than a nutter. You may have seen him around the City or in Radford during the 60-70s. Mr. Williams was a rotund black gentleman, he must have been at least in his 80's when he died late 70's- early 80's. He was distictive because he wore a white pith helmet, and walked with a cane or umbrella. He had milk bottle bottom glasses. Once seen never forgotten. He lived in the Raliegh Street area of Canning Circus, and was a retired school teacher, teaching somewhere in Nottingham. I wonder which school he w
  25. There's a mention in Daphne's post of a Trickets.. now thats going back some years.. seem to remember them being on Radford road opposite Kirkstead street, a big rag-n-bone type of place, would be interesting to know what happened to them.. anybody got any info ? re the army coats.. can't remember an army surplus on Arki street, whereabouts were they located? Nidd & Horseborough used to sell some snazzy clothing at the time, they were situated across the road from Atlas street, flares, jackets, shirts, they had it all. and if they didn't stock what you were looking for it was off