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Heard on radio nottingham today that some rich tw**t says people who are in their 60's and retired should do some work for their pension, typical rich peers or lords to say thinks like that. But why should you, most people who are 60/65 have paid all their taxes.Hit the working person again by the rich.Stop the 12 billion pounds going abroad and stop all the scangers coming into this country, as for the rich peers tax them at 100%.then we all have good pensions.

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I already have worked for my pittance (pension) & I expect it's less than this moron would spend on a bottle of wine with his dinner.

Idiots like this should engage brain(if they have one) before opening gob.

This idiot really is Dagenham.

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Mandatory sentence, should be made to live on the average OAP's pension for one year and ALL their bank accounts etc locked for one year and held in trust by several OA Pensioners in trust until he/she has completed their task of trying to survive on the pension.....

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The pig faced Lord Bichard retired donkeys years ago on 120 grand a year.I suppose if he went back to work it would be gobbing for a living...not down a sewer.Another stinking rich Sir Humphrey trying to tell us Plebs what to do.

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has this rich idiot not looked round charity shops lunch clubs hospitals wrvs ect to see how many oaps already are doing so much voluntary work with out them many of these services would not exsist, fair play if this is what thay want to do and i for one am very greatful to all these people who do all the hard work, but no pentioner should be made to feel they have go to do it but should be able to enjoy there hard earned retirement as they wish.

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All you plebs should stop moanin', & be thankful you got someone to tug your forelock begone with you, before I unleash the hounds!! :cool:

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I saw this this on the news too. People over 60, who have earned an honest wage since they were able to, have earned the right to sit back and relax. Let the next generations work out of requirement - my grandparents chose to work into their mid-sixties because they were bored, but that doesn't mean everyone should!

Sounds like no-one will be allowed a break. Burden, my arse.

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I'm afraid the remarks from this idiot are all too typical.

Most pensioners have worked 50 years, paid income tax, national insurance and all the other taxes. Contributed to the economy and generally delivered on their part of the deal.

Now that the government has to stump up their side of the bargain, they start bleating about the fact that they've spent all the money and that old people just aren't dying quick enough.

This guy Bichard deserves all the contempt that going to be rained down on him - retired at 54 on a £120,000 a year pension and he thinks he can talk down to the rest of the population.

You'd think on that kind of pension he might at least buy a better toupe!

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And I bet this bitchard didn't have to walk/cycle through snow/rain for three miles 6am on a winters morning(bloody dark too) to do a days graft.

I'm going to live to be 125 out of spite ;)

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It should not surprise anyone, that once in a while, a remark from a member of the 'elite class',will show the contempt, some of them have for the 'working class'.

The pensioners are not being given anything,they contributed for 50 years,to be able to retire with dignity and a certain amount of pride, in a job 'well done'.

It seems they are being 'shamed',because they can no longer work, to pay taxes to the government,which gives the 'old boys club' massive pensions.

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