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I too will have to wash the kitchen floor because Sparrow's cats have knocked over the mealworm tub again during the night. They were obviously unable to sleep due to the complexities of cogitating expanding universes and other dimensions...where IAMS grow on trees and it rains cat treats, no doubt!

I'll bet good old Schroedinger didn't have this sort of problem!

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Our cats always seemed to wake up at night & cause havoc, then sleep all day.

On his own now, Monty plays football in the hallway & kitchen every morning at around 2am !

I haven't got a clue what this has to do with Black Holes & Quantum Physics either I'm sure !

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I'm convinced that cats regard us mere humans as an embryonic life form, suitable only for catering to their every need and whim. They don't require that we understand the more complex questions of existence, just that we open tins and packets when required and mind our own business as to the more highly evolved feline species. I know my place...or should that be plaice?

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I felt a bit yuk t'other day & went to bed for an hours kip, our cat Pix was asleep at the bottom of the bed, I left him there. I got in, lay on my back & dozed off, Pix then walked up the length of my body waking me up, sat on my chest & was batting my nose with his paw. That can is flipping crackers. Wonder what Scrodinger would have thought?

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Monty does that colly as well, trouble is him being 1 stone in weight always wakes me up, if I try to ignore him he purrs quite loud & that results in him drooling, not nice !

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We took Pix on in Jan when Mother-in-law moved into a nursing home, he just turned up at her house & moved in about 3 tears ago, she phoned RSPCA but no one claimed him. so here he now is living with us. Had to laugh t'other day: a big fat wood pigeon landed near him & he ran in through his cat flap then stood there looking at it through the patio doors making a chittering noise. My cat is a mardy wuss & is scared of wood pigeons, LOL...

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A friend of mine recently gave me a longcase clock. I have always wanted one and readily agreed to give it a home. It strikes on the hour and, a few seconds prior to doing so, you can hear the works inside gearing up for the hammer to strike the bell. My youngest moggie, Tarquin, is mortally terrified of this process and literally flies out of the room and upstairs until it's over! No amount of reassurance will placate him. On one occasion, he was unable to vacate the room as the door was shut, and did irreparable damage to the wallpaper near the door in his frantic scrabbling to escape. All this is observed by his pure white, odd eyed, feline chum, Crystal, who is as deaf as a post and cannot understand what all the fuss is about.

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I reckon Tarquin fancies his chance as a postman. Since he arrived, I discover items of mail all over the house, hidden away and sometimes torn up. The same applies to Avon CATalogues, Bettaware brochures and anything else the two legged brigade are daft enough to post through the door when I'm out. For months, I couldn't understand what was going on and then, one Saturday morning, I caught him, half way up the stairs with a Christmas card in his mouth!

I've got a tabby and white cat with a mania for carrying mail. All I need now is Postman Pat!

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Our cats 'chatter' at birds when they (the cats) sit inside the house looking through the window into the garden. It must be very frustrating for them seeing the birds close up and not being able to get at them! They've worked out that if they go out through the cat flap, the birds hear it and fly away...

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Poor Crystal doesn't understand the concept of birds. Obviously, she can't hear the sounds they make but she still likes to sit on the windowsill chattering at them! Being a mutton Jeff moggie, she is only allowed out on a lead and harness but it's obvious from her facial expression that she finds the world a confusing place. Deaf and with a meow of foghorn proportions, everyone adores her but in the brains department she's a few crunchies short of a full packet unlike the moggie who lived near to me when I resided in Brinsley for a number of years. He gloried in the name of Einstein! His owners confided that he was extremely clever. Clever or not, he was ever reluctant to come in at night, judging by the exasperated voices one heard regularly at dusk. "Einstein!....Einstein!..."

No doubt he was ensconced in someone's garden shed working out formulas for transmuting base metal into tins of tuna!

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I was trying to explain to Mother-in-law the 'Scrodinger cat in the box' thought experiment. All she was saying was how cruel he was to put a cat in the box. I tried to explain that he didn't actually put the cat in the box, it was a thought experiment'. She said "well he must have been cruel to think it up!" I give in..

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Funny how we get these names. My dogs have always had Biblical names, Samuel, Solomon, Jacob. My late wife drew the line at, Mahar shalal hash baz. Roughly translated means quick to plunder fast to steal. Found in the book of Isaiah. She said if you think I'm standing at the door yelling that you've got another think coming. I said we could always call him Baz, but she wasn't having any.

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Our first cat who walked all the way from his new house in Sutton back his old house (ours) in Hucknall in August 1999, (we moved in in early May 99, they moved out in Feb) we phoned them & they were moving to Skeggy so we kept him, I called him Cefur, (C for cat, get it) he died in 2006 & broke our hearts. Found our second cat Tiddles under the bin plinth one cold rainy night about 3 months after we lost Cefur, she was thin as a rake & she became ours. Found out after a few months that her owners emigrated to Australia & gave her to her Dad who lived in some nearby flats but she left him for some reason, we tried to give her back but he said "you can keep her if you want". Tiddles died in Oct 2014 & broke our hearts again. & now we've got Pix, getting to love him now he's settled in OK...

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Bit more on Tiddles: The bottom of our garden floods when it rains heavy & the bin would sit in water, we put a paving slab on 4 bricks to make a plinth. We heard a noise on a cold rainy night, got a torch & there were 2 yellow eyes looking back, she wouldn't come out so I gave her some ham & put a dish of water down. Next day she was still there so went to Aldi for some cat grub. She'd come to us but not come in the house, so I made a kennel (a pussy kennel) out of an old bedside table & put in under the canopy near the house, she moved into it straight away. Eventually we persuaded her to come in the house & she became more confident & put on weight. We put Cefurs old litter tray down & she used it within one minute, so she knew how to use one. She became the most lovely & soft cat you could imagine. My mate who says he hates cats loved her, his wife was gobsmacked when he was fussing her. She was 14 her owners Dad told us when we had her, so she'd have been 22 when she died & we still miss her so much. Pix is almost the same ginger colour as Tiddles was & I found it hard to accept him at first but learning to love him now...

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My good friends Chris and Jane lost their 19 year old cat Missy yesterday. Both are devastated.

They break your heart but that's the price we pay for love.

The more I see of people, the more I love my cats!

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Through some friends in Derby we heard about an old lady who had passed & her family couldn't wait to share the house & possesions this lady had left. Her twelve year old cat "Dinky" was taken to the vet to be put down. Fortunately the vet refused & sent em packing with the words "we don't put down healthy animals."

Anyway we adopted her, Dinky being a house cat had never been outside, our other five cats thought that was hilarious ! Dinky was the most nastiest bleedin cat I had ever known, she took lumps out of my hands when I tried to stroke her. She hissed louded than a snake.

We realised that she was probably terrified of her new surroundings esp with five other cats & me in the house having only lived with the old lady. Over time she became the most loyal, loving cat you could ask for. Later on she even ventured outside via the catflap & sat in the sun in the garden ! Some thing she had never experienced before.

We shared eight lovely years with her, even our other cats grew to respect her ways too. Sadly aged twenty she succumbed to kidney failure & we had to say goodbye to her. She is now joined by our other cats & is waiting at Rainbow Bridge.

Dinky July 1999.


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Eight years ago, we took on a feisty ginger female. Where she came from no one knows but she had 6 beautiful kittens in tow. We found good homes for them but no one wanted their mother, so we kept her.

For a while, she lived with me. I've still got the scars! Then she went to live with my partner, Richard, with whom she has a love hate relationship. We named her Molly Whack It because she attacks everything in sight and likes nothing better than to hide behind a chair, stick a furtive ginger paw out and trip you up as you pass!

The other cats hate her but we've noticed recently that she's starting to mellow a little. About time too!

There's a line of poetry, cat fan probably knows it: "I lack all certainty, but at the point of death I hope to see a small cat racing towards me out of the dark."

Well, in my case, there had better be a whole army of them, otherwise I'm not going!

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What the bleddy 'ell has this thread got to do with cats!!! This thread is for serious big-boys stuff. Here, think on this:

We are led to believe that when the earth was formed it was glowing red hot, and over the millions of years it cooled down. Then life-forms of one kind or another appeared and thrived until we have what we have today - plant and animal life. Yes, but where did all the water come from? I would understand that as the planet cooled it would form mist, fogs, clouds and create dew . But to condense into the enormous oceans that we have, miles deep in some places, and taking about two-thirds of the earth's surface area, naa most the water must have come from somewhere without the help of condensation. Maybe a superior race of 'people' inhabited our planet millions of years ago and could steer it as a spaceship, travelling through space and eventually parked in the orbit of our sun, to give them the perfect conditions they need to survive. But something went wrong and they ceased to exist and animal life started over again.

I did say 'maybe', but far more believable than the scriptures.

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So who made this imaginery race that parked spaceship earth at a perfect orbit around the sun, produced all that water. However, they were not smart enought to survive.

I think I'll stick to my preferred version. (Grin)

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