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Fly2: Here's Gresley's Hush-hush High pressure 4-6-4 No.10000:


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That's it in its original form prior to convention to a A4 lookalike.

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That's the one Fly2. There were seven engines in the class built between 1914-22. They were all later rebuilt as 4-6-0 tender engines.

I have a list of their names but it's probably not relevant to this thread.

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Colly my old dad was crafty and an rcts member. He used ME to cadge a footplate ride on Mallard -clun castle- 6201- is that princess Elizabeth?? The Nige as well- always remember rcts film shows on north church st.

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We used to have a pretty large wheelie bin when we lived in Sacramento, one day I loaded it with old roof shingles, the fibre glass tar type, on top of those I loaded our normal garbage to hide the shingles, as building material was a no no.. Jeeze that bin was heavy, I had a job getting it to the kerbside.

Our municiple garbage trucks had a clamp and hoist to life the bins and tip them in the top of the truck.

This was going to be interesting!! I heard the garbage truck and ran to a window to watch the show, truck pulls up, clamp comes down and clamps the bin, hoist starts to.........Oh dear, stupid thing stalls, driver thought he'd got a mechanical problem, so tries again, hoist cannot lift the bin....I'm sniggering, driver looks like he's saying a few choice words.....Tries again, truck grunts and stalls.

Driver decides to check the bin for forbidden materials, finds the shingles and writes a tag out and ties it to the handle.....I'm PMSL..

Following week, I'd removed about 50% of the weight...Driver gets out cab, checks bin, is satisfied it's household garbage and dumps it in the truck. After a few weeks I'd got rid of all the old shingles, unbeknowing to the garbage truck driver...

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#1. Just how many Sues are there on this forum? We only get a handful of members at the meet-ups but three of them are Sues, and now here's another. We are inundated with 'em. lol

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I go all "gooey" over new power tools...LOL

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  • 2 years later...

Very bad news.  The bin lorry has chewed up the new-ish wheely-bin: it somehow slipped off the loading gubbins & went into the muncher thing, it was so badly damaged when they rescued it that they chucked the remains in & it finished the job. They phoned the office & we should be getting another new one for SWMBO to coo over, lol...

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