Subterranean Adventures under Edward's Lane Est.

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Compo, re Daybrook St'n, I've got a track plan which shows all buildings and structures etc, but obviously it's going to be considerably condensed. 

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I lost my virginity down Giants my ................sumping virginity that is. The first sump now bypassed I believe was only about 4ft long, two of the more experienced guys went first followed by the 'virgins'. The idea was that when you went through one of them would tap you on the head to let you know you could come up for air.


Yep you've guessed it I was 20 yards or so further along the stream bed bricking myself before I thought of lifting my head to see if there was rock above. No rock but two grinning faces.


The next guy through they threw a couple of bit of carbide into the water and lit the acetylene gas as it bubbled up, made a lovely deep thump, you would be surprised at how fast you can get out the water.....

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My mate Dougie and I were near the bottom of the wet pitch in P8.  ( Not really a wet pitch though.. not like the big pitch in Pen Y Ghent when it's in full spate,, or getting washed through Swinsto and into the Kingsdale Master Cave... )  We were trying to relight his wet carbide lamp. and he decided to crack it open at the exact moment I clicked a cig lighter.  The Carbide went up and he dropped the whole thing into the water.  We stood there for a second enveloped in flame like something out of a horror film.  Got away with a couple of singed eyebrows.


Got as far as the sump in Swildon's (Somerset) and we had an attack of mass cowardice.  One of our lads got through after about four tries.  He had us pull him back if he kicked his legs up.  Then a load of people came through the other way.  One lad who had once banged his head coming up too soon and panicked so we were invited to watch him.  Came through like a torpedo and stayed submerged in about two feet of water for several yards until he beached himself on shingle and popped up.

Only sump I've ever dived was the little one in Dowbergill Passage.  Got my lamp cable tangled on a rock and had to be dragged through.  Not at all elegant.  The other regular one was the duck on the way from Valley Entrance in Kingsdale down to the Kingdale Master Cave.  Usually had some airspace in it if you went through with your head back practically suckng the ceiling but it was almost as easy just to take a breath and go for it.


SometimeI must tell you about how we nearly died in a blizzard one night after emerging from Tatum Wife Hole.  That was fun.  And a very steep learning curve...  :)

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Oz #18.  I reckon it's 'horses for courses.'.  I had a few goes at rock climbing.  Mostly places like the 'Wilton' quarries near Bolton, or the various ones around Anglezarke, but also some in the Derbyshire Grit.  Places like Windgather Rocks at Kettleshulme for example.


It's a funny thing.  I could get quite scared climbing rocks.  Something related to vertigo I think.  So even though I trusted the gear and my mates, I was never that happy.


Caving though.  You can be descending a 200 foot shaft either by electron ladder or maybe abseiling, but you can only see as far as your lamp will shine, so you are sort of in a little bubble.  Whether it's underground or out on the crags, a fall of about 30-40 feet onto hard rock is likely to kill you.  It's just the psychology that's different.


Also  logically, once you get above about 30-40 feet, a fall is going to be a bit final, so really, any height above that makes little difference, apart from maybe a few more seconds to comtemplate your fate.


It's being so cheerful as keeps me going....  ;)



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DJ360 #29: I have two special oak trees growing in my garden.  I took the acorns from the oak trees that grow in Anglezarke, just beyond the White Coppice Cricket ground, about a couple of hundred yards up the track.  I have had them growing since 1989 :) 


I am still a member of WCCC despite not having been able to get to a match since about 1996.

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#29 Never was a grit man myself much preferred limestone for climbing why? I have no idea.


As to a fall 30ft, 100ft, 200ft makes not a lot of difference its the last millimetre that counts.


Once fetched a Canadian lass out of Giants on a stretcher hell of a bloody job to get through Crab Walk, boy could she cuss fair made me blush, but her parents who came across the pond were generous, put a thick wad behind the bar for the lads.


As someone has already pointed out it is not the regular cavers that usually cause problems but folk who just try it, it got so as in a summer we would sent 2 lads as a first call out to some spots and that was usually enough.


A typical one was a call to the Via Gellia Pass, the call came from a lady who's hubby had parked in a lay-by, seen a mine adit, grabbed a torch from the car and took young sonny for a look round. The lads found them some way in with a .......dead torch, sat on a rock shivering.

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Not being a climber or caver.........but have spent many years walking/hiking in Derbyshire...........a good few years ago I was walking with my two youngest who were about 8 and 6........and we were on a particular path that was very steep.........and I began to get a little worried when we past 2 blokes dangling in the air with all their gear (Edmund Hillary style).........I needn't have worried,after bidding them ''good morning''...we emerged onto a flat youngest commented........''why them men wearing hats with all that rope Dad'' other said ''tek no notice they just showing off'' and the kids still laugh about about all the gear and no idea.............

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Are they still there dangling Benjamin ? 

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I realise that NBL...............but it was the kids comments that day,..that made it funny..........its like hiking groups you see,all the expensive boots and gear,especially the ornate walking sticks........they go about half a mile and are desperate for a Pub........before returning 'wence they came'


I know that doesn't apply to all groups.

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^^^^^^^^It applies to an awful lot these days, sometimes seems to me its more about dressing up than actually walking anywhere.


If you want a giggle take a stroll down Lambley dumbles in a summer, the way some of them dress it's a wonder they don't get heat stroke. By the way I say down the dumbles because that way you end up at the Woodlark for a light lunch and a pint.

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It's the same with all sorts of people and all sorts of activities. It's about 'uniforms', designed to give the observer the impression of the character/allegiances/status etc., that the wearer wants to portray. It's a 'tribal' thing but it is very easily faked.


Living in a pretty rural area I'm constantly confronted by what I call 'new wave' cyclists dressed up in all the fancy gear.  But I have a long term friend and neighbour who despite having a car, much prefers to cycle most of the time.  He has a good quality lighweight 'touring' bike with mudguards and lights and he wears sensible but 'unostentatious' clothes.

You see the type in the open top sports car with the flat cap and string back gloves.

The biker with the 'racing' leathers, v the biker with painted up leather jacket, dirty jeans and oily workboots v the 'Belstaff/Barbour' look.

Mods v Rockers.

Young lads in re-sprayed Corsas etc, with a standard engine but a massive noisy exhaust and all sorts of 'bolt on' bits.  Ohh and a cap.. worn backwards..

Could never understand why anybody needs to wear a hat in a car that has a roof, but hey..

Dark suit, bowler and brolly.  Does anybody in 'The City' still dress like that? They certainly did not so long back.

'Wannabee' Rambos with full camouflage gear, guns, knives etc.  Some of those people worry me...

'Hard men' with a cap sleeved white T shirt all year round, tattoos and a pitbull type dog straining on each arm.

Go to an air show and you'll see the 'badge wearers' with all the 'enthusiast' gear.

Same at a car racing event.


I of course have impeccable taste in clothing for all activities and am beyond criticism..  ;)




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No special gear to play the organ anyway Col.  :rolleyes:. I play in me jeans during the week and a sports jacket on Sunday.  Pair of organ shoes are the only specialized kit required and I don't even wear them at church.  The pedal board was designed for little old ladies.  Too narrow for me big feet so I play it in my socks.  I hasten to add, not Monty Python style. Lol.

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oh Loppy,i'd pictured you in a Stetson,Waiscoat,nice quality Jeans,bootlace Dickie,and a pair of Cowboy

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If I could play the Organ i'd have to dresss like that..........ofcourse if it was the Piano it'd be Hoagy Carmichael Cowboy style

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I don't think there is such a thing as the ideal pedalboard. I've encountered some which are so low I've had to sit right on the edge of the organ bench because I only have short legs! Organ benches are very slippery...purposely so that the organist can move freely up and down. I've slid off more than once!!  :(


As to what do you wear. A friend knitted me several pairs of pure wool, fingerless gloves to keep my hands warm. Pure wool leg warmers, under trousers and a thick jumper. English churches can be cold in winter!


Come to think of it, a liberty bodice wouldn't have gone amiss!  ;)

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