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Came home from line dancing last night & the sky was lit up with green & Pink'ish streaks, you see it really well even with the LED street lights & security lights blazing away. Was stood out the back till it suddenly vanished. Hope it fires up again tonight... 

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I wish I'd read something about it before it happened. I was indoors but never noticed anything outside in the sky; maybe just facing the wrong direction.


Apparently there's a very good chance they will appear again tonight (Saturday) so I'll be watching and staring.

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Apparently a Cat 5 Solar Storm last night and a mere Cat 3 forecast tonight. As I said I saw nothing from the field at the bottom of the street, but numerous locals published pics of it from the top of the hill.  I'll be up there from sunset tonight..


@Cliff Ton. You'll need to be looking towards the Northern Horizon, which I suppose means you'll have the city in between. Maybe if you have a run out towards Tollerton, Cotgrave or even'll have less light pollution between?

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I didn’t know anything about it as I hadn’t watched the news. I looked at FB and it was the first thing I saw posted by a lady who I was in contact with on Ancestry ( so a vague connection to my family) The photos were from Barrow in Furness where I was born. I’m now looking forward to hopefully seeing tonight if they will be seen in northern Italy where we are. We face south but have a very clear of the north with no obstruction. apparently if you can’t see with naked eye use your phone and they are quite clear.

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49 minutes ago, DJ360 said:

 You'll need to be looking towards the Northern Horizon, which I suppose means you'll have the city in between. Maybe if you have a run out towards Tollerton, Cotgrave or even'll have less light pollution between?


The window of the room I was in (without being aware) faced south/west, so it may well have been all happening behind me.

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Well C.T., you could have looked out for Aurora Australis. Just saying...

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Even visible down here in Georgia.  I didn't see them it was still light when I turned in.  Lots of photos online this morning.  I'll look tonight, probably see nowt.

Saw 'em lots when I lived in Canada.  Hope ya'll get to see them.

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Some of the green streaks were right overhead here in Hucknall, the pink'ish glow was towards the north, loads of posts & pics on facebook about it...

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Hope I see them here.

All we’re seeing at the moment is yellow. It’s the Giroditalia and it’s everywhere . At the end of the month we have the wine festival. Usually there is a pre festa dinner available with all the participants cooking what they will serve for 3 evenings. This year the pro-loco decided that everyone concentrates to include yellow into their dishes. My daughter cooks Gnocchi with a cheese sauce decorated with a restricted Barbera wine. It’s the most popular dish of the festa but this year it posed a problem. She has experimented all week and at the finish decided to add turmeric to the sauce. Can’t wait to try it. I posted a pic on FB from 2 years ago of me eating gnocchi .

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10 hours ago, nonnaB said:

All we’re seeing at the moment is yellow. It’s the Giroditalia and it’s everywhere .

nonnaB, we get the Giroditalia live on our TV's here. Not really interested in the bike racing but some of the shots of the countryside, the towns and the mountains are spectacular. I prefer the travelogue aspect of the coverage. We used to get chefs showcasing the regional foods, not sure if we still see that, perhaps its on too late for me.

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Oz although the Giroditalia is all over Italy we do have some fantastic scenery. From our house we are close to the mountains ( spectacular in winter) they are about an hour away. This area is famous for its wines and food. We are surrounded by vineyards so at vendemmia time all you can smell is boozy smells!  This time of year there is so much going on with local village fairs and getting ready for the summer outdoor concerts featuring every year famous singers.

We live 20 minutes away from ASTI

( Spumante) Barbera is our local wine . Ferrero is in the next town and Nutella factory is only 15 mins away. Who needs the big cities when we have neighbours who give eggs , fruit and veg away when we have cheap but excellent wine. :rolleyes:

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