Open letter to roadwork planners of the council

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So, on my way from gig number one in city centre, got a maximum 45 minutes to get home, get changed, and then get to number two gig, ready to start.

8 or so miles, usually do it with a few minutes spare, handy if I need a pee.

First route, along University Blvd........................roadworks and traffic lights, and 2 into 1 lanes. Mega backups... Try route number 2.

Up towards QMC island, join Derby rd, to find it gridlocked! Try route 3, as many otheres were doing.

Along ring rd to Crown island...ah!.no problem..until Igot to Trowell rd Wollaton, lane closure, 3 way lights!

Eventually get through these and head towards home, a lot later than normal, minutes to spare, I head up Nottingham rd Ilkeston.................and guess what? MORE FERKIN WORK, 3 WAY LIGHTS AND EVEN MORE DELAY!!!!!

Council planners, do you do this on purpose? Ive noticed this pattern before, you screw up one route, and then do the same to all the alternative routes that the motorist has to use! WHY??????? Can you not alternate when you f*ck up the road network like you do so often?

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I have a good one for you (I will get a photo to prove this) Our local "planners" have, in the last week, put signs up about 30 feet from a 'dangerous ' roundabout' warning of the dangers of collisions, and accidents at said junction, thus causing people to take their eyes off of the road to read the sign causing more risk of an accident !! AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!

This is health and safety gone mad

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So, on my way from gig number one in city centre, got a maximum 45 minutes to get home, get changed, and then get to number two gig, ready to start.

8 or so miles, usually do it with a few minutes spare, handy if I need a pee.

First route, along University Blvd........................roadworks and traffic lights, and 2 into 1 lanes. Mega backups... Try route number 2.

Up towards QMC island, join Derby rd, to find it gridlocked! Try route 3, as many otheres were doing.

Along ring rd to Crown island...ah!.no problem..until Igot to Trowell rd Wollaton, lane closure, 3 way lights!

Eventually get through these and head towards home, a lot later than normal, minutes to spare, I head up Nottingham rd Ilkeston.................and guess what? MORE FERKIN WORK, 3 WAY LIGHTS AND EVEN MORE DELAY!!!!!

Council planners, do you do this on purpose? Ive noticed this pattern before, you screw up one route, and then do the same to all the alternative routes that the motorist has to use! WHY??????? Can you not alternate when you f*ck up the road network like you do so often?

I sympathise completely with you Craig it happened to me several weeks ago mate as I was going to watch the panthers game against Sheffield, there were road works every half mile, it seemed as one got through one set of temporary lights there was another on the horizon.

I set off in plenty of time so as I could have a couple of pints before the game started, as it turned out I just managed to catch the end of the National anthem.


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Ah, but give them a chance! You are being cruel to the planning department at the councilwhere they only have 1000 people `working'. Your new noble leader(who was at one time their noble leader),Jane Todd(no planning qualifications),will soon sort out the chaos,when Nottingham merges into the East Midlands region.

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Those lights at Trowell Road Co-op have been a nightmare for weeks, complete waste of time trying to shop there cos there is no way of getting out toward balloon wood because its bumper to bumper.

Im absolutely certain that this council have deliberately created their own congestion, the classic example is the prodtruding kerbed platforms for stepping on and off buses, what used to be two lanes each side of Aspley Lane is now virtually one each way, there used to be enough room to go around buses before they installed these stupid platforms now you have to wait until the bus decides to move or risk a head on.

Another example is St Annes Well Road, it used to take a few minutes to get to Mapperley Top, this is now taking five minutes because of the silly chicanes and humps theyve installed.

Its all too easy to create congestion especially when there is talk of a congestion charge.

I now refuse to take any work within or near the City Centre.

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It certainly seems like there is a hidden agenda when they do "work" on just about all the roads from the city centre in a certain direction at the same ferkin time!

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I now refuse to take any work within or near the City Centre.

Same here mate. Although I have a Dispensation to park on double yellows with me van, I still cannot go inside the '10 till 4 ' zone.

I used to have a customer in the Flying Horse walk, but as I can't get near it with me tools, and they don't want to get in early in the morning or stop late after 5 I've told 'em - get some other sucker.

My neighbour works for Royal mail and used to collect from the Council House at about 3pm. After a couple of tickets he told his boss he wasn't prepared to collect from the City any more. The Post Office have now cancelled the collection contract and the Council have to drag the post sacks up to Queen Street.

What a state of affairs! Where will it all end?????

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Yerv gorra newun

Tommorow I'm on my way over to Nott'm to see my mum, who is in The Queens Med, I worked out my route (on the bus ) a couple of days ago,( cos they charge £4 to park at the hospital,) only to find out today that the Carlton bus can't stop on "The Bridge" because there is strengthening work going on somewhere.

Now it aint a problem for a big boy like me to find the alternative bus stops etc but imagine an oldie coming to visit and has no access to the internet ??????????? The panic sets in , and poor old Cissie and her sister get to meet about 2 mins before 8 (Closing time)

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I understand there is a fairly large city near me.

Since the council took over from the traffic wardens,

their wardens have stuck ticket on marked police vehicles

attending incidents in the city centre.

The local constabulary have stated that any ticket incurred have

to be paid by the officers concerned.

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Yerv gorra newun

Tommorow I'm on my way over to Nott'm to see my mum, who is in The Queens Med, I worked out my route (on the bus ) a couple of days ago,( cos they charge £4 to park at the hospital,) only to find out today that the Carlton bus can't stop on "The Bridge" because there is strengthening work going on somewhere.

Now it aint a problem for a big boy like me to find the alternative bus stops etc but imagine an oldie coming to visit and has no access to the internet ??????????? The panic sets in , and poor old Cissie and her sister get to meet about 2 mins before 8 (Closing time)

within eight minutes walk from the QMC thair is a pub by the name of The White Hart you could park in thair for free providing one went in for a shandy.


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Been and done it now Den Thanks

I went into Tescos to get some flowers (nice bunch of roses for a fiver)and a card,I got on the bus to buy a day rider, to find it had gone up from £2.70 to £3.00 yesterday, I asked the driver where I'd get a bus to the hospital, he directed me to opposite the old Jessops, I got there to find these only went to the City Hospital (Mum is in the Queens) so I chased around to find the right stop,got to the hospital total journey time from Carlton 1 hour 20 minutes It only took me 1 1/2 hours to drive over from here!!!!!!

Went in looked at the map, only to find her ward number didn't exist!, went to the information desk to be told it was there, it just wasn't on the ground plan for some silly reason. The lifts weren't working so it was a good long stroll to the ward, I had to scrub up to enter and be buzzed in ,I asked where I could find my mum and they took ages to find which 'bay' she was in, then when I get to her I'm told they don't allow flowers on the wards any more.

My mum is fine and making a full recovery by the way.

My sister turned up after driving up from Bedford (working) and invited me round to her house for some dinner and I had to knock her back as I had plans for a 'Chicken Maryland' from our local Chinese ( I love them and I haven't had one for at least 10 years!!) then on to see if my old mates still went to the Karaoke in the 'Bruno'

I got to the Chinese to find it was closed on a Monday so I chased around to find something else, took it home and didn't fancy it in the end so threw most of it away. Then I started 'Lead heading' and was in bed by 9.30pm and didn't get to meet my mates either

So on the whole I had a really good day out !

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It didn't start out that way I just kept remembering more and more

I had also been promised £25 by some one to deliver a painting up to my neck of the woods, I waited for ages for them to turn up ,when they did I asked about the 'package' only to be told it had been posted instead!! so I was also £25 light, told you it was a lovely day

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  • 7 years later...

Not Notts but typical of roadworks and other planners in the highways dept. everywhere: Here in Wick, Caithness, there is a road that cuts down by the river and by-passes one of only two sets of traffic lights in the county capital. Clearly, this situation could not be allowed to continue and so a few weeks ago the planners came up with a brilliant plan.....put a traffic calming barrier up on the road that runs down by the river, making it a single lane half way down the road. So that is just what they have done - just around the right angled bend on the hill and slap-bang adjacent to the Wick Municipal camp site access. Now any traffic cutting down by the river, or traffic wishing to access the campsite must be prepared to come to a halt immediately around the (blind) bend. It is an accident waiting to happen and bloody dangerous too.

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