What would you do with a few million?

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I see a 17 year old Universirty student won about 7 Million quid on the lottery.

If I were Er, I would not be goin to all them Classes!

What would you do with it?

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I wouldn't put it in a bank! Must be a real problem for her - knowing where to invest the cash safely. Perhaps she should stash it in her bra, where she put her ticket for safekeeping!

Don`t you reckon they would go `bust' !laughing!

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2 million to Notts County

3 million on wine

1 million on dirty women

500000 for friends and family

and as for the last 500000 I would just waste it

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I would give1million to my daughter,1million to my son,1 million each to my 2 sisters,1 million to hubbys brother and with the rest we would buy a lovely bungalow in the country away from barking dogs,loud music,screaming brats on the way home from school and HOODIES hanging round the street,a nice new car,a harley davison motor bike,go on a very long holiday and take life easy with the rest of the money. SORTED!

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I forgot, scratch that three mill on wine

1 million on a body transplant

2 Million on wine.

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I forgot, scratch that three mill on wine

1 million on a body transplant

2 Million on wine.

I'm disgusted with you, I would have thought you would have thrown it at the Vulcan to keep it flying for another week.

Or maybe 'tapped up' Caroline Grace for a few flying lessons in her 2 seat spitfire, then bought them both.

I was hoping to win £100m on the Euro lottery last week so I could buy out the Conservative Party and restock it with ex-miners, now that would have been a worthwhile investment.

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I don't think I'd fit in Carolines Spitfire, but I did forget all about XH558, but by the time it's fixed I will be too old to enjoy it!!

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with the rest we would buy a lovely bungalow in the country away from barking dogs,loud music,screaming brats on the way home from school and HOODIES hanging round the street

When you find somewhere in the Uk that's fit's the bill, let us know and we might just end up as neighbours !laughing!

I won't hold my breath though.

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Buy a house in a huge area of woodland with a stream or lake where I can walk my dogs and watch the wildlife in peace....

Invite top members of the Country Landowners Association for a free dinner and cocktails....(Most who've got their land by theft or sleeping with royalty in the past) then tell 'em to get their rich backsides the hell off MY property.

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