Musters Club West Bridgford

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Joy James started this thread and yes, I remember you. I am Rex Harvey and I am fascinated that you remember my Dad as a monster! A lot of the drunkenness was faked to keep the folks amused but I reck

This brings back a memory of the past. I should start by pointing out that my Father was Rex Harvey but NOT Rex Harvey of the Musters Hotel. My father set up in the motor trade with his own business a

Hi all, JOY JAMES here, so glad to hear from you Rex. I loved and respected your family very much and have fond memories of you all. I loved your old granddad and when he went to live temporarily at t

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  • 2 months later...

I stayed in the Musters for around 10 weeks in the 70's there was about 30 / 40 of us some in the main hotel and majority in the annexes at the rear, working at the sugar factory during the sugar strike , had many a great night there, i remember the cabaret which i think repeated every week the same acts, jokes, and songs , i think the M.C was a gay guy called Jason smashing bloke, he could see we were getting a bit fed up of the cabaret and started to take us all to his gay clubs for a change of scene where we were made welcome and had some good times too we were all  youngish guys from Birmingham and a lot of Irish guys too but we always felt welcome at munsters hotel and all the places we went to including the factory great times and great people 

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi, found this thread really interesting. I’m from North Wales and used to work with a colleague loft insulating, often at Derby and Nottingham so we used to stay over in the Musters circa 1980. We regularly saw the glamorous foreign singer who we enjoyed very much. However, one night we stayed we walked in to find the Searchers we’re performing. I was only 18 my colleague was about 30 but we both enjoyed it and as residents were drinking in the bar with them afterwards. Great times.

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  • 2 months later...

First off, this thread was started by Joy in 2009...and is still going! Shows just just what a great topic it is! Thanks Joy! 

Remember The Musters well...great place! Remember seeing the late/great Bernard Manning there and, if I remember rightly, did he sometimes swear? I remember Roro's debut(?) there and the compere's build-up introduction included " for one night only, stopping off on her whirlwind tour..." . After that night she was never out of the place....couldn't get rid of her....resident artist! But she was good, bless her!

Also remember Roger L'Idiot and saw him at another great old Nottingham venue (memory failure kicks in) on Fletcher Gate, just up from The Cross Keys. Can I hell as like remember the name! My wife immediately recognised him and said "He used to live next door to me!" and promptly went over to talk to him!

On another thread, Old Hockley, the Pigalle club was brought up and I remember the owner (think his name was Jack) once secured a booking for Bill Halley! Mind you this was in the late 60s/early 70s and Bill was way past it. It was mid week and there weren't many people there. Anybody else remember the event?

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  • 5 months later...

I know this is  an old conversation, but if anyone's interested, I've just found a programme from the Musters listing all the  acts in the 'Variety Lounge' from January to May (no year, but probably about 1975.  Lists the price of the rooms on the back.  Four pounds a night, including breakfast!  I can upload it if you like.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I just stumbled across this thread.  I used to work for Plessey and in early 1970 I was at Beeston for a three month course.

Our first b&b was pleasant but boring so my colleague Ted Murphy, discovered The Musters.


We had a very pleasant stay there! We had the room over the bar and our shared bathroom/toilet was used by customers "in the know".

I remember Penny Wise who was sort of friendly with the bar girls, whose names escape me at the moment.

I do remember that they bought a battered old ambulance that they christened Annabel and eventually drove it to Greece!


Happy memories,


Bill Kelly


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  • 7 months later...
On 10/6/2021 at 11:22 AM, Willd said:

I know this is  an old conversation, but if anyone's interested, I've just found a programme from the Musters listing all the  acts in the 'Variety Lounge' from January to May (no year, but probably about 1975.  Lists the price of the rooms on the back.  Four pounds a night, including breakfast!  I can upload it if you like.


We're all waiting....but unfortunately Willd never came back after his one post in 2021.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi folks,


Kinda late to the party here, but then I was late to the Musters party too by the look of it. I was around 20 and down on my luck in the early to mid '90s. If it hadn't been for the Musters Hotel - I guess this was shortly after, as one of you mentioned, the Musters looked to housing benefit tenants for revenue - I'd've been homeless and don't even wanna think about how that might have turned out. I had no idea about its history.


If the descendants of Mr Harvey are still present, then on behalf of myself and I'm sure many others for whom the Musters was a lifeline - thank you.

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Prompted by 2CV's post, I've just read through this entire thread, and was pleasantly surprised. It's a reminder of what Nottstalgia used to be like in the good old days - with memories, information and anecdotes. 


It's a pity most of Dave Mills' photos have disappeared again. Even though he last logged in only a couple of months ago he obviously didn't look at this thread.

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For what it is worth, I went to the Muster's once, in 1970, with a friend.

I enjoyed the evening, which featured a comic, but never went back, as I left Nottm shortly afterwards and wandered about a bit before ending up here..

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Musters Road in the 60s was, I think, flat and bedsit land. Several of our teachers at Berridge lived in flats on Musters Road, having recently graduated from Clifton Teacher Training College. In fact, I was talking to one of them last night who has fond memories of his time in the Musters Road area. One by one, as they moved on to other schools, got married and acquired a bit more money in their pockets, they left their flats and dispersed throughout Nottingham. Only one of them remained in the vicinity, moving to Tollerton and now back in West Bridgford.

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47 minutes ago, Jill Sparrow said:

Musters Road in the 60s was, I think, flat and bedsit land.


Especially at the Trent Bridge end. But in recent years many of the big old houses down there have been re-gentrified and look really nice as a result - visible if you click along from here, especially on the right-hand side.



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I’ve just re-read the Musters Hotel thread and it brought back memories of the early 1970s.  I was in the company of Rex Harvey (again) a year or so ago, what a lovely man he is too.  A personal memory of the Musters Club is not what actually occurred there but what happened on the way home.  I was with 2 friends on the way home from a great night at The Musters to Arnold, in my friend’s husband’s car.  In those days drink/driving wasn’t a big deal and she’d had her share.  We were going up Mansfield Road, out of town, and she drove right over a raised ‘Pedestrian refuge’ and burst 2 tyres on her husband’s BMW pride and joy.  It was pouring with rain and we waited a long time in a shop doorway for the AA man to turn up who wasn’t  able to assist because we only had ONE spare wheel.  I can’t remember the final outcome but we all eventually got home in a taxi.    

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  • 11 months later...

I know that other Rex Harvey a little and been with him at a couple of charity events in the past year.  A very nice man.   I knew his wife years ago, she sadly passed away at a very young age when their children were still young.  

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