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Pub violence rises around pool table


Barrie Clement reports from the British Psychological Society


Violence in pubs is on the increase with combatants using everything from pool cues to pork pies as weapons, according to a report presented to the Conference, writes Barrie Clement.

Fights could erupt anywhere, but only one in 10 could be described as truly "rough" pubs where violence was endemic.

A study of more than 100 licencees in Derby, Nottingham, Sheffield and the West End of London, found that "revenge" attacks were on the increase.

Phil Leather of Nottingham University, said: "The idea that people have a fight and then drink together afterwards is either a thing of the past or a myth. One incident often leads to another a few days later when people have their own back."

Dr Leather has been commissioned by Allied Domecq, which owns one of the country's largest pub chains, to establish the causes and possible cures of violence and techniques for coping with the aftermath.

Together with colleagues Rosie Dickson and Diane Deale, Dr Leather found that pubs often suffered from a spate of unruliness with the culprits eventually moving elsewhere.

Fights were often sparked by competitive situations such as pool games where emotions got out of hand, fuelled by drink.

Dr Leather, however, argues that alcohol itself cannot be blamed.

The potential for violence depended on the environment and staff's attitude, "although there is no legislating for the proverbial nutter".

Managers' friendliness seemed to have a calming influence. The design of pubs was also important - putting the pool table near the toilet door so that games were constantly interrupted was not conducive to harmony, Dr. Leather said.

Pork pies at 20 paces,Ahshley?

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Just to take the sting out of things, I'll tell you an amusing story about the good side of pub pool.

My ex-brother in law was/is a fantastic character, yes he was from Yorkshire too. Without trying, or even attempting to take things seriously, he excelled at any sport he could be bothered to have a go at, cricket, rugby, tennis, anything, you didn't take on our Raymond and expect to come close in any competition, even if it was bloody cards or even Snakes and Ladders.

One day, up in Huddersfield, we paid a visit to his mother who wasn't well, afterwards we went to her local pub for a lunchtime pint. They had a pool table so we decided to have a game. Waste of time on my part, Ray didn't very often play pool, possibly never had before, but it was Raymond, and he was inevitably good at it, I was slaughtered. During the game, a bloke sauntered over and shoved 20p on the table, as you do, never thought about it. Next minute he challenges Ray, out comes a very expensive cue from a locked cabinet and we thought 'Oh Dear, this bloke is good'. After Ray had stuffed him, they had another game, by this time the room had filled up with awed locals, Ray stuffed him again. By this time I was getting worried as the room was packed, even the landlord came in to watch. After 3 matches of which Ray won everyone, it transpired that the bloke was the West Riding pool champion, very generous in defeat, lots of handshaking all round and offers of free pints and offers of Ray to join the team, in typical Ray fashion, 'Nor, I dornt think so, I'm not so good really, just luckeh'. Understatement of the century, I wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't played again since.

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Just to take the sting out of things, I'll tell you an amusing story about the good side of pub pool.

Watching a match one night when an irate female stormed in...picked up the black ball and bounced it off the head of one of the players.It seems he hadn't been home for his dinner that day...

The opposing player demanded of the ref that the ball should be re-spotted...the following argument concerning the rules were seemed interruptions due to a homicidal spouse were not included.

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...and, of course, nothing like this EVER happens in Australia!


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I think Brown should poison his wife, shoot himself and let the dog have a go at running things


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I'm in Dinan (Brittany) this week, lots of bars no pool tables, no violence & no binge drinkers.

It's either:

1) The French are too cultured...............

2) Beer is £5 per half litre.................

Answers on a postcard to Gordon Brown (ex PM as of tomorrow)

PS: the wonders of wi-fi enable me to moan from all over the world (apparently) !inthebin! !laughing!

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