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Flying over my garden 10 minutes ago, looks like a Kestrel apart from that beard, and it was twice the size of normal ones




Sure it must be a Kestrel

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I know you're going to laugh at this Ian but have you thought of a Cuckoo, same wing shape as the Kestrel but with a more rounded tail, also look at the beak shape, not like a raptor, could be a female cuckoo


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It was deffinately?? raptorish in it's flight Rog

Still think it's an overgrown female Kestrel (Possibly a hybrid ???)

certainly wasn't a Buzzard

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My first (& probably only) guess was Kestrel. I've bred a few different Birds of Prey over the years, but bow down to your knowledge of birds in general. I kept 2 kestrels, though never did breed them (both males - so it would have been a miracle !)

I'm stumped by the size,,,, but I think if it was a hybrid, you might recognise some traits of the other species. If I can get to my books, I'll have a scan through them.

It reminds me of a bird I saw down here many years ago,,,,,, which looked & hovered like a kestrel,,,,,, but was completely Yellow ! It was hovering over a valley known as Eagles Nest (where they shot some car advert) & I pulled up to watch it. I watched it for 10 minutes or so before it dropped down onto something,,,, & I never saw it again. Every time I drive around Eagles Nest, I look out for it (or maybe an off-spring).

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I go with Rog 100%, it's a female cuckoo in it's red phase, the males are grey, I don't think many people realise how similar they are to raptors in size and flight, which is rarely seen to be honest, especially this year when their lack of numbers is cause for concern. When I moved here just over two years ago the place was swarming with them and we had a regular visitor who liked to sit on the telegraph pole at the bottom of the garden and deafen us with his call. This year, zilch, one sad distant example who only calls at first light. When you see the size of them and imagine some poor little reed warbler trying to raise the blooming thing it's a wonder they develop at all.

A really excellent sighting and set of pictures mate, especially this year, Bill would be proud of you.

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possible escapee, maybe a Lanner or Saker or even a Harris Hawk, what you describe Ian does'nt sound native to the UK. have you got any birds of prey centers near you or within a 30 mile radius?


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Oi, I'm supposed to be backing you up here, turncoat.

Seriously, I've gone through my books that have under wing patterns for all raptors and only the cuckoos match and I've confused them with raptors before, they are surprisingly similar, although sometimes they have a definate dipping pattern in flight as well. Having said all that, I'm only an amature, ask Kate Humble, she could no doubt stammer her way through a totally inaccurate explanation.

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Sorry Pete, I must have been writing my reply at the same time as you, still think it could be the cuckoo though, shame you have'nt got many down there, you can always have a couple of ours from the back field that wake me up every morning at 04.00hrs


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Consensus of opinion on that site is that it's a Male Kestrel. (Although it was massive ) Might send it to "Spring watch" on the BBC !!

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