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Phoned BT today, after talking to a robot, listening to lift music then pressing all sorts of buttons got through to the smarmy sexy voiced answerphone (sounds like Fenella Fielding in "Carry on Screaming) after explaining what I wanted to that I got to talk to a human being, after a thorough SS type interragation by her, "Vot ist your name" etc I got to explain I wanted the phone account changed from my late wife's name to mine, the following is word for word, thing's words in capitals "CAN I SPEAK TO YOUR WIFE?" "you'll have a job" "I CAN'T CHANGE IT UNLESS REQUESTED BY HER" "IS SHE THERE?" "what are you talking about? she's died" (Might have sworn) "HAVE YOU A CONTACT NUMBER FOR HER" (definetly did swear!) and made reference to her parents, can only assume "late" took as as not on time back from shopping etc and "died" mistook for Issy changing her hair colour ! Hope no one says such out of place at pub tonight!

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Had to deal with this kind of nonsense for a year or so after my first wife died.

Spent quite a bit of time on a Widow/widowers forum during that time. There people like you spoke to were known as DGI's.

its like talking to a brick wall.

Sorry you have to go through this.

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ash all i can say is tw ts fill in the gap yourselfs we staying in tonight been out most of the day,

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Ah but did you have to press 1 for English, 2 for Spanish, like wot we do over here? Pisses us off no end when English is the OFFICIAL language over here.

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Some years ago a mate was talking to his grandma on the phone. He wanted to go over to her house to vacuum his car out as she had a drive and it was less hazardous than doing it on the road where he lived. She was a tightfisted old bird and moaned about the electric he would use.

Its alright nan, I'll bring my own vacuum.

Much happier she said 'Well that's alright then'

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