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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/2024 in Posts

  1. I was saddened to learn today that Larry (Laurence) Llyod has passed away today age only 74. I knew Larry reasonably well in the mid 80’s to the 90’s. Very pleasant generous fellow and a great footballer. Excellent company to be with and a pivotal member of Brian Clough’s Nottingham Forest team during their glory days. Rest in Peace Larrry.
    1 point
  2. Continuing the Privatisation Scam theme. Yesterday I received a letter from a company called Outside Clinic, who claim to be delivering NHS Services, and in fact have the NHS logo more prominently displayed on their blurb, than their own company name. Their basic pitch is that they can deliver FREE HOME EYETESTS, ( to qualifying people ) via a little known NHS Funded scheme. It is pretty much certain that I do not qualify for this, as I am pretty mobile. However, I would no doubt, on enquiring, be offered a Home Test anyway, for the 'bargain price' of £60.
    1 point
  3. I would treat shareholders for exactly what they are - shareholders in a bankrupt company and the value of their shares is zero.
    1 point
  4. Like Oztalgian I too am an atheist. Personally I would not use the term ‘confirmed atheist’ just I’m an atheist. I lack the belief in any god or gods but I don’t claim that no gods exists I just don’t believe they do.
    1 point
  5. Definition of an optimist: someone who writes a book on atheism then prays that it sells
    1 point
  6. Even the name 'Easter' has been filched from pre-Christian times: Eostre is the pagan fertility goddess of humans and crops. The traditional colors of the festival are green, yellow and purple. The symbols used are hares and eggs, representing fertility.
    1 point
  7. Apart from the oxymoron I quite agree...
    1 point
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