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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. Get an older rescue dog ..I would, and I'm in my sixties.
  2. There is a list with some info...but I've lost it The White Horse Pub was one of the first brick built buildings in Nottingham.An early chronicler was complaining many years ago that pebble dash was hiding the brickwork.It seems the shape of the building has been retained but it is now wider...I can't yet find when this was done. The original building.. After the alteration...it got wider...plus other alterations.
  3. Nottingham's fine...depends on where you're going to live.I would guess Lenton way if the missus is going to uni.
  4. Not taken from the top...I'll see what I can sus out.Others on here have a lot more railway knowledge than me.
  5. Like any conversation, in the pub for instance...you start off with one topic and within minutes it changes direction...happens all the time when you're chatting... How many times have you heard someone say..."How did we get on to this subject" Anyway back to the thread...
  6. See what you mean about the windows...Hundreds of these were demolished late 60s.....good thing really,can't keep all the old houses even if they do have a history. I've never understood why the Council haven't wiped out Hyson green,they've built new houses here and there in the middle of this lot.A right jumble.With half of Radford Road shops being shuttered for years the Council could have torn the lot down and built a new estate with sufficient small trade units for the small businesses that do exist. Before this slump that is. All they've done is waste money...Most of it from the EEC to
  7. Papers full of football recently...much more important eh?
  8. If you mean these...I would have thought these were more likely the homes of merchants in the middle class.Like those on Noel street...not like the houses of the rich, but they probably employed one or two maids. Framework knitters were more likely to be found in the small cottages that were common in places like Wilford and Calverton. These are knitters cottages in Calverton...built 1834
  9. "Come to Australia???? Are you sure they weren't 'Sent'? The court house and dungeons were only 100 yards from Count Street...hundreds were transported from there.
  10. Find his address ...most Frame work Knitters worked at home.Calverton was absolutely full of them.
  11. There was a Guild of Cordwainers...A National Union of Cordwainers...and an Amalgamated Cordwainers Association..Some just in London,but it might be another source of information.I would imagine your ancestor was a Guild member.Could be time consuming but may bring up something.
  12. Interesting to find that the guy Retchford is seeking information on was a cordwainer or shoemaker and leatherworker.He lived on Count street which was off Barker Gate...A barker is a tannery worker.Alderman Drury who the Drury Hill was named after was also a cordwainer.The whole area was riddled with tanneries, many underground in the caves.It seems this area was into leather big time.
  13. Yeah...Re edits.....another hour even...would be handy to correct mistakes.And make additions without a fresh post.
  14. When the old railway bridges were demolished a few years back on Canal Street no end of tannery associated artifacts were found around the foundations..
  15. Parking fees...Thanks to brain dead councillors. Shopping on the net..Thanks Tesco... High business rates...Thanks again to the council... Smoking ban in pubs...total ban instead of well ventilated smoking rooms...Thanks MPs...and tight fisted pub owners. Pubs run by accountants and holding companies...Thanks breweries.... Booze sold below cost..because they can make money on bog rolls and other stuff...Thanks supermarkets. And to think we voted for these overpaid council pillocks. Welcome to a future Tesco town...AND IT'S YOU THE PUBLIC THAT HAVE BEEN TAKEN IN AND BROUGHT THIS ABOUT.
  16. Oh dear..Your ancestor was in the workhouse that one of my distant relatives ran. I hope our 'Absalom' didn't give them a hard time.. At least they didn't finish up in Australia... Absalom is a Jewish name....mixed blood and C of E for a long time now though.
  17. CORRECTION. Typing faster than I'm thinking...Drury hill was the access road to the walled town NOT the North Road.The route north from the Trent was via Stoney Street.. Bread Lane...(now Broad street/Glasshouse Street/Huntingdon street) and onto the York road (Now Mansfield road) Why is the edit button so quick to disappear Mick?
  18. It's Drury hill...You're getting mixed up with the famous Drury lane in London.Drury Hill was originally part of the North road to York where travellers that had crossed the Trent Bridge made their way through Nottingham to the North.The pub site I mentioned was built on the site of one of the medieval town gates. An old lady now dead who lived in the narrow Marsh area at the beginning of the last century told me her Dad mentioned the cheap boarding houses in the area. He said the extreme poor who couldn't pay for a bed would sit on a bench and sleep leaning on a taut rope tied in front of t
  19. The two places mentioned are actually a couple of miles apart...( Radford...Sneinton) We on here can help with some local knowledge but some of your requests for information can be dredged from websites that require payment for information.You can find these on your own computer and will have to dig information yourself. Mick2me... might be able to suggest one or two routes to take.
  20. Fill out your profile so we and others that haven't read these posts in the future will remember where you're from.
  21. Water standpipes were plumbed one per yard in the 1850s Supply came from the water works at the Ropewalk and the river Trent.In 1873 analysis of the Ropewalk water showed solid effluents of 31 grains per gallon...44 grains from the Trent water that contained sewage from Birmingham,Burton on Trent and Derby Not surprising that in the area 50% of kids died before the age of five.Gravestones litter St Mary's Church and the Rock Cemetery under which lie the remains of these children...some with as many as four or five from the same family. People whose ancestors come from this area of Nottingham