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Everything posted by carni

  1. After leaving our Beer Off in the 1980s I still needed to earn money, so took up a counter assistant position in a town center Butchers shop. There was sexual harassment on a daily basis, not only that but bullying as well. We had a large walk in Fridge freezer by the shop floor. It was guaranteed that if you had to go in there, one of the male butchers would run in and shut the door. I will leave the rest to your imagination. You may think 'Why not report it'? To be honest, no point, you might as well leave the job as you would be shunned or laughed at for being a prude. We had o
  2. So sorry Barrie. You haven't thrown a damper on the thread at all. When you need to talk about sad times as well as happy times, you will always be able to talk on here.x
  3. Hope all goes well for you with the tests Margie.x
  4. Not keen on savoury scones Margie but I always add a little mustard when making Quiches, it does go really well with cheese recipes. Talking about food made us hungry as well Margie. Daughter made a Sausage Casserole for us to try today, all sorts of tasty ingredients plus Schwartz Packet mix. She made two the other was a Colmans mix, so we could choose the best. We chose Colmans. Slammed a shake of flour into a bowl, it was SR but Plain would have been OK. A sprinkle of 'Half spoon sugar' and a bobble of butter, rubbed it all together, topped some stewed apples from t
  5. I will await your scone results nonna. I could not make scones, they always turned out like flat hard biscuit type rock cakes. UNTIL, a few months ago, fed up with failures, I found this most basic of recipes on You Tube. I hope it is OK to add to my post. It helped because I could watch them being made through all the stages, could not go wrong, and they didn't. Wahoo. The only thing I did different was to throw in a handful of Sultanas after the rubbing in stage. We like fruit in our scones. Here it is, take a look, see what the team thinks.
  6. I can't say I've heard that plantfit, but I'm always willing to check it out for you. Butter Puff Pastry first please.
  7. EileenH, What a good idea, that would raise some funds for the scouts and help people out as well. It brings to mind memories of 'Bob-a-Job'.
  8. 'Oh What a beautiful morning. Oh what a beautiful day' (One for the NS choir there me thinks). Well the bug that has been going around here in West Mids has finally got me!!!! I have been really mardy for the last few days, can't stand being floppy and sneezy on the sofa for another sunny day so off out in a mo for a few hours. We used to be members of the National Trust for a few years and after a while we found our visits starting to dwindle as other hobbies took over. We bought a caravan at Sunny Skeggy which took a lot of expense over thirteen years, so the NT had to go. Caravan days
  9. We buy all of our Christmas cards, wrapping, ribbons, bows, crackers and any gifts that will keep well all in the January sales. It is something we had to do in past years as hubbs and I are both from big families, and it was the only way we could afford to buy for our loved ones. It is not down to being tight, it is born from necessity. When our parents were still with us and brothers and sisters had small children, the count was 40+, that was before we even started on our own children. I love giving gifts, but there is no way we could do it now. The family gift list is down to around 20ish t
  10. Ooh benj..............You are awful. Chris says 'I sound like a nice girl' I'll smack him round the tab if he dunt watch it. Here goes....That makes me tend to leave my sleeping bag rolled up and stashed behind the couch.
  11. Time to get my coat on into the car and head out into the country lanes for our daily adventure. Pick Daughter and Granddaughter up, even they enjoy getting lost amongst the hedges and lanes of the deep countryside. We always say there can't be many lanes we haven't investigated within a twenty five mile radius of home, but we always find one. Sun shine here in West Mids, hope you have some where ever you are. Oh dear, just had a thought..........I expect we will have to eat some cake somewhere en route. Well some ones got to do it.
  12. Erm, Most of my memories are spent around the paddling pool,. Relations living in the meadows, so spent family times playing with cousins on the grass, picnicking days. and doing a bit of talent spotting around early teenage years. We never had any money, so the Embankment was always a place you could spend a few hours for nothing. Mam would sometimes be with her sister at her house and we would all traipse there for water or sucker money. Loved the Milk or Banana Suckers.Mmmmm. Just a thought. Are there any toilets there anymore. The ones in the gardens a
  13. Yes Nonna, it is there, and I remarked to my daughter that it was such a shame that on that warm sunny day it was empty of water. So many families playing on the park next to it. My daughter said 'Mam, you do realise it is only February'? The sunshine confused me!
  14. More like 'Hows your yesterday' but just wanted to share my day with you as it's a while since I had anything Nottinghamish to write. Yesterday we had cause to head to Nottm, we didn't visit anyone because Chris is recovering from the virus that is doing the rounds and didn't want to pass it on. We just dropped Granddaughter off at Nottm University, she had to attend a seminar. She has a place offered, if she gets the grades. She is hoping for Warwick but is more than happy with Nottm. After dropping her off, we headed for the Embankment to enjoy our picnic, then d
  15. carni


    Ayup MJ, Welcome to NS. I have just read your post mentioning 'The Gedling School'. A few of us Nottstalgians went to that school and a few of us lived in its location. Were you a pupil. As Margie H said 'We would enjoy reading about your memories'.
  16. La La.......................'.God bless you, cause you make me feel brand new'.
  17. carni


    We spend a lot of time riding around the lanes of West Mids, Staffs, Shropshire. Beautiful scenery in this Glorious Island of ours. Within the next quarter hour we are picking daughter up and will just head out into the country, no idea of destination, we will just travel the lanes and see what turns up. Years of experience have taught us not to speed round the lanes. Every single time we go out there will be at least one lunatic suddenly appear on a bend, they and us have to slam breaks on. We won't be speeding, just the opposite, but it is necessary to do so. Also, th
  18. I shall be laughing all day at that one Trogg. Nice one. Just shown hubbs. He agrees
  19. carni


    We have a thread somewhere about good advice we have been given and remembered. I wrote about some advice my dad gave me after passing my test in 1972ish. He said, 'Drive as if everyone are idiots', that way you are always ready for the unexpected. I always have that in mind when I drive. It has been proved true many times over the years. I feel very sorry for passengers when I see some of the stupid risks drivers take. Those passengers must be petrified and can't do a thing about it!
  20. I think in some of the cases you are right Margie, there isn't much difference in style and cloth, but the women yesterday definitely had Pyjamas on.
  21. Sad to say I have seen women in pyjamas out in the streets, chatting, emptying bins sometimes walking children to school. Usually, phone in one hand, thermal cup in tuther and kids toddling somewhere behind them. When I first saw a female in Pyjamas I assumed the person was perhaps on night duty and that being the reason for night wear. How wrong I was. The trend is growing and it is widespread, but to wear them in the middle of town on a busy Friday, is taking it to another limit. Oh I forgot, the family that has just moved into the house next door but one to us, were all out the front in th
  22. Could turn out to be a convict in stripes, pretending to be Pyjamas. Can't have them roaming about in Tesco. Oh No.
  23. No change benj. I like Bilston, and I am more at home with people who are ordinary, not showy or snooty. I know there must be a scrap merchant not far away from the town centre because whilst in the Charity Shop, all eyes were on the three women (discreetly of course). As I passed one woman she just looked at me and referring to the women she just whispered Tatters? I don't know why she said it to me, because I don't care what they are, so long as they are peaceful. Their dress sense leaves a lot to be desired, but I must say in their defence, one asked the shopkeeper how much a small gla
  24. Today we decided to go to have a fish and chip lunch at a little historical town in the heart of the Black Country. Bilston. Very down to earth people, you must be very careful not to let your gaze settle on a person, as you would soon know about it. I like to visit the market, and the main street is flat, great for our daughter as she sometimes has difficulty walking. Today, as we waited outside a pharmacy as daughter was inside purchasing, we couldn't believe our eyes. Walking down the paved high street, not a care in the world was a sight hard to believe. Two rather large ladies
  25. Me too. Only worry after cost is that I have heart problems so probably wouldn't be able to have them anyway. Not sure what happens if you have implants and need an MRI at anytime afterwards?