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Everything posted by carni

  1. carni


    Update on Mince Pies. We received a phone call late October from the Supermarket head office. (Very sorry, I had health issues that took priority and I forgot to update NS ). The call was for my permission to allow them to pass on my details to the pie makers, due to the 'Privacy laws', they had to have my consent before they could do that. We were told it could take up to ten weeks before we heard from them. Watch this space, my reckoning is about early December.
  2. KJ, There's more to this gel than you think. It will take a lot more than a few surgeons and anaesthetists to sneak my sweet tooth out when I'm not looking. Try as they may.
  3. Those wonderful luxury Apartments overlooking the Trent are indeed going to improve the area and progress does go on, I wish I could have one. I could sit on my balcony every day and look down at the Trent and imagine all of us children in the 50s all playing in that same spot, with our buckets and spades, digging in the specially transported beach sand, paddling and squelching in the muddy leechy water in the cordoned off area, or better still risk leeches and broken glass in the paddling pool.(No Elf and Safety in those days)We are still here though? Here I go again on one of
  4. Well I didn't have a cake after all. I convinced hubby to bring from Morrisons some Strawberries, Blueberries, Grapes and Raspberries. Just had a delicious bowl of health giving mixed fruit salad.........................................................................and double cream.
  5. I'm back om. Feeling good. wait now for results. Looking forward to catching up on your posts......I feel a cup of tea coming on. Please Please husband. No more cream cakes for a while. I can't take any more!!!!! well, perhaps a small one.
  6. Happy Birthday LoppyLugs Hope You Have A Woooooofing Good Day.
  7. Jonab, I rather like the sounds of Rosie. I never lost my accent after leaving Nottm in 1966, but I have had so many little Nottm sayings bought back to mind since joining NS. I only moved 70miles, but local sayings differ so much. Stavertongirl, You learn something new most weeks from our members. Hang on in there Gel you'll soon be hooked like the rest of us.
  8. You should never tell a psychopath they are a upsets them. A line from killing eve spoken by Jody Comer, with a pet lip and bleary eyes. Oooer. My goodness to think that these people are really out there is so frightening. Not an ounce of compassion. Some brilliant acting. I hope the end isn't to weak. I have watched some brilliant programmes only to be spoilt by an ending that looks as if the writers just didn't know how to end it.
  9. I used to really enjoy a boiled egg, cooked just before the yolk set, very dippable wi mi soegers Then i got poorleh and had a stroke. No, not the cuddley kind of stroke, the other kind. I don't know if it changed the way the mind works but it was over two years before I could even look at an egg. I slowly started to get them back into my diet, but even after thirteen years I still can only eat them with a very set yolk. No point in a boiled egg anymore. Beautiful sunshine outside today, in West Mids.
  10. Well thank you PP, ya made an ode bird appeh . The cakes are hiding behind the laptop Den, teehee. I know all the tricks miduck.
  11. I'm feeling fed up now. I have been trying for two hours to put a picture on my avatar. NO LUCK. This is me at this moment sitting sulkin' with my finger pointing at my laptop, trying to do this so simple thing and I'm gerrin nowhere! HELLUP. I have been trying to follow instructions but nowt is gerrin through. Please, Can you put this picture in my Avatar for me someone. Please, Pretty please.
  12. Yes it was Raywarp. Bath Caps,etc. Alice Bands. I earned fantastic money on those Alice Bands. Some weeks I earned a whopping £20.
  13. That's cool mate, I'll share my cake with you anytime.
  14. Had many happy memories from working in that building. Raywarp being the firm I worked for around 1964/5. It took me a while to recognise it as the name didn't mean anything to me! Looking past the building, I could see the pointed roof of the church hall further down on the same side, more or less opposite Vicarage St (No longer there), so I got my bearings from there. I love that old building, in my time it would have been full of the buzz of sewing machines and Gels singing and laughing.Happy Nottingham days. Have I earned my cake yet?
  15. I am just a letter C these days because I have forgotten how to put a picture on as well?
  16. It's been sleeting here in Wolvo this morning. Must bring my boots and winter coat to the front of the wardrobe. I bet the sunshine will be back tomorrow if I do.
  17. Very sorry to read of NBL. Our condolences to his family.
  18. I know CT, I have got to the stage where I darn't say we will come because some B%!*#y appointment comes along and throws a spanner in the works Miduck. Yant seen mi for a couple a years you say..........some would say that is a blessing. Appointments allowing, we will be back on the meetup list again as soon as possible. We do miss coming to see you all. Soz.
  19. Thank you Jill. Time for me to move myself now. I will bear in mind your advice. Sounds very good to me.
  20. Suppose I must get up then. I've been stalling. this morning. Off to my second home ''NHS' for 10.45am pre op assessment. Date set for Nov 6th. Think i'll get hubbs to tek me somewhere nice for lunch afterwards. Feeling very very mardy this morn. One younger sis in hospital poorly at Nottm, my older sis having major surgery here in W-ton tomorrow and my turn on the 6th. BUT. we have got the fabbo NHS to look after us. So many people in the world don't have anything. So i'll shurrup now. There.....towd yer I was feeling mardy today!
  21. Congratulations PP. So pleased to read you celebrated in style. I love your Blues, Miduck. You could have a career in song writing in front of you there young un.
  22. Ah Phil, First the pain then the pleasure. Enjoy your curry and burgers.
  23. The 'thrill of the hunt' is spot on AG. Yours is a fabulous find and I would be thrilled to bits to discover something like that. As we cycle around the streets occasionally a coin would be spotted, but we would just cycle past, unless it was worth stopping for. A couple of years ago we decided to start picking it up. It is unbelievable how often we stop to pick up a coin. This image does not show our hoard as impressive as it looks in reality. There is all value of coins, new and old. Only one coin pre decimal. It doesn't amount to a lot but eventually the ones that can be salvaged will go in