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Everything posted by carni

  1. Nice picture of Mrs P miduck. Did you walk the 4miles from the Trent or were you on your way to it?
  2. Here is a link to the 'Canal and River Trust' you will find lots of information and hints for cyclists. It states no fee for cycling the towpaths anymore but I would still check in case of any recent changes. We have still got our Towpath passes from when we had to pay. I did put pictures of them on here but 'Photobucket' put paid to them. We always carry them with us and over the years they have got a bit battered. I will try to re post them.
  3. Hope you get it sorted soon Chulla, some of us are really enjoying the cards. I thought I was seeing double this morning when I saw the Forget-Me -Nots 3. See we are taking notice. My daughter had a real thing for those and always picked them for me. I hadn't got the heart to tell her when she was four years old, so waited until she was old enough to understand that we don't pick the wild flowers.
  4. Thank goodness I wont there miduck or they would have needed canoes to gerr om. Of course we will have to check the 'City Council Facebook Forum', for our NS poets fizzog. Well done Chulla. You could give us a peek at yer poems ya know ?
  5. Very sorry DJ, I must say I still haven't got the hang of the forum properly. Must have missed your post with the film review. I agree it was 'cheap and tacky' but i'm happy with 'cheap and tacky' now and then.
  6. Afraid we are only amateur short distance cyclists. We only cycle the 8.5 miles each way route starting at Coombs Rd Bakewell to Blackwell Mill. At this point we usually have a packed lunch and make the journey back. PS. love going through the tunnels.
  7. Just a short ride then ay plantfit. That sounds like a very scenic ride, taking in most peoples favourite Derbyshire places. I do get a bit envious of cyclists who can tour such lovely places. I never was or will be fit enough for those hills. How many miles and hours were you out that day plantfit, sounds like a few to me. Good for you.
  8. I have just been looking on Youtube to see if you can watch the full film. I didn't have any luck, but I'm not an expert. Worth having a look in case I missed something.
  9. A bit too hilly for us two plantfit, that is one of the reasons we appreciate the towpaths. We do cycle on the roads, but it is mainly because we have to, to get to the area we have in mind. It is lovely round your area, miduck but I think you must be fitter than us two to cycle in the wonderful wolds. We are so grateful for the canals, the towpaths have given us so much pleasure over the years. In the 80/90s we cycled 30 to 40 miles on the roads, but after we both devoloped heart problems the towpaths were a god send for us. Hope to cycle for at least another 20 years.
  10. Enjoyed watching 'Live it up'. Made the year i left school. I had a bit of a crush on Heinz, especially when he sang the song titled 'Just Like Eddie'. Gosh, did we all dress like that and I can honestly say that we put a bit more effort into the twist than they did. Loved it though, even if it was dated and corny. Nearly missed 'Dave Clark' unless he came on again while I left the room for a minute. Jennifer Moss was sweet when she sang 'Please Let It Happen To Me'. She played Lucille Hewitt in Coronation Street for a few years. Sadly she died at the young age of 61 in 2006.
  11. I have heard of the aqueduct many times from people on the narrow boats. Some like it and some not! I have just shown Chris the pictures and says he will never cycle that tow path on any day ending with a Y. So i feel safe....for now. It might be spectacular but the viaducts on the Monsal Trail are about my limit.
  12. Thanks for the pics again Chulla. The Cowslip. I was about to say, it is my favourite of the wild flowers, but I stopped myself as I realised it isn't actually my favourite, but is the one that remains a reminder of my childhood. At least one of the fields on the walk to Gedling woods was just a blanket of cowslips, and if I close my eyes I can see myself running through them. A few years ago after visiting one of the 'National Trust' properties, we bought a cowslip plant from the garden sale and put it in my garden.To be honest it got in the way, so I shoved it into a long
  13. We have a regular male blackbird as well Jill. He has a white band on its right leg so it must be registered some where. Just looked it up and this is the information I found. I think I might have a job on trying to focus my binoculars before he takes off. Will give it a go .
  14. So sorry to read your post Gem. You and your family will be in our thoughts at this sad time. Take care and look after yourself.
  15. Not knowing much about the ways of the wild, I thought it was just coincidence that a Mrs Blackbird and a Sparrow, kept turning up at the same time to feed from my makeshift bird table, just outside my patio door. I decided to investigate further and was thrilled to learn it wasn't my imagination and that sometimes they do form a relationship, it's called 'cross species feeding' and that it can be the results of a few situations. So now I have learnt something and feel blessed that they visit my table and only seem bothered about my close presence if I move to quickly. I have tried many time
  16. Thank you for adding the wild flower cards to your posts Chulla, I do enjoy them. Like Margie I only recognise the corn flower. We see them occasionally on one of our country lane cycle routes. The unmistakable blue will stand out and attract our attention as we wizz by. I have noticed that the particular clump is getting smaller and harder to spot. Looking for wild flowers is a hobby that I have kept since childhood. Mum seemed to know the names of so many varieties and taught us on our many country walks over the fields and up Gedling Woods. One thing that I have noticed this
  17. I can see what you mean LL. The picture of the 'Linga Longa' looks quite up to date though. The caravan site we stay at, is either Walshes or the Royal Oak, which is where we are booked for this year again. They are on tuther side of the main road. Though the pub had been demolished last year when we went. We were told it was to be rebuilt? I remember the chippie near the Ritz very well. For some reason once or more a week, a group of us would dash all the way down there from school and congregate outside the shop with our chips and peas. I think we had an hour and a half for lunch
  18. Missed a few today catfan. Will try a bit harder tomorrow!
  19. Love Eptons as well, but our all time favourite is just off the main drag, discovered by chance one day, whilst cycling back to Winthorpe. It is well known among the local residents, but not obvious to holiday makers. Go right to the end of the North Prom and follow the road round the corner. It is on Sea view Road, titled ''Sea View Fisheries'. We have not had anything less than delicious yet.
  20. Looking through my window again, I see the sky has slowly brightened into a fluffy white cloud scattered expanse of tempting blueness? Time to get up and out there onto the very missed tow paths. What with the winter and viruses we haven't had any excercise to mention for a couple of months, today we are venturing out and I will take my camera. The problem is, though we see some wonderful nature on our rides, by the time I get my camera turned on and aimed. The moment is lost! Tyres checked. Water bottle added, Duddoos in my pocket, rain mac and Co2 thingies (For pun
  21. Every year in September we have a two weeks caravan holiday in Winthorpe. We take our cycles and love every moment we are there. The Linga Longa was there last year, as we enjoyed fish and chips three times during our stay. Will be doing it again in September 2018. Can't wait.
  22. There is a very close relation to me with 'Essential Tremor' since childhood. I think they have had medication to help, but it still has an impact on daily life. Like you benj and your mam not letting you shell the peas. My relo would find it impossible to carry a cup and saucer. So if you wanted a cup of tea, you had to make sure you were not at the far end of the room, as there would be no tea left in the cup, it was all in the saucer by the time it was passed to you.
  23. Thank you for giving us the update Chulla. As with all your other Nottstalgian Buddies, we are rooting for you, and hope your change of steroids give a good result.
  24. Chulla, perhaps with illustrations of flowers, they can be shown as perfect as the artist wants them to be, quite easily, leave a bit off here, add a bit, turn a petal the direction you want to imagine it in, but with real life it would hard to find a flower with every detail in perfection to photograph. I will look forward to seeing your collection of flower cards.
  25. I hope you are going to enter a couple of your poems Chulla, I'm sure they are well worthy and give enjoyment to the poetry lovers that will be at the Festival. About poetry. Just a small addition to my last post. On looking back at the link i also noticed that by clicking yet again on the individual fairy images you will get the accompanying poem to go with the fairy. It would be a shame to miss the poems by not realising they are there. No more from me about the fairies, back to the cigarette cards now miducks.