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Everything posted by mgread1200

  1. Our house on Bloomsgrove st used to back on to the terraced houses on Garden st, I remember you could see part of them through the scullery window. Its all a far cry from the cobbled st with its gas lamposts that I roamed as a child
  2. I think the most vivid memory of those years was getting up on a saturday morning and listening to childrens choice on the radio, Danny Kaye and Burl Ives stuff and of course the old favorite Trumpet Voluntary. That great feeling of knowing there was no more school till monday and it was spending money day.
  3. I remember folks used to jump on and off those old rear platform buses while the bus was still moving the conductors used to wait untill the passenger was off and then ring the bell so the bus never stopped, one hunchback guy was reputed to have pointed at his back and remarked "What do you think this is a parachute". Wonder what health and safety would do about that old practice!.
  4. As long ago as the sixties we were told that by the turn of the century people would have far more leisure time because of automation much of which has come to pass, what they didn't say is that it would be in the form of unemployment and that the profits from new methods would not be shared across the board, don't blame sport for the present state of affairs its one of the few ways out of the rat race for young people all over the world. how about blaming this Well done to all taking part in these fabulous games!!
  5. Fantastic!! It's almost possible to believe that some ancient power of Glastonbury Tor has been infused into these games.
  6. John Candy has to be one of mine don't think he made anything that I didn't laugh at which is no mean achivement, shame he's gone!
  7. Lets not forget young "Sam Oldham" Nottingham born gymnast helped get the mens team through to the final first time in decades
  8. Thought the opening ceremony was magnificent and having young athletes light the cauldron a great gesture of old to young. These people are the best the world has to offer and thankfully a far cry from the lager and pork pie brigade we see parading around our country, I for one will be celebrating for the next week or two and enjoying every moment with them, "SOD THE MONEY".
  9. Completely agree with the first post I would not consider The Forest to be a safe area but this would also be true of many other City area's. Maybe we need a Zero tollerance policy akin to what they did in New York.
  10. Yes I meant the legs!! that was my Sunday best in the picture khaki shorts were for playing in.
  11. It was the US & Canadian servicemen that did the fighting, one faction from The Towers and the other from The Sawyers Arms or so my parents told me, as for rough pubs they said "The Loggerheads" was the one with the worst reputation when they were young. Not surprisingly it was in the middle of Narrow Marsh.
  12. When you think about it and modern living we still do have vending machines, they are called "Cash Points" and are all thats required nowadays with somewhere open 24/7. Doesn't hurt to remember when we had wage packets with real money in them and shops that closed sometimes. Think I will always remember "The Sawyers Arms" from when it was a Berni Inn Prawn Cocktail, Steak with trimmings and Black Forest Gateau. How many of us are still ordering that or similar today?
  13. Back in the fifties us kids wore khaki shorts held up with a snake belt, Empire made of course!!
  14. Thought it was down to them but wasn't sure. Note the vending machines on the shop wall next to the Towers, you don't see them anymore!! I wonder Why?
  15. There was a tale back in the sixties that a bunch of Mods from the Dungeon nicked a whole barrel of ale from there, don't know how true it was though.
  16. Makes you wonder if they are natural Ar*eholes or if they have to practice
  17. I don't disagree with the appointment but something went wrong, Mick McCarthy was favourite although they stressed to say he was not the only candidate as it would have looked as if the deal was already done before Steve's departure. What ever Mick McCarthy is I believe he is a man of integrity and I hope he was not accused of going behind Steve's back.
  18. Yes late summer right through to January or Febuary I always associate them with fallen oak leaves. just seeing wild mushrooms growing now because of the damp weather makes one wonder if there is a season.
  19. Some of the old fashioned ailments are still around, try gout its painful in the extreme but fortunately treatable nowadays just a few pills keeps it at bay.
  20. Mushrooms seem to like the damp weather, dont think Iv'e ever seen so many in July even in the garden privet hedge's, huge too!
  21. If its Sven I hope he brings Nancy with him, we could have all the Trent End singing "And me Nancy tickled me Fancy"