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Everything posted by EileenH

  1. I got a re-inking kit thingy for my last printer but, as well as splurting ink generously all over my hands and my desk, it somehow damaged the printer head and I had to buy a new printer. Guess I`m just a clumsy clot. Reminds me of when I chose some rather delicate rimless specs a few years ago. The optician, who knew me quite well, said doubtfully, 'Are you sure, they`re not very robust, you know.' I got them anyway and had them in for repair within a week. Hamfisted? Moi?
  2. Hello EileenH, What you up too? :-)

  3. Oh yes - most of the Women Civil Defence were, you know!
  4. "Are you sitting comfortably? Then I`ll begin!"
  5. Morning Loppy, I was at Mapperley Hall and then Foxhall Lodge from 1960 to 1966.
  6. At the EMEB in the early 60s we got New Year`s Day off - apparently because the Board Chairman was a Scot! !cheers!
  7. Nah then! Stop eggin` each other on you chaps! I don`t know! You`ve really come out of your shell `aven`t you?
  8. All right now! Chook it you chaps!
  9. D'yer know - I never thought to ask! flyswat
  10. I`ve just phoned my supplier to order hen food and had this amazing conversation - Girl on line: And would you like 24hour delivery for £5.50 or 48hour delivery for £4.50? Me: Ooh! 24hour delivery please, then I`d get it before New Year. Girl: No Madam - you`d get 24hour delivery on the 4th January and 48 hour delivery on the 5th of January. Me: Oh.........I`ll have 48hour delivery then. Girl: Right Madam - we`ll have that with you in eight days then. Happy New Year to you and thank you for your custom. Some sort of time lapse I suppose...........
  11. Hmm........Two young ladies in Community Police uniforms were standing near a zebra crossing when I was nearly struck by a speeding car overtaking the car that had stopped to let me cross. I gasped, 'Did you see that?' and one of them tutted and said, 'I know - some people eh?' and they both strolled off in a northerly direction. I know there was probably little they could have done, but honestly............!
  12. Something strange happened on my computer. As I posted a few days ago, I managed to uninstall Norton last week and install a free security prog. However, a strange icon has appeared on my screen today. Apparently I`ve now got a system called McAfee Security. Didn`t have it before, I swear! What`s that all about do you think?
  13. He came here on Tuesday when son & grandkids were here. Very quiet here now - except for sounds of kids falling out next door. Got very cold sorting the chickens out first thing. Water frozen solid. Wouldn`t mind if the blighters were laying but they`re having their midwinter break! Idle so-and-sos. After reading posts on here about pork pie for Christmas Day brekky I had several slices a bit ago. Guess the indigestion will go away during the day - - - . A Merry Crimbo to us all - and a great 2011 !cheers!
  14. My Mam would say it too - only it sounded like 'o`er Bill`s mother`s' and the 'o' in mother would be very short, like in 'dog' not like the 'u' in 'cup'. If you see what I mean
  15. I remember reading that in Tibet yak butter is put into tea - instead of milk I suppose. Yeuk! Yak butter!
  16. Sort of had the celebration bit - son and two grownup grandchildren came up from Oxfordshire on Sunday and we had Christmas Dinner !hungr! & presents etc on Tuesday !cheers! then they went on to Scotland yesterday. Quiet now until New Year.
  17. Hmmmmmph!! (scritch - scritch - scritch -) !rotfl!
  18. People who think - presumably - flyswat
  19. I think that`s what I meant - the content changed to reflect current thinking etc. I can remember making a Golly at school when I was little and collecting the Golly shapes from jam jars. I didn`t connect them with black people. Perhaps I was just being dim, though! I also remember the expression, 'You`ve been jewed.' meaning tricked or something. I didn`t connect that with Jewish people either. Okay, I admit it - I was just dim.
  20. Is there such a thing as politically correct in children`s books? I dunno. If you look back at the way kidlit has changed over the years/centuries it seems to reflect the changes in society at large and the way children are seen at the time. Books were written by the people who had the education and free time to write and that was mainly the toffs.