Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. On the map above, the Magpies was roughly on the inside of the junction of Meadow Lane/Daleside Road (ie between the words Clothing Factory and Lane)
  2. I haven't come across a photo of the whole run of three bridges, but here's a Pic the Past of the short stretch of road between two bridges And those houses are/were here....... must've been a really quiet peaceful little spot
  3. And as an addition to lynmee's map, here's another......
  4. This one? http://nottstalgia.c...ay&fromsearch=1
  5. Bit of a surprise to see my old thread come back to life. The Evening Post I lifted it all from wasn't the only edition I kept. I also have a couple of Daily Expresses and a couple of Daily Telegraphs (from the two days after the event), and a Sunday People. Like me, they've survived but are a bit faded and rougher around the edges.
  6. I posted this before in another thread, but it's worth resurrecting for here. This is how they advertised themselves in the 1920s.
  7. Shall I put everyone out of their misery? http://en.wikipedia....i/Wendy_Richard
  8. I agree with the negative comments about the current Square, I hate it. No katyjay, they can't sit around now, at least not as many of them. All the sitting area has been pushed over to one side of the square (the Debenhams side) but there isn't that much of it. And anyway, who would want to sit and look at the flat boring concrete-slab nothingness. Looking at the old photo again has made me realise that the new monstrosity has almost no greenery. No doubt designed by the same people who did Trinity Square. The previous version had grass areas, trees, split levels, flowers, and was actuall
  9. Nowt to do with me .....although I do know the answer
  10. This is 1969 so you might even be on it :smile: And when did those trees disappear from down the sides of the square?
  11. That was taken in the days when ladies could dig a deep hole whilst wearing a hat, a proper coat, and keeping hold of their handbag. Could today's kids do that?
  12. Picture the Past have a couple of items on the subject One shows more people digging http://www.pictureth...011781&prevUrl= And the other shows Chapel Bar, just along from the wall excavation, when there was less traffic http://www.pictureth...003331&prevUrl=
  13. The first picture is the bottom end of Park Row, now buried under an office block; the second is presumably another section of the same site. Here's another from what is presumably the same dig. Described as being 1965 and on Park Row (and you can see the rear of the Odeon in the background). The book says that any artefacts discovered were taken to the Castle Museum and the ground was then infilled.
  14. Isn't this the same as this http://nottstalgia.c...l=&fromsearch=1 from a couple of days ago?
  15. All the photos I've ever seen of the former Black Boy Hotel are taken along the road looking at the building from a sideways angle; I'd never seen a picture of it from the front to get a real idea of what it looked like. Until I came across this.....they don't make hotels like this any more. And this was demolished in the 60s to be replaced by what is now the Primark building
  16. Well I never.......... Take a look at this http://www.prestonla...-comedy-ebooks/
  17. I'd still prefer not to wake up to this in a morning
  18. This one? Here's 1881 And 1916 And 1955 To prove it's a small world, my grandparents lived on Grimston Road from 1930s-1970s, and my parents were married in St Peter's Church
  19. You know you're from Nottingham look at this website and you can understand what everyone is on about, and the language they use to rattle on about it.
  20. Also, in the 1882 map Hartley Road was still called Outgang Lane. Doesn't seem to have become Hartley Road until the houses were built on the other side. I'm also intrigued on the 1916 map by Hospital just along Norton Street behind the Children's Home. What hospital was that?
  21. Babs, it's been done anyway. I tried to PM you on the subject but I think your PM inbox is full because it told me you can't take any more messages. Maybe that's why nobody is talking to you any more
  22. Posh name for someone who lives in Spondon? Name me another website where you can find a smiley after a quote about a Roman classical poet
  23. Glad I'm not the only one who gets irritated by that. Then they give you a dirty look for "driving in a bus lane" despite the fact that they are the ones who can't read or understand road signs
  24. I can't guarantee the accuracy of the information but this site seems to give all the dates, and if you go through the lot, Nottingham appears several times with various locations eg 7th March 63 - Elizabethan Ballroom (where was that?) 23 May 63 - Odeon 12 December 63 - Odeon And others...
  25. So it was next to Prince Regent Street on my map in post #9, but I had no idea and it isn't actually marked on there anyway I was accidentally correct without knowing it