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Everything posted by DJ360

  1. How did I miss this Loppy? I hope all heals well and that you are bounding around the yard very soon.
  2. Depends how you see it SG. Firstly, I'm not singling out any individual, here or in general. But as I recall Remainers in general were broadly happy with our EU Membership... or at least saw any issues as best negotiated from within. The biggest accusation levelled at Remainers was that they wanted somehow to 'deny democracy', by 'blocking Brexit' in Parliament. This was of course never the case. The small 'Leave' majority was established by the Referendum. Unfortunately, the manner of leaving wasn't. There was no Referendum on the 'Deal'. this was left to Parliam
  3. Well I think you see it already PP. The first issue is 'Define a British Person.' In an increasingly cosmopolitan world this is might seem more difficult, but I contend that it was only ever a Social/Political Construct, long before we were as Cosmopolitan as we are. Take for e.g., the mid 19thC at the height of the British Empire. What was a 'True Brit'? Was it a vastly wealthy Aristocrat living in a Stately Home?, or his servants?, or some poor sod living in a slum. All were 'British', but maybe some were more British than others? It's clear to me that Jingoism dominated Britis
  4. There's a lot in that PP. It was pointed out to me years ago that like you.. although I'm not a practising Christian or believer.. my basic morality is grounded in Christian teachings. But then.. as you also point out the major Abrahamic religions along with other major World religions all basically preach peace, tolerance, honesty, love of fellow man etc. It seems to me that people are people and in general will be decent.. whatever religious or political climate they are raised in. Equally, neither 'professed' religion nor any other sort of morality seems to bother certain se
  5. I just watched '7500' (I think) about a plane hijack. Harrowing but compelling.
  6. Pika is not 'kept' in a cage. His cage is his own space and it is open all day. If you think about it the concept of a 'cage' is a human construct. For Pika it's just 'his' place. He goes in there when he wants.. which is often.... for a sleep. He's still a very young pup. Most of the day he wanders the house, and goes in the garden under supervision. (He'll eat anything that's not nailed down..) ..or just drops where he is for a kip. He's still too young to be taken outside for walks. At night he's 'banged up' to stop him wandering and for his own safety... No diff
  7. Very similar age to me but I didn't know him. Still.. clearly many people thought very highly of him. R.I.P.
  8. I think she has something worked out. :)
  9. Just a 'Heads Up' for anyone who has Amazon Prime. It gives you access to a whole load of films for free via the App if you have a Smart TV. The films available are pretty variable in quality, but there ae a few which seem to be based on late 19thC issues. These aren't 'great' films but I fiind them very absorbing and entertaining. The first one I watched was The Aeronauts.. based on a real life pair of balloonists who went for high altitude stuff.way back. Not entirely true to the real events but entertaining nonetheless. Next up was 'The Current War'.. w
  10. Great stuff Albert. I've got that whole series recording from 'Talking Pics'. Haven't had the nerve to watch any of them yet but you've inspired me.
  11. This is my daughter's new puppy Pika. He developed a lump on his neck which the vet checked with a needle but no pus came out. He was given anti biotics and anti inflammatories. Next day the lump burst. It was an abscess... possibly caused by play with other pups. Back at the vets was treated and dressed but couldn't have a Cone on his neck due to position of the wound, so daughter was advised to try a Babygro to stop him scratching the wound. I don't think he was too happy. I think he's feeling better now:
  12. Thanks for your reply PP. I certainly agree with the central thrust of your reply. Things have changed, and so they should. I well recall going into school in my Wolf Cub Uniform ( I think they call them 'Cub Scouts' now) on 'Empire Day'. I'm certain it didn't extend to going into Secondary school on what, after 1958 became 'Commonwealth Day', in my Scout uniform. That said, I suspect that both Empire and Commonwealth Days say more about attitudes, than values. I've googled 'British Values' and to my amazement found that they are apparently now decide
  13. I'm wondering if anyone can offer a viewpoint on what constitutes 'British Values' and/or the 'British Way of Life'.
  14. I'm not so sure about this. I've heard a recording purporting to be of the perpetrator stating how he thought that if he could do something along the lines of what he did it would make him famous, publicise his opinion that his mental health issues were not being properly addressed etc. The recording was made before the event. the autumn of 2018,investigation with the Daily Mail.
  15. Are you taller now? I note you specialise in generalisations. Personally, I no longer have faith in cynicism. We men of principle need to stay true...
  16. Just to say I know nothing whatsoever about football, even in Bobber's Mill.. though my Grandfather and great Grandfather occupied the Railway House at Bobber's Mill Crossing for years around the time you are researching. Welcome to the madhouse and good luck with your research!
  17. I don't need to guess. Most intelligent people have worked out that homosexuality is not a casual 'lifestyle choice', but an inescapable fact for a proportion of the population. It therefore makes sense that the age of consent for all forms of sexual activity should be the same. Anything else is discriminatory. Your use of the word 'deviant' is at the least very provocative and unneccessary. What you hint at regarding parliament and politicians is just groundless speculation. Of course there are homosexuals in politics as in all walks of life, but I doubt they are any more prevalent.
  18. As you all know.. I've never been one for complaining but..... As soon as I got out of bed this morning I was barely able to walk. Something causing pain in my left leg. No idea what, or whether I've injured it, but I don't recall doing so. Wondered about more serious stuff for a bit but it is only painful when I stand or walk so, probs just a sprain or summat. Whatever, I still had to go out and cover my Runner Beans with fleece for the third time as the wind increases. Rained on and off all day. Managed a bit more decorating until a migraine set in. I tend to
  19. A further 137 deaths reported today. It seems that getting below 100 daily deaths is not easy. We've been around the 100 mark for weeks. That's about 36000 per year.
  20. Yes, absolutely there was. I don't think I said any where that there wasn't, but apologies if I gave that impression. What I queried was the quality and underlying training of the advisers operating at that time. From what you say it does sound as if your adviser was operating pretty well and did accept that any final decision was yours. There has been something identifiable as Career.. or maybe more correctly 'employment' advice since at least the 19thC and possibly before that, though not Govt funded or even remotely universal. The 'Egham Free Registry' in I think the 1880s
  21. Deviant? Do tell... What do you propose as a solution? Really? Evidence? Examples? I'm getting scared now... please tell me where these people are!! I don't understand this sentence. You really lost me there.. Eh? OK, I give up, but I'd second Brew's request for more expansion/elaboration..development of your arguments.
  22. I'll see your Diane Abbot and raise you.. Priti Patel.. As incompetent as they come..
  23. Yes.. I'm sure there were Career Advisers in the mid 60's, but IIRC, it was only around 1968 when Govt. gave 'permissive powers' to Local Education Authorities to set up a Careers Service based on their Education Dept. In areas where this option was not taken up.. which as far as I'm aware included Nottingham, it was not until 1972 when all Local Education Authorities were required to set up a service. So it is likely that any advice you received was from the Youth Employment Service.. which was an offshoot of the Department of Employment. I'm unclear as to the level of training and, frankly
  24. I long admired and appreciated Martin's 'model' for his Weatherspoon's pubs. Somewhere to meet for a reasonably priced drink, without deafening music or other distractions. Martin's political views and allegiances are well known to those interested. I don't share them but he's entitled to them. And I did not mention them here. That was not my point. I will withdraw the accusation that he is a moron. However. I still believe that for him or anyone in his position of influence to claim that Coronavirus 'does not spread in pubs' when this shows more concern for his profits