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Everything posted by DJ360

  1. Oh Dear... the Kalergi Plan.. Not really needed.. What we are seeing really isn't difficult to explain. Most of the World continues to interfere in the Middle East and North Africa. Much of this thinly diguises continuing 'squabbles' between the USA, GB, Russia and their respective allies. Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and lots of other places de-stabilised, while we continue to manage friendly relations with Saudi Arabia which is nobody's true friend. We continually fail to condemn or prevent Israel's blatant land grab. Meanwhile the populations
  2. A neighbour of mine who works on power lines in all weathers and conditions and is a strong lad. was flattened by something like that for 3 or 4 weeks over Christmas. He was off work for so long that his boss demanded he returned his vehicle.. tools etc. To which he responded.. "You want them.. you come for them.. If I'm too sick to work I'm too sick to bring your stuff back". His approach must have worked 'cos he's still working for the same boss.
  3. Jackie Pownall's was a common expression in our house too. As was 'Looks like Narrer Marsh in eer' Also.. if it got a bit crowded and loud it was like 'Casey's Court'. In other news... 'He's got a belly like a poisoned pup' 'Eyes are bigger than his belly'
  4. There you go Lizzie. I've needlessly quoted you.. that'll get him going..
  5. Sadly, I have little to contribute to this thread.... However. sometime around 1969..ish.. when I was seeing the lovely Carol from Mapperley Top..and was over there for Sunday Lunch.. Carol's Dad invited me and her brother along to some social club before Lunch. Can't remember where but in the general area of Mapperley.. Carlton.. I think. There we proceeded to drink several pints, eat traditional Cheese and Onion Cobs.. and watch a couple of young ladies slowly remove their clothes.... you do on a Sunday Lunchtime. I certainly wasn't offended.
  6. Glad to see all out and about enjoying themselves. Please stay safe. Saturday here was slightly less rainy, but freezing as an arctic wind ran around the top of the increasingly shrinking area of high pressure which was supposed to bring us something better. We had our regular weekly socially distanced street party and a quiz. Mrs Col and I won.. which bestows upon me the privelege of coming up with next week's quiz.... Yesterday (Sunday) the warm weather finally arrived and I set out to enjoy a day in the garden topping up my suntan. Got a few hours in but we were invited to frie
  7. Well yes.. A private sector organisation pulled out, so it must all be the Council's fault. Health and Safety rules apply to everybody... but let's just use them to beat up the Council. I'm no special fan of NCC and they've made some pretty crap decisions over the years.. but it seems to me that in this case they are just left holding the baby.
  8. Gem... Our lives are ruled and determined by political action. We should all be informed and engaged. Thank you for your contribution.
  9. 'They' are generally liable for higher tax rates on income. This is moderated by two factors, one conceptual... the other practical. Conceptually.. what does 'disproportiionate' mean? It's basically a value judgement. Practically.. Many wealthy people may be liable for high percentage tax.. but the reality is that they find ways around much of it. A good accountant helps.
  10. I'm genuinely unsure what this sentence means . I think it might be agreeing with my stance? A bit? :)
  11. When I studied Politics.. one thing I came away with was that I discovered no answers..but learned to ask a better class of question.. It may well be that: ' It has every right to be independent, if a clear majority wills it' .. But it does not follow that Scotland and its people will be better off as a result. As Johnson and his cronies have discovered.. it really isn't easy to break up even such a small (in Global Terms) area as the British Isles.. and it has created some real issues for the implementation of Brexit. (Whichever side you are on ) This is purely political and
  12. I'd have thought the revenue from Whiskey would help a lot.. Scotland also has huge tourism revenue and potential though I'm really not up to speed on the rest of it. I'd agree that it is a mistake to underestimate the capability and intelligence of the Scottish population. I spent a lot of my Post Grad training in Scotland and found that both their education system and their respect for education was at a high level. I just think that long term petty 'nationalism' (on all sides ) is not helpful to anyone and needs to be clearly separated from local culture.
  13. Just checked 'Twa Corbies' was by Marie Little.
  14. Yes. Hands up on Bridgford. My bad! For what it's worth I did a double take..but.. unusually for me... decided I was right. Tut tut Ben... Bestwood is a proper noun and needs a capital B. Seems we're all having an off day... Jill. I had a vocal version of the Twa Corbies on a compilation album. I think it was by Scottish band The Clutha.
  15. The better weather we've been promised for more than a week now is taking on the nature of 'Jam Tomorrow'. Although it isn't actually raining at present there are shower clouds about and maybe 30% blue sky. Also a cool breeze. It's a toss up as to whether I'll have to cover over my Green Bean plants for the fourth time to protect them from the wind. To add insult to injury, the promised 'heatwave' looks increasingly like being a bit less cold for up to two days before a return to rain on Monday and another week of cloud. Whoopee
  16. There was one or possibly two Wheeldon's at High Pavement. They lived at that time (early 1960s) in the houses on the corner of Bestwood Road and Moorbridge. Don't know if this is helpful at all.,-1.1865692,84m/data=!3m1!1e3
  17. HSR, just a gentle correction for a possible 'typo'. Corvid is Latin for Crow and is used to describe any bird in the Corvidae family which includes Crows, Jays, Rooks etc. According to Wikipaedia, Lucy Worsley spent some time at West Bridgeford School before going to university. It seems a bit odd as her father taught at University of Reading and her mother is an education specialist Since she was raised and initially educated in Reading, Berks, I have no idea why she studied in Nottm. Maybe one or both of her parents moved to Nottm for a while. What is W4?
  18. On reflection, I believe that Ireland would be better off united, if only the religious divide could be overcome.
  19. An interesting slant and probably correct, but if so it renders the whole idewa pretty meaningless as we'd have a whole section of the population under the false impression that they share something with each other when in reality they don't. True. Interestingly the Beeb is currently re-running Ian Hislop's 'Stiff Upper Lip' series, which traces the evolution of attitudes to emotion from 18thC through Victorian tmes etc. Very interesting. As an aside, Lucy Worsley is also repeated covering for e.g.the way that the Tudors and Shakespeare 'changed history' in their r
  20. This is very odd. Thinking way back to school science and my later stint as a Lab Technician.. Potato starch turns blue in the presence of Iodine.. which I doubt is present in your cooking, but starch also turns black in the presence of Iron and other metals. Are you cooking in aluminium or non-stainless pans? Some interesting info here: I don't know how you store your spuds Mary. I definitely wouldn't keep them in the fridge. When we used a small veg rack, spuds were always lept in a thi
  21. Mary, I suspect that spuds which turn grey are already either severely frosted.. (unlikely this year) or suffering from some sort of disease. I'd take 'em back where I bought 'em and demand a refund. We tend to buy Maris Piper for general use. They are mostly OK, burt can occasionaly have greyish bits due too some sort of 'blight'. For 'posh' we tend to go for Jersey Royals. Many years ago we used to get Cyprus Potatoes. Absolutely gorgeous and always came with a fair coating of red clay, but I haven't seen them for decades. Edit.. It seems Tesco hav
  22. When I was a lad.. i.e. in the 1950s... my main experience of the Leen were in Boowul. Back in the 1950s the river was still a little bit 'wild'. The bit from the Highbury Road overbridge as far as the foot bridge over to the old paddling pool was my main bit. There were stepped embankments, but there were also a couple of 'islands' in the stream and a couple of low 'weirs'. On the other side of the Highbury Rd bridge there was an abandoned watermill still visible. I haven't been close for years but I do know it has changed a lot. My other main contact with the Leen wa
  23. Just reminded me Loppy. I had colonoscopy done last year. There was no camera inserted it was imaged using a CT Scan. Still had to have my bowel inflated though.... Thing was they kept sending me appointments to see the Gastroenterologist before I'd had the test done. So I kept cancelling them. then we had lockdown. Finally I was sent another appointment quite recently, despite my own Doc telling me my results were OK. I queried this and it was cancelled, but they sent me a report. Seems I have bit of Diverticular Disease which is very common and and nothing to