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Everything posted by DJ360

  1. Ok, in this case I withdraw the word 'provocative', but you really didn't expect me to let a mention of ' Tommy ( "My real name is Yaxley-Lennon") Robinson' pass without pointing out that he is a long term petty criminal and was jailed for crimes, not for his views as he likes to imply? Col
  2. Boudica? Oliver Cromwell? It's never clear cut and probably the most misused charge in history is that of Treason. Treason is essentially whatever the ruling powers say it is. Anne Boleyn was found guilty of High Treason in order to give Henry VIII an excuse to get rid of her. Numerous others died at Henry's order for similarly trumped up reasons. Sophie Scholl was guillotined in Germany by the Nazis on charges of High Treason. She was 21 and 'guilty' of distributing anti war leaflets.
  3. It is a political discussion Mike. That's true. But I agree with Margie that it is also a polite and informative one. Personally, I don't think I've ever started a political discussion, but I do respond to provocative statements. Col
  4. I recall way back in the 1950s, when I was maybe about 5-7 yrs old. I was walking with my Mum on the left of Bulwell Main Street as you head to the Market from the Hucknall end. There was a bloke stood there under the awnings, talking to somebody. He had his arms folded in front and was holding a roughly folded shirt, being stripped to the waist. I asked my Mum why the man wasn't wearing a shirt and she said he was 'showing off'. I must be a right old bighead, because I spend much of my time 'topless' and a fair bit even less attired. But not in Bulwell Main Street....
  5. There's no such thing as a free lunch.
  6. Neither do I Fly. This is jnot a 'falling out' thing. I think we just see things differently. For me, the country is now not only divided over the 'left' and 'right' of politics, but also over the 'In and Out 'of the EU. Also the 'in' and 'out' are not related to Left or Right. It's a mess, and I know what I'd do.. but that's not for this thread. Col
  7. Thaks TBI. Any chance of a link to the article? Col
  8. I don't see any connection between Brexit and pride in the country. I am an ardent remainer, and I'm proud of my country and its achievements.
  9. Part of the reason my Grandad Jack won his Military Medal, was, that after he had organised medical help for his injured crew, and turned the Gun using the horses, he then took them to a place of safety before returnig to the gun and manning it single handedly.
  10. The cars always fascinated me. I was only maybe 12-14 years old at the time and knew little about the engineering side of it, but the cars mostly just looked so mean. We went from a Buxton camping trip to Belle Vue one Saturday and as I recall it was the first meeting of a new season. Also, I was told that the max weight of the cars had been reduced or somesuch so that many had to have new, or rebuilt cars. Albert 'Tiger' Griffin was there with his new machine: As I recall it was blue white and yellow with the tiger painted on the side. Had something like a 7.2/7.
  11. I imagine landing fees would tend to hike up the true cost of your ice cream!! Seriously.. what sort of fees do airports charge?
  12. Nev Hughes.. another name I recall. now you mention it.
  13. I remember that competition when I was a regular there. There was a chap who turned up every week with a big old Allard with an impossibly long bonnet. Maybe a P1 or P2. He never did very well. The thing was just too long. Oddly, I don't remember music at all.
  14. You see that's the problem Phil. You can tell them they'll all fit.. but getting them all together at one time is a logistical nightmare....
  15. World population is apparently about 7 Billion. It seems that.. and I quote: So, in a very real sense it isn't the overall population that's the problem, but population density in certain places. Some areas are densely populated because people want to live there. Others are crowded because people can't get out of them. Personally then.. I'm not too worried about the overall population... but then again.. like most of us on here, I'm able to live somewhere relatively peaceful and uncrowded. I wouldnt like being forced to live somewhere like Hong Kong or Cairo,
  16. Drifting a bit off topic here Kev, but I used to go to Long Eaton regularly. More early than late 60s though. We used to cycle down the boulevards from Bestwood Est. and arrive early. We'd sit outside waiting for the gates to open and eating our butties. We also went to Belle Vue odd times. It was quite 'do able' by bus from Buxton when we were camping there. Also went to Brafield in Northants.. and Brandon in Coventry, which I believe are both still active venues. Couple of names I recall. Albert 'Tiger' Griffin and Ellis Ford. This is interesting: https://www.oldstox.
  17. Well old Ewan wrote it.. so he ought to have done a decent version. I like that and many of Ewan's other songs.. They remind me of being in the house with Mum and hearing the 'Radio Ballads' which McColl produced and broadcast around 1960. McColl was a fine singer, but I believe he was also known as something of a 'Folk Fascist'.. having very rigid views on what ought to be seen as 'traditional' folk. However, whenever I hear 'The Shoals of Herring' now.. I'm reminded of a scene in the TV series 'Flambards', which was set during WW1. At a 'Harvest Supper', the famil
  18. I retired about 5 years ago too. It took me a while to adjust. It seems to me that you have to learn that you can largely do what you like when you like. I am very rarely bored, as there always seems to be something I ought to be doing.. or want to do. I'm not bothered about 'routine'. For example one of my neighbours is a very decent chap, but he drives me nuts with his constant clock watching. We occasionally go for a walk together and he will say. "It's taken us 37 minutes to get to here.." I'm thinking "I couldn't care less how long it's taken. I'm just up for a walk." H
  19. Love Jr Walker. Saw him at the Palais.. :)
  20. Have to disagree Fly. There is no greater fan of Ray Charles than me on the planet. ( I saw him live when I was about 13.. and again in 1996) I also love all of the others you mentioned. Basically, I loved the Stax/Atlantic sound, plus lots of other stuff on Minit, Veejay and assorted other labels.. but I can't honestly sit here and dismiss the whole of Motown. Motown was unashamedly 'pop' oriented and I'm not ashamed to say I was 'charmed', by groups such as the Velvellettes and the Elgins.. though I was never a fan of the whining Miss Ross. I loved all of the Temps early stuff a
  21. No moon visible here tonight. A little bit of rain and still about 20 C outside. We did get a great view of Mars for a few nights. closest approach forever or somesuch. Noticeably red.
  22. Well I'm only a free bus and train ride, or a 20 minute drive, from the centre of Liverpool, but in a small reasonably civilised village. I'd consider a swap.. :)
  23. I've often thought about where I'd live if I moved back to Nottm. My memories are all of the views across the Leen Valley down towards Boowul, or across towards Sherwood, from the other side of the ridge that the original Bestwood Est. is built on. Anywhere quiet and civilised that gave me the same sort of views of North Nottm would probably do me. I've long said that if I were to find myself alone, I'd move back. All of my surviving family are still in that general area.
  24. Margie, have you considered cutting the tree right back and then trying to get it upright again? If you can do that.. maybe stake it until it 'beds in' again? It might recover. Col
  25. This morning I very kindly assisted a Red Tailed Bumblebee which was wandering about on my lawn just as I was about to mow it. I scooped it up and put it onto a large Phlox plant in a border. Some hours later I was trimming the edges of the lawn, working 'semi blind' under a shrub when a Red Tailed Bumblebee .. quite possible the same one, decided to sting me on my thumb. The ungrateful little B!! Anyway, I've just checked. They have an unbarbed sting which doesn't stay behind. Tiny initial sensation which rapidly got very painful for a few minutes and 20 minutes or so later is fading without