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Everything posted by DJ360

  1. Basically the same, But Raita uses normal yoghurt to make quite a runny sauce, whereas Tsatsiki uses thick 'Greek style' yoghurt. Also not sure there's cucumber in Raita.
  2. And on top of the direct human losses, is the vast quantity of CO2 released into the atmosphere and just making things worse still...
  3. I finally have tomatoes ripening outdoors, and more outdoor Cucumbers thanI know what to do with Soo, thought for a bit and... Tsatsiki!! Never made it before, but I got Greek style yoghurt and a bunch of mint while out.. so I'll give it a try tomorrow... Hardest thing was finding for future use I'll see if I can get a sprig of it to root and grow it in a pot. Not letting it loose in my borders...
  4. Your choice of course though I'd love to know your reasoning. Would you regard Lib Dems, or Greens as 'of the left'? Is Labour under Starmer 'of the left?' Have the increasingly right wing policies of the Tories improved Britain? They've certainly presided over a widening of the wealth gap. Only today it's announced that bosses of big Corporations have had huge, pay rises. Yet apparently, pay increases fuel inflation... Housing Crisis, NHS crisis, immigration crisis, etc.,etc. Not a great look for parties of 'the right'...
  5. I'm tempted to advise either 'hold your nose and vote Labour' or 'any port in a storm'.. because from my perspective the main task for the electorate is to get the current bunch of crooks and incompetents out of power for the forseeable... But.. I'd qualify that to 'any port except an independent', because unless you know them and their thinking VERY well, 'independent' means nothing. You could let some nutter into power and we already have enough of those.
  6. I'm amazed you say that Jim. Of course some councils are better run than others and that's not necessarily determined by the 'colour', but to claim that Central Govt. has 'little say in the matter' is just plain wrong and flies in the face of all evidence. Tory Govt.s have cut Council budgets since 2010, by at least 26% by various measures and some figures show that the Direct Grant (i.e. the bit the Govt. pays to Councils over and above what they raise via Council Tax) has fallen by an average 38%. And yet Councils now have more..not fewer, responsibilities imposed on them by Ce
  7. What you are describing there is basically corporal punishment. Punishment by inflicting pain on the victim, whether from a parental 'slap' or more formal use of the 'birch', 'tawse', etc, and yes, norms, views and laws have changed. That said corporal punishment is/was largely a public and accepted form of abuse. What Lizzie, Jill, Cliff-ton etc are alluding to is sexual abuse, which generally occurs out of sight and is more difficult to identify, prove, etc. I don't think it's ever been publicly 'accepted' in the way more routine 'corporal' punishment was, at least no
  8. Never trust an 'Independent', unless they give very clear info on what the do and don't believe in. It's often a way for extremists to gain access.... I too am uinhappy with Labour's vagueness and apparent move to the right, but they are still way preferable to the present mix of crooks and incompetents.
  9. At the next General Election, the good citizens of Notts. will have the opportunity to vote out 8 Conservative MPs, including the crook Jenrick and hateful Anderson. I bet they won't do that either...
  10. Jim, I've said many times on here that I am unimpressed by NCC. I can't comment on NCCs finances, although I'm not sure that the Trams, for e.g., or more accurately the tram finances are the sole fault of NCC, as I understand the Trams are run by some sort of consortium? From my perpective as an 'ex Pat', the only decent thing NCC run is their bus service, which is better than many, by some margin. Their judgement in other areas,, most obvious being the 1960s destruction of the area around the Castle, the Drury Hill fiasco, the disastrous Castle 'refurb', the ruination
  11. Did he try it? Yes, it's sold in are many wines sold at anywhere between about £4 per bottle up to £20+. Just being in a supermarket doesn't make a wine undrinkable. Preconceptions might.... In similar vein, a neighbour of mine steadfastly refused to touch any 'lager', type beer from bottle or draught and always insisted on draught 'bitter', which he thought was 'proper' beer. For some reason, he now drinks stuff like 'Peroni' and other 'continental' beers.. on draught. Still. he caught on eventually....
  12. Well that's me.. a 'run of the mill' boozer.. . As I said, there are better wines, but it's all personal taste at the end of the day. Never used Laithwaites. I did sign up to Virgin Wines 'in extremis' during the pandemic. More expensive and most bottles no better... I've had wines from La Fattoria, the specialist Italian importer.. but again.. rather variable.
  13. Yellow Tail Merlot is my 'basic' red. It's reliably quaffable. It's also apparently part of the 'World's Most Loved' wine brand. Produced in Yenda Australia, by the 6th generation of a family with a suspiciously Italian sounding name. ( Casella) I've no doubt there are 'better' wines out there, but not for the money. Of course there will be detractors, wine snobs etc.. who will 'poo poo' my choice, but that's their problem.
  14. Interesting... After around 60 years of intensive research and experimentation, I have come to the conclusion that I like Red Wine, 'normal' Gin, and Brandy. I also occasionally partake of a pint of Guinness, a quality Lager, or even a good Cider.
  15. Well it's been an 'interesting' few days, punctuated by several migraines in succession. I tend to only get the 'Aura'..or flashing lights.. followed by a 'washed out' feeling..which can last around 24 hours. I rarely get the famous severe headache or nausea. As for wine. I'm not keen on whites. My preference is for a nice Merlot.. as they tend to be smooth and drinkable.
  16. I knew Greasley street well and even worked there for a bit. I don't recall the Brough factory there. Could it have been under a different name?
  17. Not so sure I am Jim. The above admittedly only runs to 2010, but I am pretty sure Central Govt. retains the power to 'cap' Council Taxs and to take over councils it deems 'unfit'. Similarly, I recall some issue fairly recently, where Central Govt 'gave permission' to Local Authorities to raise Council Tax to fund something or other. Can't recall what though.. maybe something to do with Covid? Dunno, but at the time it was widely seen as a 'stealth tax' and yet another case
  18. P.S. It seems to me that both Brough and Vincent motorcycles suffered from the general increase in car ownership. Basically, if you could afford a 'premium' bike like a Brough or Vincent, then you could probably afford a second hand car. As such, the wealthier population switched from 'premium bikes', to cars and bike users generally became younger 'enthusiasts', rather than just users from 'necessity'. I think it might also be the case that as beautifully engineered as the Broughs and Vincents were.. they didn't keep up technologically and couldn't compete with the sales of the likes of
  19. I only ever recall being conscious of the factory on Vernon Rd. It was easily seen due to the company name painted on the roof. I never 'clocked' the Haydn Rd works, but unsurprising as I rarely needed to go along that section between Hucknall Rd and Nottm Rd. Did they ever 'co-exist' or was one a replacement for the other? My Mum worked at one or the other during WW2, though I don't think she lasted long due to being unable to cope with night shifts. She'd be 16 in 1939. I think she said it was 'munitions' work. What she described sounds like 'Turret', or 'Capstan' Lat
  20. Crikey Mick! I've heard of that but never known anyone who actually had one... Another first for the Bestwood Lads! But seriously, I hope you get sorted soon. Col
  21. I'll look again Jim but 46000 is nearly 1000 per week, week in week out.. I got the 3% from a TV prog but don't recall which.
  22. Yes, that's generally true, but the bloke I'm talking about is a Scouser and if I'm not mistaken also 'flipped' between Liver pool and Everton FC's. Although I live yards from possibly the most 'contentious' border in Rugby League.. that between St Helens and Wigan Boroughs.. there are many 'Scousers' here. there's one in my house!!!
  23. Lets, I think there was an element of gentle sarcasm in the opening to your first post on Ms Ali. You opened with: Which I found amusing and took as a reference to this comment which I made in the 'Electric cars..etc' thread, last Thursday. So, you found a 'lefty' stick with which to metaphorically beat me.. It's allowed.. I think between you, me and Jim, we've pretty much exhausted analysis of Ms Ali's activities and we seem to all now agree that what she is up to is somewhere between 'distasteful' and 'disgusting', but not illegal.