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Everything posted by Stan

  1. Stan


    fch782c, I believe the Vulcan will be also based with the others. Funny I have read several comments about the Vulcan taking off anf passingo/head.I thought back to the days at Scampton when a whole Squadron would take off. The most spectacular was 2 by 2 on the runway with the 2nd aircraft only slightly staggered behind the 1st(on the same runway) and the whole squadron scrambling at once. Now that was noise !
  2. Stan


    For Beefy: Vulcan to fly over Goodwood – and on to 2015 The last airworthy Avro Vulcan should continue to fly for two more years.
  3. Some of the roads off Blue Bell Hill were pretty steep (e.g Pym St.etc)
  4. I suppose we could tie this thread in with the new TV series? "It was the latest scene of BBC drama Truckers to be filmed in the area, with other locations including Stonebridge City Farm, in St Ann's, Wollaton Park, and Eastwood. The five-part comedy drama is set in Nottingham and follows the fortunes of a small family trucking firm and was penned by Southwell-raised writer William Ivory."
  5. Well you have had your knowledge expanded (or curtailed) by todays discussion. Hope you don`t think it is a load of b ******s !
  6. So long as Ayup`s goats are after the procedure !
  7. Just a pity the 2 best teams are playing each other in the semi`s (on the 20th when Sri Lanka will take on India)
  8. Yes welcome Bob Loco. Did you enjoy Adelaide? Some wonderful beaches and vinyards.
  9. I assume you are taking the p**s Ayup! "I used to hang around a few minutes and check they urinated after fitting a ring...."
  10. Assume you mean the little boy sheep ,Lizzie M "The little boys also had their 'goolies' sorted out in the same way". Although the other barbaric thing that is used on litttle boys (of the human kind) also totally barbaric. Discuss (as the exam papers used to say!
  11. Thought this may be of interest. Mulesing involves the removal of strips of wool-bearing skin from around the breech (buttocks) of a sheep to prevent flystrike (myiasis). It is a common practice in Australia as a way to reduce the incidence of flystrike, particularly on highly wrinkled Merino sheep. Mulesing is considered by some to be a skilled surgical task though it may be performed by unskilled persons. Mulesing is being phased out in New Zealand. The Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) has pledged to phase out mulesing by 2010,(but it still continues.)
  12. History with a very human and down to earth face .
  13. Thank goodness for the South African connection! Justin Rose - born in South Africa but English since the age of five - has ended England's 17-year wait for a major champion and 43-year wait - England the whole of Britain itself - for a champion at the US Open.
  14. Ah explains a lot. If your kids passed the test to go to the High School,they must have been exceptionally bright, and with the help of a teacher in the family even attending comprehensive school would not have been too much of a hassle. 3 of my best friends and my wife failed the 11 + exam. All went on to have exceptional careers. Only 1 had a father that could send him to public school. I attended the Nottingham Tech for my A levels. Whilst there I met quite a few others who failed 11+.
  15. Not wishing to be personal,Hippo girl (just interested) .Were your 5 the result of x linked or y linked genetics (or both) I know in my case intelligence it seems to have passed through the females !
  16. 3 of my kids are failures as well Hippo girl. None of them got into anything useful like Engineering or Science except the 4th one. !!!!!!!!!!
  17. It's hard to argue then with the thesis of a TV programme, Posh and Posher Why Public Schoolboys Run Britain. It suggests that meritocracy and social mobility are dead in British political life, largely thanks to the collapse of grammar schools, a collapse supported by both Tory and Labour governments. The first post-grammar-school political generation has ended up being a public-school generation. From 1964-97, every British Prime Minister, from Harold Wilson to John Major, was grammar-school educated Lizzie M `s mention of her school made me realise how many Notts grammar schools have be
  18. Which school LizzieM? My sports gear was also from Coop (cost again) not posh places like Redmaynes.! I once went into Redmaynes to ogle the cricket bats and met Reg Simpson. Amazing fact I just read. Reg is still around at 93. Also read he was a pilot in the war in the RAF.Any news on him would be welcome.
  19. Answer >Only sell very expensive gear the rich can afford !!! Seriously though ,where do parents purchase school uniforms in Nottingham?
  20. Same here Lizzie M ,school uniform very expensive,I think there was some way it was paid off weekly! The only thing was the `snobs' knew you bought your uniform from the Coop and not D &P because the gold trimming was like `cord' on the D&P and flat gold ribbon on the Coop version. Ah class distinction again.!
  21. You get an orgasm every time England get beaten? You must be in a state of perpetual bliss,Beefy!.......
  22. I agree those water heaters were/could be pretty lethal. When I was teaching in London I remember we had the two brightest students in the year found dead due to gas leakage from those heaters. Did you also attend `Berridge' Jill?
  23. There you are then ,Beefy Cricket » Vintage Sangakkara ton too good for England