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Everything posted by Stan

  1. Australian Love Poem Of course I love ya darlin You're a bloody top-notch bird And when I say you're gorgeous I mean every single word So ya bum is on the big side I don't mind a bit of flab It means that when I'm ready There's somethin' there to grab So your belly isn't flat no more I tell ya, I don't care So long as when I cuddle ya I can get my arms round there No Sheila who is your age Has nice round perky breasts They just gave in to gravity But I know ya did ya best I'm tellin' ya the truth now I never tell ya lies I think it’s very sexy That you'v
  2. Stan


    Did something similar plus a tour of Egypt and flight to Aswan from Luxor. The reason the boat trip is so cheap is that in January at least it was quite dangerous. Of the 200-300 boats on the Nile only 20 were working. Cannot imagine what the temperature must have been in June .
  3. Now I know why they have hired David Hasselhoff. As you know Mermaids are sometimes associated with perilous events such as floods, storms, shipwrecks and drownings. So it must be to save her.(the Mermaid) The Theatre Royal have announced a star-studded cast for the region's biggest pantomime Peter Pan which runs from 7 December to 12 January. Leading the cast is international star David Hasselhoff as Captain Hook, joining David is in the title role of Peter Pan is the nation's favourite children's tv presenter Barney Harwood, alongside Nottingham born actress Su Pollard as the magical M
  4. Have you read the article in today`s Post? 5 generations on either side of a young couple with there first baby. One of the GREAT Grandmothers is 54years ! Imagine what age her reproductive life commenced at!!!
  5. So to counterbalance the `thugs' how`s about `terrific teachers'? The one I can bring to mind was a man called Phillips at the Nottingham and District Tech. He was a natural. Amazing gift of communication and ability to teach (physics). I think he was head hunted to the High School. There is no doubt that without him I would never have got through.There was some real dross at Mundella ,cannot think of one really good one except Titus Thorpe and he had been `at it ' for 40 years. If one comes to mind later I will add.
  6. [ But he was one of the beast teachers (History) that I ever had. Good pun ,Beefy!
  7. Friday night was with my first girlfriend -as regular as clockwork to the Savoy with Christine and on the otherside as chaperone (for a while) Pam ! Excitement ++ 60 years later I still meet up with Chris and her hubby on my visits to UK.
  8. A car i liked the plate & paint more than the car. ?Owned by an elderly Irish priest
  9. For unique voices,Art Garfunkel (without Paul Simon) and Sarah Brightman.
  10. Trinity square was one and a cholera one was next to the park on bath street. I`m sure there must be many others. The poor of Nottingham lived in apalling conditions in the 18th and 19th centuries.
  11. Nottingham Walks Remember those summer lunch-hours hanging around the banks of the Trent, or those freezing cross-country runs? Relive the memories by joining the "4 Bridges Walk" run by the Nottingham Civic Society.Thursday 13 June 6.30pm. Meet at the front of County Hall, West Bridgford, opposite the Ford dealers. Adults £3, concessions £2, accompanied children free. For more details of this and other walks see website: Stolen from the Mundella web page for info of Nottstalgians.
  12. He was not alone Stephen.Another interesting man was Barton Hart who taught music there. Although he was worshipped at Mundella because of his once yearly concert I have heard from several schoolfriends he was quite an expert with the leather strap as well as subtle forms of brutality. (I think he acquired them at Trent Bridge school ! ) All this was forgotten as he ws a clown and fairly amusing. I often wonder if memories of the 1st world war affected his personality. (In 1915 he went to war, enlisting in the King's 21st Royal Rifle Corps. In 1916 he returned home wounded, but was soon on h
  13. Ordoyno... what terrifying memories that brings up! He was the most horrific thug at Mundella,-taught(?) maths. An ace expert at smashing desk lids down on fingers and heads,...crack shot with the board rubber and other missiles, and an awful temper to boot!
  14. A genuine icon, Rupert Bear has been running in British papers since 1920. I distinctly remember reading a collection of the strips as a youngster and loving the old-time flavor, with the captions outside the pictures (rather than as word balloons). The Golliwog is a bit controversial, but the interesting Wikipedia entry shows Golliwog dolls still on sale and the image still being used on product labels.
  15. Talking of Rupert, during the time my mum went out to work,as all women did during the war,the highlight of the day was collecting the Daily Express from the newsagent on Handl street and sitting at Grans feet whilst she read the daily Rupert episode to me
  16. In St. Anns just after the war toys were almost unheard of. The things that were really popular was marbles in various games, and skimming cigarette cards upto a wall (similar to Nelson`s bouncing canonballs) the nearest card to the wall took the others. Whip and top was the ultimate. There was the sissy type top that the girls had and the boys one that was streamlined and of a T shape. Boy did they fly! (especially when the string on the whip was replaced with leather. My father had just returned from 6 years fighting Hitler and guns were strictly banned. He did however give me his old (e
  17. My son was telling me about : Integrated Solar Panel Roofing Stratco is continuously developing and promoting the latest in solar technologies and environmentally sustainable solutions from around the world. The Stratco Solatop® Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) panel is Australia's first fully integrated building product that will enhance the look of your home or commercial project with its stylish sleek design, whilst reducing future power bills. What do youall think?
  18. Wait until you are my age Lizzie M you will hardly have enough neurons to be able to cope with switching the b****y thing on!.
  19. ...but I heard that you do have it on at least one day a year?
  20. Reminds me of the story (not far back) of the GP in West Bridgford who was in the queue at the local junk food shop ( fish and chips) when there was a fellow customer in the line who had a cardiac arrest ,the GP saved him ,but explained to the press in a very embarrassed way that he only `rarely' came for fish and chips!
  21. The really important thing is to buy a good system We have a German made system and not the Chinese rubbish being pushed by some companies.In the last 6 month period we had a CREDIT of just over $1000. We use a lot of power all day also. Mind, all our hot water comes from a separate system and even in winter ,the water never gets cold.
  22. Back to Broadmarsh: I had a schoolfriend who on arrival at Nottingham Rail station was dismayed at the general state of our main rail port of entry and wrote about it in the `Post' I would make similar comments ,when arriving to Nottingham`s main bus terminus and shopping centre.
  23. ...and Marx: The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again.
  24. As much as I am opposed to communism/socialism,I must admit the thoughts of 2 of their elite really are very profound, as are the thoughts of de Sade. Lenin: Religion is one of the forms of spiritual oppression which everywhere weighs down heavily upon the masses of the people, over burdened by their perpetual work for others, by want and isolation. Impotence of the exploited classes in their struggle against the exploiters just as inevitably gives rise to the belief in a better life after death as impotence of the savage in his battle with nature gives rise to belief in gods, devils, mira