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Everything posted by Stan

  1. Similar to St Alban`s at the junction with Sneinton rd./Carlton rd. (since taken over by an orthodox church-not much difference-unless they also don`t give you a chair like the Russians!)A very angelic little lad named Stan used to sing in the choir there (a very convenient way in those days of getting the kids out of the house on Sunday mornings!)
  2. I suppose Bader would have been more at home flying modern jet aircraft. A large proportion of amputees (50-80%) experience the phenomenon of phantom limbs; they feel body parts that are no longer there. He could have had rubber limbs fitted,they could have been Vulcan...ised! Bye the bye as Hurricanes were mentioned earlier,who was Marmaduke Pattle?
  3. Yep, Snoopy, Albert Ball and the Red Baron all crashed in and after the same encounter/battle. The Red Baron claimed Ball as one of his `kills',but this has been disproved.
  4. What about two famous fighter aces with Nottingham connections? James "Johnnie" Johnson was born at Barrow-upon-Soar, near Melton Mowbray, Leics, in 1915. He was educated at Loughborough College and Nottingham University, where in 1937 he qualified as a civil engineer. He was rejected by the Auxiliary Air Force and the RAF Volunteer Reserve. Johnson, who became a great friend of Douglas Bader, crashed his first Spitfire four days after flying it for the first time. But he dominated the skies from the final days of the Battle of Britain to the end of the war. He had 38 confirmed "kills" and
  5. Reminds me of the song we used to sing at Blue Bell Hill school- "long and thin,covered in skin, red in parts,goes in tarts... " etc etc.
  6. I`m sure the National Union of Gournalists will be writing to you,Beefy,(also letting you know about the latest video games.)
  7. Wonder if a similar song about Forest will ever be sung again. (from `Margo' on the Mundella web page) Can anyone remember joining together to write this poem, when Forest won the FA Cup? I was in 2M, and I can remember 2T and a few older supporters joining in. Happy Days. I can remember RR Stephens keeping me outside his office every lunchtime for a week, threatening me with the cane, because I went to the City Ground in the lunch hour to buy a ticket for the match against Tooting and Mitcham I think it was. The singing had finished, the match had begun; away went the clouds and out c
  8. Reading the above concerning Ericssons Payroll Robbery, the whole thing sounds a bit `phoney' to me,but it does have a slight `ring' of truth.
  9. The only reason they won was that they had a time lord playing for them! New Doctor Who Matt Smith is a former Nottingham Forest footballer, it has been revealed tonight. The actor, who is the eleventh actor and youngest ever to take on the role of the Time Lord, played for the reds at Under 12, 13 and 14 level. He also played for Northampton Town Under 11s and 12s and Leicester City Under 15s and 16s and had ambitions to turn fully professional before a back injury forced him out of the game. Thanks to all who made enquiries,but have had defunct computer,now repaired. To, Bip, Australia
  10. If you had purchased £1000 of Northern Rock shares one year ago it would now be worth £4.95. With HBOS, earlier this week your £1000 would have been worth £16.50 £1000 invested in XL Leisure would now be worth less than £5. But if you bought £1000 worth of Stella Artois Lager one year ago, drank it all, then took the empty cans to an aluminum re-cycling plant, you would get £214. So based on the above statistics the best current investment advice is to drink heavily and re-cycle.
  11. Little wonder then why Canada is no. 1 on the economic ladder(Australia no.4,U.K. 44).
  12. Wonder if this chap ever worked there? Former Mr Gay UK murdered his lover, cooked his flesh and tried to eat it, a court has heard. Anthony Morley, 35, is accused of stabbing Damian Oldfield, 33, in a frenzied knife attack in the bedroom of his Leeds apartment. Mr Morley, a former chef, denies murdering Mr Oldfield. The court heard that after the killing Mr Morley cleaned himself up before cutting out a piece of his victim's leg and seasoning it with herbs, frying it in olive oil and chewing it. DNA tests proved that six pieces of cooked flesh on a chopping board, and another found
  13. Suggest you start looking at .uk. Good luck ! Stan. !clapping!
  14. In 1960,I seem to remember there were concerts/shows in the cafe at the top of the `Tech'(Nottingham and District Technical College) I am probably way out,but I feel sure Simon and Garfunkel came once when they were relatively unknown.(I will be corrected by someoneI`m sure). Across the road was the `Brief Encounter 'coffee bar at which some really famous people appeared in their early careers Cliff Richard among them.
  15. Don`t you reckon they would go `bust' !laughing!
  16. Always thought it was Nottm(Nottingham) Forest and Notts County. !tanning!
  17. Subject: Free Old Time Radio Downloads | OTR | Old Radio Shows Hi Folks...not too sure if I have forwarded this before or not, but it is a great site for finding old favourite radio shows like The Goon Show,Hancocks Half Hour etc. Any episode can be downloaded and saved, or just played on the computer. e.g..couple of pals of mine who are Goon Show fans have both downloaded and kept all 82 episodes of the Goon Show....someone on my contact list sent this to me a while back, forget who Stan
  18. Teenager jailed for refusing to remove hood Thursday, September 25, 2008, 16:00 A TEENAGER has been locked up for seven days by a judge in Nottingham after refusing to remove his hood in court. Shannon Dar, 18, was asked by his own defence team to take the hood off. When he refused to do so Judge Dudley Bennett held him in contempt of court. Dar, whose address was given as the London Road Project in Nottingham, was appearing at the city's crown court to be dealt with for an alleged breach of a court order. It was claimed he was in breach of a suspended sentence imposed for possession of
  19. The hall, which dates back to the Norman Conquest, has 17 bedrooms, ten reception rooms, ten bathrooms, a gym and a cinema. Charles I stayed briefly in 1632. According to legend, a woman dressed in white jumped from a window to her death, while tunnels in the grounds were said to have been used by Satanists. The family moved out of the house in August last year and Mr Rashid found he could not sell it. He then stopped paying the mortgage in January 2008 'as a last resort' so that the bank would eventually repossess, which happened on Thursday.
  20. Now as to the Ghost of Clifton Hall, presumably he/she has lived there for some time,so Mr. Rachid should have known about his guest. I am no lawyer(thank God!) but it seems a poor excuse to get out of a financial problem.Maybe he has to save face with his Asian Brethren. I do not know what his financial situation is(income etc) but if one buys a house for say 10 pounds and due to the downturn it is only worth say 5 pounds and he had no equity in the place(similar to the American situation) the easiest thing to do is just to walk away and leave the bank with the 5 pounds debt. If the bank/
  21. Don`t know how old Clifton Hall is. During the Georgian period there was a tax on windows, which is where the phrase 'daylight robbery' originates. Windows were bricked up to avoid the tax, even in affluent homes, although in such cases these were usually servant’s rooms. Houses from this period with bricked up windows can still be seen today.
  22. I remember in years gone by the Americans were always the first in line for the arrows.`Scuse me must bow out before someone shoots me down...ooohhh I`m all of a quiver! Quiver Parties: Adult Lifestyle Specialists: NewsAustralia's Fastest Growing Adult Party Plan Company - Consultants Needed! - 12k - Cached - Similar pages
  23. Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction. Article