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Everything posted by Stan

  1. Someone has commented that the statue was vandalised months ago,but it has just come to the attention of the NEP, but not the noble Council leaders. Wonder if the Sheriff knows? Robin Hood statue's bow is broken Thursday, September 18, 2008, 08:31 THE bow and arrow on Nottingham's world-famous statue of Robin Hood has been broken. The statue, close to Nottingham Castle, is missing the bottom half of its bow and the arrow has been bent. Paint is peeling from the arrow and the remaining piece of bow, revealing layers of red, black and silver. The figure is a popular photo opportunity for
  2. Come on then chaps and chapesses(or would that not be PC also),you still have DEMOCRACY and the vote. For goodness sake WAKE UP all of you and do something before Britain is completely over- taken,and the right to change things peacefully is lost.
  3. In his new book "The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google," computer industry writer and former executive editor of the Harvard Business Review Nicholas G. Carr discusses the changes he sees in the future of computing. One of the more dramatic changes is a shift to cloud computing -- where applications and files are stored on a large, centralized supercomputer or network. The end user accesses his or her files using computers that are more streamlined but less sophisticated than today's typical machines. !secret!
  4. Hi Loppylugs, The retention and storeage of personal info by these huge facilities is a major concern.Apparently due to the cost of recruiting and maintaining I.T. staff,vast `Cloud'(I think that is the correct term) facilities are being established. They store everything(and I mean everything) about you including banking details etc.Big Brother is well and truly here.
  5. I hear Rambo is to join the RAF. The surprise decision, announced by Clarence House yesterday, was made by the Prince after he was told he would never be sent to Afghanistan with the Household Cavalry, unlike his brother Prince Harry. He will begin an 18-month training course in January around the British coastline. When his training is completed he will be attached to the unit for a minimum 30-month period which means he will be at least 31 before he will even consider returning to civilian life.
  6. They probably will with their BL88DY cameras. George O. is spinning in his grave. Anger as car journey data stored © Press Association 2008 Civil liberties campaigners have expressed alarm that millions of car journeys are to be stored on a national database for five years. Already some 10 million journeys a day are being recorded using automatic number plate recognition (ANPR), but this is set to rise to 50 million. It will be collated at a new National ANPR Data Centre in Hendon, north London, for use by police.
  7. Just wait until we have Charles 111rd. We will never know which planet he and Queen Camiknickers are on! Roll on the Republic. Reg Iside.
  8. Sorry, omitted was the above destined for Firbeck.
  9. Try again.My last effort vanished into the ether. I used to deliver groceries to Firbeck estatefrom the Co-op. The only family I remember was the Smiths, mainly because they had a very pretty daughter called Anne. At Bilborough you may have known Daphne Place,Graham Brandon and his girlfriend ,Judith? Also Kennedy. You may have known Keith Hardy as your brother was at Mundella,-a very fine cricketer.
  10. C of E,Beefy? Cing of England?
  11. Did not realise he was one of the chosen people. If he is then sincere apologies to Beefy.
  12. Sorry, Caz, it was meant to be a pun(thimk abarht it)
  13. Wonderful that you can remember that Firbeck ... GROAN!!!!
  14. Lucky you did not take a nap on the Synagogue steps you could have awoken with a heavy "dew" on you! !cheers! Are you deliberately trying your hardest to upset beefy? Bip.
  15. As you seem to know just about everyone in Nottingham,what about Pete Coffey and John Hardy? Iwent on a few occasions to the Locarno in 1960 and came across Pete and his gang at the lunchtime session.What a mob of thugs! He must have just been released from Jail after his part in the 1958 Race Riots. Pete had the most amazing brain,he could have been anything he wanted,just seemed to run off the rails. Did you also know the singer with the gammy leg who appeared with the band at the Palais and also the Locarno? Can`t remember his name but he lived on the next road at Bilborough.
  16. How fortunate! Wheel of Fortune by chance? !inthebin!
  17. All parking tickets invalid without two dates? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- According to this site, the High Court have now ruled that all PCN parking tickets run by the Council must have two dates on them, a date of issue and also a date of contravention otherwise the ticket is invalid. Now a precedent has been set I would have thought this would have made headline news but I've not seen any mention of this recent ruling in the press? Anyone know where I can read the decision in full as I have such a
  18. Here`s a typical serving wench in one,Beefy.
  19. I read somewhere that the P.C. lot had made things so difficult with red tape and rules,that people were just giving up and walking away. Once the pub,the church,and the village hall were the centre of British way of life,now its the Mosque,the Jail,and the pawnbrokers` shops! To think my father and his mates sacrificed 6 years of life and more for Britain as it is today! British pubs have closed at the rate of five a day during the first half of this year, according to new figures. Closures have accelerated to 36 a week, up 33% from the 27 closures a week during 2007, the British Beer an
  20. Murray is aiming to become the first British man to win a Grand Slam singles title since Fred Perry won the US Open in 1936. !clapping!
  21. LATEST: Andy Murray beats Rafael Nadal and goes into the final of the US Tennis open.
  22. Doesn`t he play for `Team GB' !laughing! (Apologies to Beefy!)
  23. Anyone willing to make any guesses as to this event and its outcome? Murray returns today with a two-set lead over the world No 1 and sunshine forecast. The climate in Murray’s world is changing. He assumes his highest world ranking, fourth, whatever happens when battle resumes with the muscles from Majorca. Victory would see him into his first Grand Slam final. More than that it would announce him as serious player in men’s tennis.
  24. I`m afraid my elder daughter is a `Dinky',Rog. Is she the one you are thinking of? (DINKY is occasionally used (in the UK, India, and China) to describe a high-earning couple who choose not to have children and are therefore able to afford a more expensive consumer lifestyle than those with families. The term was coined during the 1980s, at the height of "yuppie" culture. The post-2000 economic crises have made this social pattern more permanent) As to corgis ,they are viscious little brutes,but this one came unstuck! . Princess Anne's bull terrier is to undergo behavioral training after sa
  25. You could try this for accom. - The Self Catering accommodation directory.