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Everything posted by Stan

  1. If you can make it 1st w/e October ,how about a 700+ year old fair? What about an old oak in what remains of an ancient forest?
  2. Why not ~TEAM G.B. Beefy? !laughing!
  3. "One of the biggest mistakes the idiots in the planning department made was knocking down the old Wilford rail bridge, it would have made the perfect road bridge over the Trent to access the city and relieve traffic congestion, the planners can't say they didn't expect the volume of traffic back then because there was still chaos on the roads in the rush hour, all our heritage has either been given away by the chicken livered politically correct or it's been destroyed by some stupid planner with the forsight of a fish" What about the Beeching era? 1963: The end of the line Richard Beeching'
  4. British Airways ice in fuel report triggers urgent review of air safety An urgent review of air safety has been ordered after investigators found that ice blocking the fuel supply caused a British Airways passenger jet to crash land at Heathrow. By David Millward, Transport Editor Last Updated: 7:46AM BST 05 Sep 2008 The Air Accidents Investigation Branch warned that "immediate action" must be taken out to assess whether the problem which caused the Boeing 777 accident could affect other aircraft. It also demanded that Boeing put in place new safety measures to ensure that planes trave
  5. Machin, that name rings a bell! I was in the same year as a very smooth bloke called Machin,in 1960. Quite a hit with the ladies. Used to drive a very flash car,think his first name wasTony. Any of you know him or his present location? (or if he was of the same family).
  6. I remember going to see Tommy Steele in the mid 50`s and seeing the hordes of young women at the stage door fighting for his attentions! Did you know he personally escorted Elvis around London in the late 50`s although apart from a refuelling stop he(Elvis) was supposed never to have set foot in GB. Also saw Anthony Newley and his 2 shows have remained firmly in my memory.
  7. Sun,what sun? we are still talking about England? !laughing!
  8. Amazing how one`s memory plays tricks! Chu Chin Chow was of course based on the Ali Baba story.
  9. I too had many happy memories of the Empire in the 50`s. I may be wrong,but in the early 50`s I paid 6d for a seat in the`gods'. Many fine acts before TV destroyed live shows. Saw Rosemary there(Rosemary Clooney (May 23, 1928 – June 29, 2002) was an American singer and actress. She was most popular singing traditional pop music in the 1940s and 1950s with songs like "Come On-a My House". She was the mother of actor Miguel Ferrer, aunt of actor George Clooney, and the sister to former television personality Nick Clooney.) However my favourite theatre was next door.(The Royal). Remember being
  10. Strange isn`t it how memory can be `jogged` I was driving down a motorway in Germany in early 1960`s when overtaken by one of the Dauphines. On returning to the inside lane the car just `took off' did several mid-air turns and landed upright at the side of the road. My mate had his camera out at the time and we have some amazing pictures,I must look them out now I have been reminded.
  11. Using that comparison,Beefy,you would have to split England into Counties. (e.g. South Australia and Nottinghamshire have about the same population). I hardly think presenting the facts constitutes `sore losers'. Have a Minty boys and look forward to the Ashes.
  12. I suppose when your England team is too weak to stand alone you have to be team GB! Take away the following and you will see where England lies in the table,BENEATH Australia. WICK, GLAMORGAN: Nicole Cooke, cycling - road race Cooke was born in Swansea and is now based largely in Switzerland, but she grew up in the village of Wick. WELSH bu tbasedin Switzerland. EDINBURGH: Chris Hoy, cycling - men's team sprint, men's sprint and men's keirin 3 Golds. Scotland's most successful Olympian Chris Hoy is a native of capital city Edinburgh and his first bike was a BMX bought in a jumble
  13. So what did `team GB' comprise ,Bazza?
  14. Careful you are not foiled again! !raise!
  15. Too right,Beefy, -but our lady of colour had a heritage in Australia going back 40,000 years!
  16. "Or maybe it proves your black population is up there with the best." Christine Ohurougo.. James Degale....boxer ...
  17. Yer reaaly got me this time ,Beefy. Without putting to fine a point on it,and keeping to the `cutting edge' of comment,did you mean `foible'. (1 : the part of a sword or foil blade between the middle and point ,or perhaps,. 2 : a minor flaw or shortcoming in character or behavior) Or maybe you meant that you were `fallible'?(1 : liable to be erroneous <a fallible generalization> 2 : capable of making a mistake ),which would certainly be the case in suggesting" that we finished way above Australia"if the following table is to be believed.(One medal difference `way above'?) From what
  18. If any of you ever come to live in Australia,Melbourne is the place to avoid like the plague! I have never encountered so many racist bigots .They hate pommies with a vengeance. Now Adelaide,-that is a city not founded by pommie convicts and is just the opposite. Its really strange how much underlying dislike there is between Victorians andSouth Australians.(bit like the north south divide in the UK only a thousand times worse. Melbourne is a Georgian market town (population 5,000) in South Derbyshire, England. It is about eight miles south of Derby and two miles from the River Trent.[1] I
  19. There are a couple of photos of `how it was done' on the picture the past web site.(think it was Gordon Rd.) In a couple of roads in Melbourne and Adelaide are streets lined with `bluestone blocks' about 12 inches square. I think I heard somewhere that these were used as ballast in the old ships that came out here.
  20. Or you may prefer the Australian Table. Medal talliesGold|Silver|Bronze1stChina3113 1256Total2ndUnited States1920 2463Total3rdGreat Britain116 724Total4thGermany96 621Total5thAustralia8101129Total
  21. I guess the Australian men did not do as well as the women,but the GB team have a much better T&F team so should pull ahead. G S B Total. 1 United States 19 20 24 63 2 China 31 13 11 55 3 Australia 8 10 11 29 4 Russia 6 10 10 26 5 France 4 9 12 25 6 Britain 11 6 7 24 Depends as to total medal count(as per USA) or gold medal count. Either way the Chinese are looking like winners.
  22. I think they should get rid of all those scanty panty women,and indeed ALL women from the games. Lets go back to the days of all male nude wrestlers and runners etc.That would eliminate all the problems!!! !laughing!
  23. Up there also,Rob,would be Nurmi. It took Finalnd's Paavo Nurmi, probably the greatest middle distance running talent of all time three Olympics to amass his nine gold medals at events ranging from 1500m to 10,000m on the track and cross country. He also took a silver in the steeplechase. Which is about as it should be.
  24. I think this explains it fairly well.Mick. By goading Saakashvili into war, Russia knew that Georgia's Nato ambitions would be scuppered. European members had opposed an American push to fast-track Georgia's membership precisely because of the unresolved issues of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. For a long time he showed restraint, despite his own instincts and the advice of his administration's hawks, in dealing with his two renegade regions in the face of intense provocation from Russia. Moscow not only funded and probably armed the rebels in both Abkhazia and South Ossetia; it also persuaded