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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. I once dropped a 10p coin in the pub & it rolled under the bench seat.......................I went to retrieve it & came up with about a quid in bits.(cleaners? can't get the staff these days ) I worked (joke shop placement) for a short time in a place that recycled furniture, & each time we had a sofa come in I would look behind/under the cushions: surprising how much I "found"
  2. That's a good idea (the pencils) I must try that some time..........I have a bus pass all I need is an old beret (can get an old army cap badge off the market)
  3. Just a note the "Catholics" were given a different bible.
  4. At one time I could remember some of the hymns by their numbers! No 277 When the knight won his spurs?
  5. I was at school in the early 60s (Gedling Secondary Modern) And at that time every pupil on starting secondary school was given a Bible & Hymn book When we left we had to give the hymn book back the bible we were allowed to keep.
  6. The J.Ws usually run when I answer the door. :)
  7. Found this book in the "City Information Shop" Looked very good I will get a copy later. http://theworksofwatsonfothergill.weebly.com/uploads/5/5/5/1/5551715/5886510.jpg
  8. Takes up two parking spaces (on street parking) We(my wife) have a "T" reg Peugeot 106 it's not been cleaned or been through a car was for about three years. & cleaned twice in the last ten.
  9. I have a map of a proposed "Central" station. dated 1881 in a book Rail centres vol 18(page 45) it ran East /West and would have run along Parliament Street (Market Street to Heathcote street) Publish by Book Law.
  10. I rang our council about some Japanese Knotweed a couple of years ago it was growing on the canal bank. It was dealt with very promptly.
  11. Japanese Knotweed will grow through concrete.
  12. He'll have to be kept in solitary( for his own good ) I wonder how long he will last? It looks like he's been "trouble" for most of his life.
  13. Couch Grass Dock Leaves. Stinging Nettles. Chick Weed
  14. Could it have been measuring the mileage of a new bus route?
  15. Who am I confusing BHS with then? What was on the opposite side of Lister Gate to Woolies/BHS ?
  16. The first "A" reg cars were in August 1963(I think) so with the three letters,three numbers & the "A" you would have your seven digits.
  17. Looking at the cars. Mid to late 1960s?
  18. There was a lot of houses built in the Wollaton Avenue Area in the late 50s I can remember the Shelford Road area being open fields. Lascelles Avenue ended at the junction of Rufford Avenue beyond that there were orchards(bottom of "Donkey Hill") & open fields all the way to Arnold Lane.
  19. Did Christine Lang have a brother called Ian? Did Robert Lambert have a brother called Michael?